• Alabama Constitutional Reform
    Alabama's outdated and hurtful constitution, written in 1901 to disenfranchise African Americans and poor white people, is one of the major roadblocks to equal justice and true reform in Alabama. It is the longest constitution in the world with over 800 amendments and still holds racist language and gives tremendous power to a small handful of people in Montgomery. Alabama voters deserve the right to vote for real reform through a constitutional convention. Until that happens, the most serious issues in our constitution remain off limits to reform.
    1,932 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Callie Greer
  • Rewrite the National Defense Authorization Act to PROTECT American Citizens!
    The United States government has gone way too far this time. It has passed legislation, which Obama failed to veto, that allows American citizens, both domestic and abroad, to be detained indefinitely, without trial, if they are accused (only accused) of being involved in terrorist activity. The words "terrorist" and "terrorism" have been thrown around far too easily in the past ten years. Regardless of the crime a person is accused of, they have the constitutional right to due process. This is a cornerstone of the freedom our government claims to value. The NDAA is worded in a manner just vague enough to promote confusion. It gives the government far too much power over the very citizens that define the country as a whole, and it fails to serve or protect the American people. Indefinite detention without trial of ANYONE, let alone United States Citizens, is obviously unconstitutional and un-American. This activity directly goes against the fifth and sixth amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America. What could be more unpatriotic than a government stripping basic civil rights from its own citizens? Has due process become too inconvenient for the United States Government? Please see this link for more information about the indefinite detention of American citizens allowed by the newly passed National Defense Authorization Act: http://www.salon.com/2011/12/16/three_myths_about_the_detention_bill/
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Jones
  • Support the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011
    There seems to be hope still … Although the President failed to show some backbone in vetoing the NDAA legislation!! Mark Udall, a member of the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence committees has joined Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein and a bipartisan group of his colleagues in introducing the Due Process Guarantee Act of 2011, to clarify that American citizens apprehended inside the United States cannot be indefinitely detained by the military. http://www.berthoudrecorder.com/2011/12/16/udall-co-sponsors-bipartisan-bill-to-prohibit-indefinite-detention-of-americans-without-trial-or-charge/ To read more on this issue go to this blog: http://cyclicantidotes.blogspot.com/ Contact your Senator: http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm
    274 of 300 Signatures
    Created by June
  • Lowe's vs Florida Fundamentalists
    bigotry, fear, racism, hate, stupidity
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by janet moore
  • Stop The Curruption In NC
    I Purchased This Home Brand New But because Of The Buiders Political And powerfull Friend And family I Got No Where Just Waisted Time And Money Please See Video on YouTube.com RnFKBGYHHjY This Is A Disgrace And Every One In Office Just Turns There Head This Home Could sink It Happens All the Time In NC You Can See The Weathered Materials Used To Build This home That It happend befor The Home Was Built 30 Days To Appeal is not Enough Time When You Your Self The Consumer Can Not File Anything With Out A Lawer And None Will Take The Case So Its Just Dimissed From Court This Was A Dilberate Willfull Act No One Should have To Live In This Condition But Because I Am The Only One They Turn There Back I Flood Every Time It Rains But This Is Not A FLOOD ZONE I Hope My Story Gets Out Thank You For You Time Magda
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Magda Flanagan
  • Stop the Signing of the National Defense Authorization Act
    The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, if signed into law, will signal the death knell of our constitutional republic and the formal inception of a legalized police state in the United States. Passed by the House on May 26, 2011 (HR 1540), the Senate version (S. 1867) was passed on Dec. 1, 2011. Now only one man -- Barack Obama, a scholar of constitutional law -- will make the decision as to whether the Bill of Rights he went to Harvard to study will be superceded by a law that abrogates it. Find your representa­tive and call them: http://www.house.gov/representatives/ Contact Your Representa­tive - Switchboar­d operator: 1-(202)-22­4-3121 Be Polite to Staffers who take your call.
    127 of 200 Signatures
    Created by June
  • Legalize Same-Sex Marriage in Colorado
    In Colorado, two men who have loved each other for the past 30 years cannot get married. Two women who have shared everything with each other for the past 25 years can't even visit in the emergency room, because they are not considered family. Yet a man and a woman who have known each other for a few hours can go and get married at any time. Is this fair? Not at all! Colorado Legislature, legalize same-sex marriage and give the same rights to everybody.
    9,527 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Hazel Seremet
  • Stop discrimination Auburn: Grant Tenure to this Highly Deserving Woman Professor of Color
    Greetings, This petition is about treating every human being equally and fairly. Prejudice has no place in our society. I am appalled and dismayed at the lack of impartiality and justice for the tenure of this color Professor. This is about a Woman Professor of color who has been denied tenure although her credentials are far superior to the faculty members who were granted tenure in last several years in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Auburn University.  I did some investigation myself and found out that this professor is the only faculty member in her Department to receive prestigious “Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)” award from the President of USA. Please read the news at- http://clinton6.nara.gov/2000/04/2000-04-11-president-clinton-honors-outstanding-young-scientists.html http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-79276514.html How many PECASE awardees are there at AU? She has published closed to a dozen peer reviewed scientific articles in various science journals between 2005 and 2011 during her time at Auburn. Federal Government funding agencies who have funded her research work are National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF) and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).  How many professors do you have at Auburn University with funding from three major Federal Agencies such as NIH, NSF and USDA at the same time?  She is also a very sincere and a good teacher as rated by her students as well as by her peers. Why then has she been denied tenure?  How could you deny her tenure?  Is there a word called “shame” in Auburn’s dictionary? This is absolutely unjust. Do we want excellent scientists and teachers for our children or not?  Is it still 18th century for Auburn? Are we back to East Alabama Male College? It is hard to believe that discrimination is still continuing at Auburn University in this century.  She is the first color person to be hired on a tenure-track position in 2005 and the first color person to go up for tenure in that Department. What a shame! This is a public University. It does not belong to some prejudiced, self serving people and administrators. Auburn University gets a share of our tax money.  We have as much say as those few self-serving, prejudiced, ignorant, arrogant and intolerant folks who unfortunately could not keep up with the times. They are still in the 18th century.   Wake up, Auburn. Stop discrimination and injustice.  Embrace diversity.  Is Auburn University a public institution of higher learning?  Auburn, what are you teaching our children?  Please do not make us all feel ashamed of you. This Professor has my full support. I call on Auburn University to be champion on embracing diversity and justice by granting tenure to this Professor. It is a shame that this is happening when President Obama is our President. Thank you all for your time and I request your support for this petition and to stop this injustice, intolerance and discrimination.. Jean T. Baker
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jean t. baker
  • Lowes Bigotry
    Lowes pulled its add from the show All-American Muslims proving to be un-American and bigot
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Delwara chowdhury
  • Veto the National Defense Authorization Act
    We need to urge the President to VETO the NDAA-National Defense Authorization Act which authorizes indefinite detention of civilians, including Americans, without charge or trial anywhere in the world The Senate passed this 93-7 and the House passed a version authorizing worldwide war as well as indefinite detention worldwide. This is such an affront to civil rights and our democracy that we need to stop it now.
    417 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Clare Rosenfield
  • Stop bigoted attacks on TLC's "All-American Muslim"
    "All-American Muslim," a reality TV show about the lives of mainstream Muslim Americans, premiered in November on The Learning Channel to critical acclaim and a record 1.7 million viewers. The show portrays five American Muslim families in Dearborn, Michigan and shows the shared values of Americans of all faiths—whether they be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, or Buddhist. Yet no sooner had the show premiered than anti-Islam hate-mongers called on the TLC's advertisers to pull their commercials in an attempt to strangle the show off of the air. One advertiser has already caved—Lowe's, the big box home improvement store.
    860 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sami Elmansoury
  • Protect the Voting Rights of Egyptians Abroad!
    We are expressing our strong opposition to the disenfranchisement of Egyptian voters abroad in the lead-up to the parliamentary vote on Monday, November 28. In response to a lawsuit filed by Egyptians abroad, the Egyptian Administrative Court ruled on October 25, 2011 that Egyptian citizens living overseas have the right to vote in parliamentary elections. The court’s decision affirmed the basic civil right of Egyptians abroad to participate in Egyptian electoral politics as full and equal members of Egyptian society. It was a first for Egypt’s 7 to 10 million Egyptian citizens living abroad, and winning this right was a key demand of protesters in Tahrir.
    78 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Egyptian Community in USA