• Samburu indigeneous people losing Millions
    Stop cultural and economic exploitation of the Samburu people. Injustices and corruption as to stop. Tourism as to respect the local indigeneous cultures
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mavan Lesanjir
  • Protect college students' right to vote
    State governments passed many laws in 2011 designed to suppress the voting rights of college students, African Americans and Hispanic Americans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann West
  • Stop CPS from legally stealing children
    Child protective services has over stepped their bounds and are padding their numbers to make it look like they are needed, by lying about the amount of abuse cases. Child protective services break so many constitutional laws and laws written to back the constitution just to steal our children and break up families. Children are being ripped away from loving families because people claim their abuse, without proof, and Child protective services without due process take children from their homes. When A crime has supposedly been committed it should be left up to the police department to investigate, and give parents their due process. There is no need for child protective services to existence, especially when our founding fathers were against such governments in the first place. They make laws which somehow has ignored what the constitution says, we reserve our rights of not being harassed and be accused of a crime in which they fabricate. They court system they use is a kangaroo court with no real justice, and they use threats and intimidation to kidnap children from loving homes, merely because they can, it has to stop. They aren't suppose to exist, they do not protect children once they get them they put them in hellish foster homes, with people who only care about the money they get for each child taken. When a parent stands up for their rights they fight back with fabricated evidence to take their children away. There so much corruption that it is in our power to abolish a government when has become corrupted. Now here is your chance to tell congress to abolish a government that is corrupted. Better laws need to be in place so that the small percentage of children being abused is protected. But a branch of government call child protective services needs to go, they don’t look out for the best interest of the children, they look out for their best interest of themselves. they put people in their pockets by paying them off in order to get what they want. us the people NEED to make a stand against CPS and the courts stealing our children to better THERE financial status, and by there I mean the people who work of CPS/DHS and the probate court. When CPS was originally formed, it was supposed to PROTECT the children who were being abused, that they could prove abuse in the home, and to HELP families stay together. But now the CPS and probate court are looking at dollar signs, And in the process there are hundreds of thousands of families who have to suffer the emotional and mental distraction of CPS tearing apart their family. CPS and the courts (in emmet co. that i know of for sure) in their pockets right along with a lot of the lawyers. The lawyers up here in Northern Michigan told us we have a case to get our children back. BUT Yet NOT 1 of them will go after the county, BECAUSE they will tell u straight out, because they have to work and live in Emmet county, and they know that the county will intimidate them until they moved just because they went up against them. How are you supposed to get ANY justice and help with protecting and fighting for the rights for your 4th amendment when no one will even help, because they are too scared to go up against the county. The news media won’t either because they are afraid of our county. Where is the justice???? Freedom of the press and freedom and speech?. All that Emmet County is showing is that they can do what they want because they pay everyone off or scare them. How long are we going to allow them to do this?
    2,582 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Heather Rose
  • Pass A conceal & carry law in illinois
    Crimes are getting worst, more people getting robbed & killed. We should be able to protect ourselfs from the criminals out there.
    862 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Josh Salser
  • Indefinite Detention of Citizens without due process.
    President Obama signed a defense spending bill that provides for indefinite military detention of anyone suspected of terrorism, including American citizens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dozier Hunter
  • Stop Ageism in Hollywood
    To get IMDB to stop posting ages of actors/actresses as it hinders their careers, and ability to get jobs
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jane
  • Call for day of tolerance
    We urge the Government of Pakistan through this petition to officially declare January 4 as National Day of Tolerance, or yaum-e-bardasht and make concrete changes to school curriculum to promote tolerance.
    1,018 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sana Saleem
  • State of Kansas' Dept. of Wildlife and Parks anti-seniors agenda
    Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism is wanting to balance their budget on the back of senior citizens. If they can convince the legislature and Governor Sam Brownback, beginning in July of 2012 senior citizens will no longer get reduced rates at State parks. Those 65 and older will no longer be exempt from purchasing fishing and hunting permits starting in 2013. Let us send a message to the Governor and legislature that we don't agree with this method of increasing licenses sold by removing a benefit of longevity.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Brennan
  • Remove Special Interest Money and Lobbyists From Politics
    Our elected officials are working for the interests of the big money donors not the American public. This is far from a Democracy. Rule by the people for the people has been disrupted and corrupted by all of the special interest money.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Corporations ARE NOT people!
    The decision the Supreme Court made allowing corporations to have more rights than individual people concerning the amount of political donations is is hurting the political process. This decision needs to be reversed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Gayhart
  • Service animals and AA Clubs.
    I'm refused to AA meetings in a building that doesn't allow animals. (dogs especially) I've been an upstanding member of "The A Club" on Missouri St, New Port Richey. I'm hearing impaired and am by law, both Florida Statutes and ADA. We passed our AKC Good Citizen Award, and are learning signal and allert. I want to at least contiue going to AA meetings there, I don't need to be a member of the bootleg cult that rents AA there meetings.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Conroy
    Many public services (e.g. postal services) are housed in buildings without power-assisted doors, making it difficult and demeaning for wheelchair users, frail elderly and others to get in. A Concurrent Resolution now in the 112th Congress will help. Tell your Representative to support: H. CON. RES 91 Tell your Senators to support: S. CON.RES. 33
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Elling