• Stop Police Violence
    Please sign this petition which will be sent to President Obama, Congress, as well as state and local committees asking them to publicly address the issue of police brutality towards citizens. This is a huge problem that must be stopped now! As citizens participating in Occupy movements all over the country practice their right to peacefully assemble and act in Civil Disobedience they are pepper sprayed, shot at with rubber bullets and bean bags, beaten, and treated violently in many other ways. We call on the president, congress, state and local committees to deal with this matter and hold officers who abuse citizens accountable for their criminal actions towards civilians.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Murphy
    U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech, voting rights, and guarantee of right to control copying. Right to control copy has been trampled by Pirate Internet. Do the Right thing. Support Creative Rights, not mega-rich-tech-corporations online not paying.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Bean
    Logan was removed from his aunt's home in August, 2010. Rather than being taken to his mother (who was not involved in his removal from the aunt's home in any way), he was placed in 4 different shelters in a 10 month period, changed schools 4 times within a year & was placed in a treatment center for counseling for 4 months. After 10 months, He was finally allowed to return to his mother's home by CPS. Two months later the judge in Harris County's Family Court, Lisa Millard, was outraged that CPS took this action without her approval. SHE ORDERED LOGAN REMOVED from his home & placed in a Residential Treatment Center (RTC) immediately. The RTC is 150 miles from his home. He is only allowed visits from his parents once a month for two hours. Most children become young adults before they are released (2-3 YEARS LATER). Since Logan was placed in the RTC, he has lost all hope, confidence, and self-esteem for himself & trust in authority figures. His parents have been fighting to have him released to their custody. All of the attorneys, counselors & case workers agree that he needs to be returned to his home. However, JUDGE MILLARD doesn't. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO BRING LOGAN HOME. HE NEEDS YOUR HELP.
    175 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Page
  • Tim Wilson, Support in Numbers
    Tim WIlson has been in a jail cell in Japan for 3 months with little contacts to the outside world, no contact with his family. He faces a potential sentence of 10 years for importing a small amount of edibles containing marijuana. A package he never received. His charges are unjustified and his trial date has repeatedly pushed back. They transferred him to a prison without informing the family. He sits in a prison cell though he has not been convicted. He needs support of the community and the world to bring his story to light.
    747 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Wilson
  • President Obama: Order Justice Department to Investigate Police Brutality against Occupy Protesters
    In the history of nonviolent protest in the united states, the federal government has often had to step in to protect the civil rights from the excesses of local police. We are calling on the White House to investigate and determine whether federal laws are being violated by local law enforcement authorities in their brutality against citizens exercising their right to peaceably assemble and protest.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by RAY H ONEAL JR
  • Trinity Church: Offer Sanctuary to Occupy Wall Street
    After being evicted from Zuccotti Park in a pre-dawn raid, many people from Occupy Wall Street relocated to property owned by Trinity Wall Street Episcopal Church -- a progressive church with a rich history of social activism. But instead of the occupiers finding sanctuary on church property, they were arrested by the New York Police. The Bloomberg administration is clearly determined to put an end to Occupy Wall Street's peaceful witness against economic injustice. It's time for Christians to stand with the 99% -- not merely in words, but in action. Join us in asking Trinity Wall Street to do the right thing and offer sanctuary to Occupy Wall Street. (If you are an Episcopalian, please indicate your parish in the comments, so Trinity can see that many within their own tradition are asking for their support.)
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by #occupychurch
  • Make Children Priority One
    Our country does not prioritize children (0 - 18) and we are declining because of it. We are destroying the future of our country. We are destroying generations of children by not prioritizing their needs as whole human beings who are the future of our country. Everyday children are socially, emotionally, educationally, and physically beaten down by adults in their life who were beaten down also. When are we going to stop the cycle and help every child in our nation reach their full potential. We talk about it all the time, but that is not where the money and services go. And all the brain research support this. Wake up America!
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Tyler Murray
  • Stop Police Violence and Genocide in our Community
    The Petition's focus is the Violence and Brutality visited on Hispanic and African American's by Police Officers. In California, the Police are protected by the Police Officers Bill of Rights. There are no rights afforded the victims, most of whom die at the hands of Police Officers. This Petition calls on our elected officials to intervene on behalf of the Murdered victims of Police Actions and those who are at risk of being murdered.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anita Wills
  • Take Georgia Back
    The Department of Justice is currently reviewing the proposed redistricting maps. However, Georgians need to make their voices heard in Washington and here in Georgia. Stop the GOP attack on the Voting Rights Act and share your concerns with DOJ.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stacey Abrams
  • Faith Leaders Urge Mayor & Council to Support Occupy Oakland Camp
    The City of Oakland seems poised to remove the Occupy Oakland encampment at any moment. Support by clergy and religious leaders to prevent an eviction is critical at this moment. Please sign this Statement to help persuade City Council and Mayor Quan that this encampment is a profoundly symbolic and vital part of the Occupy Wall Street movement which seeks to expose the suffering of millions of Americans and restore justice in our economy. We believe Oakland should be a model city by showing the world just how local governments can work together with the encampment to realize the dreams and aspirations of the 99% and make the city work for the 100%
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristi Laughlin
  • Support Occupy Tampa in Kiley Gardens!
    We ask that you allow Occupy Tampa their First Amendement Right to protest wherever and whenever they want rather than going by codes and permits. No police interference unless riots break out. We ask that the Tampa City Council and Mayor Bob Buckhorn support Occupy Tampa by giving them access to Kiley Gardens as a space to gather and assemble and promote public dialogue on issues that affect us all.
    323 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Rubright
  • Support Occupy Tampa in Kiley Gardens!
    We ask that you allow Occupy Tampa their First Amendement Right to protest wherever and whenever they want rather than going by codes and permits. No police interference unless riots break out. We ask that the Tampa City Council and Mayor Bob Buckhorn support Occupy Tampa by giving them access to Kiley Gardens as a space to gather and assemble and promote public dialogue on issues that affect us all.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Becky Rubright