• New Jersey HIB Laws: Too Strict?
    Students have no say in the creation of the HIB laws and the laws are too broad, leading to consequences for subjective acts of bullying. These policies are too strict and have too negative of an impact on students.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alis
  • LGBT rights in Michigan
    Please sign this petition in support of LGBT rights in the state of Michigan we need to let our government know that denying people these basic rights of health care benefits insurance and care for their childern isn't right we need to let our voices be heard. Thank you,
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gen Miller
  • Revoke Illinois Recording Statue
    Illinois along with 24 other states has passed a law that would allow the arrest for People if they record a police officer and are charged with the same degree crime as rape. Below is a video of a news report of a man who is on trial for up to 75 years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxLzrCzkgCU&feature=related
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Salta
  • Call to All Republican Candidates to Disavow Racism in the 2012 Campaign
    Whether it's Newt Gingrich's poverty "code" about janitors or Rick Santorum saying nothing while a racist Florida woman tried to delegitimize President Obama by calling him a "Muslim," Republicans have either used, or allowed to be used, the Birther movement, and other thinly veiled or openly racist statements to garner votes of white voters afraid of minorities. We want each candidate to make a public statement that they will disavow use of racism, racial code, and also take to task any event guest, support group like a SuperPAC, campaign staff, or party operative using race for political gain. These candidates want to be president of ALL of the people of the United States. They need to defend ALL of the citizens of this country, even during the day-in, day-out of their campaigns.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Ross
  • Repeal PA state-sponsored "Year of the Bible"
    On January 24, 2012, The Pennsylvania House of Representatives unanimously passed H.R. 535, a non-binding resolution declaring 2012 "The Year of the Bible." The resolution states that we have a "national need to study and apply the holy scriptures," a position which clearly favors Christianity over other religions and violates the separation of church and state as protected by the Constitution of the United States. As a Pennsylvanian, I wish to make clear that I do NOT support the Bible as the preferred state religious text, and I oppose the passage of a state resolution that formally declares the Bible as the word of God and asserts that strengthening of our nation occurs by "renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through holy scripture." H.R. 535 is not only unconstitutional, it ignores and devalues the great diversity of peoples and religions which actually constitute the state of Pennsylvania. This resolution, even though it is non-binding, sends a message about citizenship and belonging to Christians and non-Christians alike. This message about whose beliefs are legitimate in the eyes of the state is especially dangerous in our current climate of anti-Islamic rhetoric and strengthened federal powers of detention. H.R. 535 positions the state to take future action limiting freedom of religious expression and persecuting those who disagree with state-approved religion. I urge Pennsylvania's House of Representatives to repeal H.R. 535.
    19,687 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Amy Pickard
  • Amend section 154-157 of the penal code
    The sections 154 - 157 of the Tanzania penal code criminalize homosexuality with a maximum penalty of life imprisonment , which is against human rights.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Wandera Ouma
  • Stop AB 317
    This bill would expand the rent control exemption for manufactured homes that are not the principal residence of homeowners. It would mean steep price increases for those who can least afford it and one more step towards removing rent control for all manufactured and mobile home residents. For more info, go to www.gsmol.org
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom McCarter
  • Right to Work
    Right to work is wrong and only inceases poverty.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry Havel
  • Demand that State Rep. of Tennessee Richard Floyd Resign
    State Rep. Richard Floyd threatened to "stomp a mudhole" into any transgender woman who uses a public restroom in Tennessee. "Stomp a mudhole," according to Urban Dictionary, means "To tear someone a new ass, to beat them to near death or to otherwise hurt someone to the point that they can not fight back." We cannot tolerate such hate! Here is a link of an article to give you more information: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mark-daniel-snyder/richard-floyd-transgender_b_1216713.html
    7,844 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Constance Mandeville
  • Amazon: We Need Your Support
    Amazon, please sign-on like Starbucks, Microsoft and Nike to support gay marriage in Washington State.
    541 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Kevin Gaspari
  • Marriage Equality for New Jersey
    “Should two adults in New Jersey, not of The Same Blood line, and of sound mind be able to enter into a Mutually Exclusive Marriage Contract; Yes or No?” If the majority of all citizens in New Jersey want their marriage recognized by the state of New Jersey, they would have to vote yes. If the majority of citizens don’t care to have their marriage recognized by the state of New Jersey, and the benefits that go with a state recognized marriage, they can vote no. Since this is a referendum to the New Jersey State Constitution, no marriage would be grandfathered, and no marriage would be exempted. This would be a straight up or down vote by every citizen in New Jersey. If the Majority vote’s No, New Jersey would cease to recognize state issued marriage licenses, and any New Jersey Law referencing Marriage would be removed from New Jersey statutes. The question on the New Jersey ballot would be phrased as such: ““Should two adults in New Jersey, not of The Same Blood line, and of sound mind be able to enter into a Mutually Exclusive Marriage Contract; Yes or No?”
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Frank
  • Dont stop the BEAT♥♥♥
    A fetal heart starts beating by 4-8 weeks. we are trying to make a stand and make it illegal for ladies to have an abortion when the heart is formed and beating.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by amber nichole perez