On Jan.17, 2003, the VA disenfranchised thousands of veterans from receiving Veterans Administration Medical care by establishing a new classification of category eight for veterans that exceeded an income and net worth threshold. Veterans who applied prior to this arbitrary and capricious date REGARDLESS OF INCOME were enrolled. Those veterans (thousands) who are and were eligible but had not taken the formal enrollment steps became catagory eight casualties.There can be no justification for this unequal treatment of like veterans. Individual veterans were not told of this illegal and discriminatory action either by letter or even wide spread media coverage.Those who served our country the same as those prior to the Jan.17,2003 black day of discrimination SHOULD BE ENTITLED TO THE SAME VA BENEFITS.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gene Moore
  • Etienne Tshisekedi Should be Free
    The ditactor Kabila's militaries have surrounded Etienne Tshisekedi's residence and they should leave him alone and protected by UN guards.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pastor Moses
  • Repeal Title X , Subtitle D of the AUMF of NDA
    This section of the National Defense Act allows an unprecedented loss of civil liberties for American citizens. The ability of the military to detain and hold an American to GITMO without due process is a dangerous act. and a violation of the freedoms our country holds dear.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Mercer
  • Economic Bill of Rights
    Economic Bill of Rights
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert londick
  • Hollywood STOPPS Angola
    Safe Transit of Performers and Promoters Since December 31, 2011, Patrick Allocco, a concert promoter, and his son, Patrick, were abducted at gunpoint and have been unable to leave the country of Angola when the performer NAS and opening act Jemiah Jai failed to appear for a New Year's Eve and New Year's Day concert.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chuck Henry
  • TUSD: Rescind the Book Ban
    Students in Tucson Unified School District recently had their books taken away as part of the state's elimination of the Mexican-American Studies program. Books removed included works by Leslie Marmon Silko, bell hooks, Sherman Alexie, Winona LaDuke...even Thoreau and Shakespeare. Let's call on TUSD to uphold free speech and stop preventing Arizona students from the right to think critically about their shared history, cultural identities, and complex future.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Durant
  • Keep the internet free
    Stop SOPA and PIPA being passed. Corporations whose lobbyists drafted SOPA and PIPA want the ability to block you from reaching any web site they feel hurts their profits -- without due process, or review in any court -- by hijacking DNS (!) and censoring search results. Hoping you won't notice until it's too late, Congress is preparing to give them that right.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonas Eddy
  • Keep Out Jim Crow on the Ballot
    Stop these Voter ID laws
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mistinguette Grandison
  • Whoa, Kris Kobach
    This is a governmental petition to OPPOSE the proposed legislation by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to move forward the new election laws for proof of citizenship when a first time voter applies for registration from January 1, 2013 to June 1, 2012, which enforces the citizenship requirement for the 2012 election. Kansas Secretary Kobach, the author for preventing aliens to vote by showing proof of citizenship, also known as the "Birth Certificate" law, has become zealot in thrusting ahead with legislation to change the effective date of his election laws so they will be in effect for the 2012 Primary and General Elections. Kansas legislators are being coerced to vote for the proposed legislation. It must be noted that the Kansas Secretary of State's Office does not recognize a governmental petition. Kansas University publications are for different states, not Kansas. In Kansas slang, Whoa, Kris Kobach. Hold on there partner. You are not a wild mustang. Leave your laws alone. We don't need your kind around here.
    117 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Randy Conyers
  • Abolish Statute of Limitations for Sexually Abused
    Sex abusers need to be publicly identified so more children are protected from predators.
    1,892 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by maureen martinez
  • Habeas Corpus/Defense Amendment Petition
    Movement for a Constitutional Amendment that codifies Habeas Corpus as a human right for all people everywhere and makes War illegal except in self-defense, making false flag operations a felony punishable by death; and requiring thorough independent investigations of all incidents that would prompt a defensive war.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Michael Couch
  • Ask the State Department to help free Pat Alloco and his son
    American concert promoter, Patrick Allocco, and his son were kidnapped at gunpoint in Angola after their client, rapper Nas, failed to show up at a New Year’s Eve performance there. Nas was paid $300,000 in advance for the conference. The Angolan promoter allegedly kidnapped the Allocos, demanding repayment of the advance. The men were later released but their passports were being held and they are unable to leave the country. Nas has paid back some of the money but refuses to pay the remaining $100,000. January 11th, Alloco alerted his Facebook friends that he was being arrested, the State Department has not been able to confirm this report.
    950 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Mello