Warren Buffett: Stop Financing Deals that Hurt AmericaBurger King and its top shareholders will dodge up to $1.2 billion in U.S. taxes over four years as a result of this accounting sleight of hand. President Obama has condemned tax inversion deals, calling them “unpatriotic” because big corporations stick Americans with the tab for not paying their fair share of taxes. Inversions are legal, but unquestionably unfair. While this scheme hurts American taxpayers, it is hugely profitable for the people making it possible. Buffet is financing the inversion through his firm, Berkshire Hathaway, for a whopping 9% return on his investment. Mister Buffett, please support a fair tax system, where corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, and avoid deals that make the rest of us pick up their tab.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Tax Fairness
President Obama: Don't give the rich even more power!The rich already run roughshod over the voters thanks to Citizens United and other Supreme Court decisions favoring Big Money and gutting democracy. And yet President Obama says he’ll sign a budget bill that increases TEN-FOLD the amount one person can donate to a political party during an election! The new ceiling would be $1.5 million, allowing the wealthy few to buy vast amounts of so-called "speech" –and power over elections and the government-- regular Americans cannot afford. Sign the petition strongly urging President Barack Obama TO VETO this and any other budget deal that increases the already outrageous and anti-democracy power of wealthy donors.8,525 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by California Clean Money Action Fund
Elizabeth Warren: People's Bank of U.S.A.Because the citizens are getting a raw deal, constantly being ripped off, and our government/taxpayers are always on the hook for the greed and risky behaviors of the bankers. We think, when matured, People's Bank of U.S.A. will turn annual profits of $200 billion or more, which will be distributed as dividends to any Citizen who votes. This bank will address so many problems all at once.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Travis McGee
Stop Republicans Now!We must not allow Republicans to take the country back to the economic environment and banking practices that led to the 2008 recession. If MoveOn seeks to convince Senator Warren to run for the Presidency, the organization should take immediate steps to provide loud and visible support.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by N Shiroma
Protest Hersheys Lawsuit against British Chocolate ImportersHershey Co, the American chocolate giant have filed lawsuits against British importers LBB Imports LLC (Let’s Buy British), and Posh Nosh Imports accusing the companies of infringing multiple trademarks. So, if one of your weaknesses comes in the shape of a Toffee Crisp, Maltesers, Yorkie, Cadbury, or Rolo your taste buds may soon be challenged.39,665 of 40,000 SignaturesCreated by Nicola Edwards
Modfied Petition--Support HR 1856 in the 114th Congress-- Employee Benefits Protection Act of 2015To stop the erosion of healthcare benefits for retirees by large corporations (i.e.-GE, Time-Warner, IBM, AT&T, etc.). This petition supports the Rocheleau/Kaufman salaried lawsuit & the IUE-CWA hourly lawsuit Versus GE--Over Retiree Healthcare Changes. It presumes that retiree health benefits cannot be modified or terminated as of the date an employee retires or completes 20 years of service with the employer. It amends the National Labor Relations Act to make it an unfair labor practice for a labor organization and employer to enter into a contract or agreement to modify a previous agreement in a manner that results in a reduction or termination of retiree health insurance benefits, if the modification occurs after the retiree's retirement date. Note: Formerly HR1322 & HR 5523 in Former Congressional Years1,960 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by John Phelps
Protest Against East River Plaza ExpansionBlumenfeld Development Group (BDG) and Forest City Ratner are now proposing an additional 1.1 million square feet of residential buildings above East River Plaza in East Harlem. The neighborhood opposes this mega planned urban development because it is offensive and out of scale, requiring numerous variances that will truly make this an “out of context” project.150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by El Barrio Unite
Fire Joe ScarboroughI am starting this petition because Joe Scarborough has shown himself to be biased and shows no empathy to the parents of a murdered unarmed child.100 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Charles E Evans
Stand Against Citizens UnitedIf we could pick one word to define the 2014 elections it would be: MONEY. And lots of it. An estimated $3.67 billion was spent was spent on the 2014 elections, much of it by Super PACs and outside spending groups endorsed by the Supreme Court's Citizens United ruling. Every Voice and its partners are working to collect 5 million signatures against Citizens United by its fifth anniversary on January 21. Add your name to this growing movement that puts people back at the heart of our democracy -- not just billionaire donors and special interests!38 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Every Voice
Smucker's Stop Blocking GMO LabelsSmucker's doesn't want you to know that it has GMOs in it's jams and jellies. That's why it's spent hundreds of thousands of dollars over the last few years to block GMO labeling initiatives in California, Washington State and Oregon. In 2012, Dole and Mars faced an enormous public backlash for opposing California's GMO labeling initiative and pledged to not spend money opposing GMO labeling. Lets make sure Smucker's does the same!401 of 500 SignaturesCreated by ari josef
AT&T should Give Retirees their earned Benefits without having them pay Insurance PremiumsThis is About Returning Earned Benefits to Retirees of AT&T. As a retiree, our incomes are limited. Now, we are faced with having to pay Insurance premiums when we worked hard all our years to earn it. That is wrong. We will probably have to go on food stamps in the future because of the greed of Corporation ATT. Now, is that what the public needs? AT&T should pay their Retiree benefits that they EARNED without making them pay Insurance premiums.638 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jeanie Sabbagha
Gov. Baker: Shut down this corporate tax heistTax loopholes allow corporations to dodge taxes by hiding profits overseas -- some companies pay $0 in taxes. How is Massachusetts supposed to improve the T, invest in early education and job growth when we allow large companies to game the system? It’s about time that these corporations start living by the same rules as the rest of us. It’s time to close these loopholes and invest in an economy that works for everyone. We're calling on Governor-Elect Charlie Baker to support a simple common-sense reform that would make taxes more fair here in Massachusetts. Montana and Oregon recently enacted laws to recoup money stashed in offshore tax havens, by closing the "Waters Edge Loophole." If we enacted the same policy here in Massachusetts, it would generate $79 million. While he was running for office, Gov-Elect Baker said he supports making the tax code "fairer and removing corporate tax loopholes." We've got the perfect place for him to start, but we know the corporations that benefit from this tax heist will resist us every step of the way. That's why need to show Gov.-Elect Baker Bay State residents are behind us.653 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Nathan Proctor