• Call for day of tolerance
    We urge the Government of Pakistan through this petition to officially declare January 4 as National Day of Tolerance, or yaum-e-bardasht and make concrete changes to school curriculum to promote tolerance.
    1,018 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sana Saleem
  • State of Kansas' Dept. of Wildlife and Parks anti-seniors agenda
    Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism is wanting to balance their budget on the back of senior citizens. If they can convince the legislature and Governor Sam Brownback, beginning in July of 2012 senior citizens will no longer get reduced rates at State parks. Those 65 and older will no longer be exempt from purchasing fishing and hunting permits starting in 2013. Let us send a message to the Governor and legislature that we don't agree with this method of increasing licenses sold by removing a benefit of longevity.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Brennan
  • Remove Special Interest Money and Lobbyists From Politics
    Our elected officials are working for the interests of the big money donors not the American public. This is far from a Democracy. Rule by the people for the people has been disrupted and corrupted by all of the special interest money.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Buckley
  • Corporations ARE NOT people!
    The decision the Supreme Court made allowing corporations to have more rights than individual people concerning the amount of political donations is is hurting the political process. This decision needs to be reversed.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Gayhart
  • Service animals and AA Clubs.
    I'm refused to AA meetings in a building that doesn't allow animals. (dogs especially) I've been an upstanding member of "The A Club" on Missouri St, New Port Richey. I'm hearing impaired and am by law, both Florida Statutes and ADA. We passed our AKC Good Citizen Award, and are learning signal and allert. I want to at least contiue going to AA meetings there, I don't need to be a member of the bootleg cult that rents AA there meetings.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Conroy
    Many public services (e.g. postal services) are housed in buildings without power-assisted doors, making it difficult and demeaning for wheelchair users, frail elderly and others to get in. A Concurrent Resolution now in the 112th Congress will help. Tell your Representative to support: H. CON. RES 91 Tell your Senators to support: S. CON.RES. 33
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Elling
  • Occupy Islam
    Anti-Muslim sentiment has been on the rise, let's put an end to the mosque protests and the irrational anti-shariah scare that does nothing except incite fear among people. We are Muslims standing up to radicalism. Help us send this petition to Congress and tell them to stop the anti-Muslim madness. Help us collect signatures and present this petition to Congress. Peter King will be getting the first copy!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Crescent Directive, Inc.
  • Prevent the rushed implementation of Voter ID laws in Kansas
    Voter ID laws were passed in Kansas in 2011. The law requires all voters to show a photo ID at the polls. The law is nearly identical to other American Legislative Exchange Council voter suppression measures in other states. ALEC requires ten-thousand dollars from corporate members, using this money to provide “scholarships” for state legislators to come to lavish parties and conferences at resort hotels. At these conferences, big businesses and state legislators get together to strategize what they see as the best path forward for their own interests, while reporters and journalists are explicitly banned from the proceedings so as to prevent the public from knowing the truth about ALEC’s plans. Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, ALEC member, and author of the Voter ID laws, purposefully included a "free photo ID" for all citizens. This law was to go into effect January 1st, 2012. As of January 3rd, local DMV's have received no resources or training to supply the thousands of temporary IDs necessary to ensure all Kansans can vote in the critical 2012 election. Currently, Kobach is pushing for a rushed implementation of the second half of his law, originally set to go into effect in 2013: all citizens must provide a birth certificate or proof of citizenship to register to vote. Kobach has publicly stated that he wants this half-baked law to go into effect before the 2012 election. Despite failing to implement the first half of the voter-ID laws, Kobach and other politicians still want to rush on with requiring proof of citizenship to register. These laws will disenfranchise thousands and make it impossible for anyone but the state or extremely well-funded organizations to register voters. Worse yet, with DMVs reporting to volunteers across the state they currently have no training on how to provide the IDs, citizens are left wondering what happened to the ~$60,000 allotted to implementing the first part of this misguided law. And what will happen if rushed implementation of the proof-of-citizenship requirement is allowed to move up before the next election?
    3,662 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Charles J. Schoch
  • Protect Fathers Human Rights
    Fathers human rights and constitutional rights are being violated by Family Court Judges and uncooperative co-parents daily and this has a negative impact on children and society alike. In 90% of all child-custody cases mothers are awarded residential custody based solely on their gender and not on the "Best Interest of the Child". Many studies has been conducted on this matter and it has been concluded that children that grow up without their father are more like to become juvenile delinquents, high school drop outs, incarcerated, drug abusers, teen parents, commit domestic violence and more. Fathers are very important to the rearing and upbringing of a child and should be treated fairly in child custody hearings. Please stand with us to Protect Fathers Human Rights and put an end to the discrimination they are faced with daily. Gender discrimination is wrong and has no place in America!
    742 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anthony M. McDonald, Sr.
  • Attorney's should be mandated to have Malpractice Insurance!
    If an irresponsible attorney makes mistakes that cause people harm and he carries NO Malpratice Insurance and has NOTHING in his name, he/she has insulated himself/herself from lawsuits BUT they can turn around and sue you.. This is injustice and is unfair. This has to be corrected.by a law that would require any attorney to carry Malpractice Insurance to be licensed to practice law!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darlene Gall
  • Statehood for Puerto Rico (including the USVI)
    There are four million "citizens" of the United States in two adjoining colonies in the Caribbean, the misnamed "Commonwealth" of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Real, first-class citizens have the right to vote for President and Congress, but 4 million Americans in the Caribbean have no such right.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L. Craig Schoonmaker
  • President Obama: Just Say NO to Indefinite Detention
    There is something seriously wrong with legislation that tosses out our basic Freedoms in order to protect them. Make no mistake, handing over such power to our Military is not a wise move. History has shown that this course of action always ends in disaster and human suffering on a massive scale.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carolyn R. Cox