• Petition to establish a National Right to Join a Union.
    My petition is to standardize the laws of the United States of America to stop the race to the bottom in pay, benefits and working conditions.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Randall L. Cline
  • Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation Commission: please open the rec building to nude recreation.
    The county parks dept. is formed to provide recreation not readily available in the community; there are no public nude beaches in Michigan and no private nudist resorts in the county. The police charge skinnydippers with "disturbing the peace" even without a citizen's complaint. The county's recreation building is closed on Saturday nights. We ask that the recreation building be opened to nude recreation on Saturday nights.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Kerwin
  • Govenor Dayton, I am concerned with the Voter ID, Requiring a supermajority for tax increases, At...
    Voter ID. Requiring a supermajority for tax increases. Attacks on workers' rights. Marriage. Gun Law. Voter ID:I heard the minority (democratic) leader in the house say that if people do not have a picture ID they could take their picture and put it in a data base to verify that they are who they say they are and then allow them to vote. I think this is a way to avoid a new law about voter ID. Requiring a supermajority for tax increases: I think if we need a tax increase on those who can afford it we should do that but only on those that can really, truly afford it. Marriage: If people want to marry and are from an alternative life style they should be granted that right. Gun: I am very concerned about the Gun law. I believe there is no need for this new law and it will cause more harm than good. I have heard that the Police organizations in our state do not want this and I would trust them more than the man who wrote the bill. A young person was recently shot in an elementary school by another young person who had a gun. This, too, is my concern about all of these guns that will be in peoples homes and as always, some adults will not take the proper precautions to keep them locked up. And if they are locked up, how would they be able to, as their fear is so great, shoot an intruder. These guns will be available to the youth in our state and also available to be sold for cash to those who would do so to obtain money. Atttacks on worker's right: I am also concerned for Worker's rights. Workers are very important to a business and should not be hurt.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Sloth
  • Employment Non-Discrimination Act on 2012
    This law would expand Florida's current civil rights laws in employment and public accomodations and benefits to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore the law would incorporate harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity as a form of harassment on par with sexual and racial harassment.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Henley
  • decriminalization of marijuana
    too many nonviolent drug users are sitting in prison and their lives ruined because they suffer an addiction. end it now.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Leonhardt
    FLOOD CONGRESS! Call your Reps and ask them to Join the Boxer-DeFazio Letter to the FDA. Sen. Boxer and Rep. DeFazio are circulating a Congressional Letter to FDA demanding the agency label genetically engineered food. It will circulate one more week until Feb. 29. Find your Reps Here http://bit.ly/yUG6LM
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Dietrich
  • Urge the UN to Intervene in Syria
    This is a petition urging U.S. Senators, Governors and Representatives to urge our State Department and the United Nations to intervene in Syria to save their people from the governments campaign of murder.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raven A. Nuckols
  • Stop The National Defense Authorization Act
    To stop the indefinite military detention without trial of any person, including US citizens. The indefinite military detention of any person without trial violates the 5th and 6th amendments of the Constitution of the United States, Article III of the Constitution of the United States, and the Posse Comitatus Act.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wendy Robbins
  • Citizens for Creating Non-Partisan Redistricting Commission
    North Carolina voters have no input into the decisions that create our voting districts. In fact, we are forced against our will to be herded like sheep into the most bizarre districts that limit our voting rights and eligible candidates, which leads to misrepresentation of our opinions and values in state and national government. We demand that Governor Perdue and the North Carolina Legislature quickly develop and appoint a nonpartisan commission which serves and represents the people of North Carolina avoiding the legal process facing us and before the primary elections in May.
    339 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Ned Yellig
  • Freedom from Religion
    We guarantee people the right to practice their religion. Now we ask to be free to NOT follow them. Stop laws and referendums with religious origins from wasting our collective time.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Reali
  • Black American civil, healthcare, criminal justice and economic & voting rights
    Rights of Black Americans are being targeted for abuse on various fronts that deny basic civil rights. People should sign it because Blacks' rights are being denied equal access and fairness.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by donald butler
  • Stop The Bias Against Independent Voters!
    Recent polls have shown that over 40% of the electorate are Independents. If this were the private sector and that percentage of employees or customers were being discriminated against based on their political beliefs, there would be a monumental lawsuit. If primaries are not opened up to independents than take the party primary onto private property or the internet, and stop using public property, public voting machines for monopolistic partisan efforts. You may rate this and other electoral (and non-electoral) reform issues at... http://www.agreater.us/statestandings.php?state=CT
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by @jmdenn