NO to cancer risk with makeup!The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics investigated L’Oreal products commonly found on store shelves, and found a shocking use of carcinogens in the mascaras, eyeliners and eye shadows. It also found cancer-causing chemicals in L’Oreal’s anti-aging creams, nail polish and hair products made by the company’s most iconic brands, Maybelline and Garnier. L’Oreal’s kids' products aren't free of potentially cancer-causing chemicals either! The investigation found DMDM hydantoin in L'Oreal Kids 2-in-1 shampoos, a chemical that releases formaldehyde to preserve the product. Formaldehyde has been designated as a carcinogen by many authoritative, scientific bodies, including the United States National Toxicology Program and the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Companies like Johnson & Johnson have already removed formaldehyde-releasing chemicals from its children's products, proving L’Oreal could and should be as well! Sign on now, and join the chorus of moms and family members telling L’Oreal that we want products – including cosmetics, anti-aging creams and baby shampoos – that don’t contain ingredients linked to cancer!339 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Gloria Pan
Stop the carnage33% of all crashes ivolving serious injury and death are the result of fatigued operators.66 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Allan Medd
Gas Leak on Kennedy Blvd and Little League Lack of SafetyThe lack of proper maintenance for a housing development led to major gas leaks which forced over 170 people into the cold. Assistance was only provided for the ones that went to a shelter. Due to financial hardship and convenience many could only find housing with friends or family. There was a lack of equal assistance among all the residents. The livelihood and welfare of seniors, children, special needs children and animals were put at risk. For the families that were not put into hotels, we want credit on our rent. We want reimbursement for expenses such as the following: payments to family/friends to take animals and for any payment made for providing the residence shelter; paying expense for illness caused for being forced into the cold; and expenses for having to get our children to school when we had to live out of the riverside district. Hopes this brings light to safety concerns in these development will stop being ignored and safe apts being provided of individuals that are true need of assistance.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by krystine watts
Congress: Don't Trade Jobs for ProfitsHad enough of bad trade deals that hurt U.S. jobs and workers? Ever since NAFTA passed 20 years ago we've heard the rhetoric about trade deals that create jobs only to be hit with the reality later: these deals are about keeping wages low by trading U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder and protecting the profits of big corporations. Over the past few years Corporate CEOs have been setting their priorities for the biggest trade deal of them all - the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Now they want Congress to help speed things along by authorizing a special set of “Fast Track” rules for the deal so that when the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations are complete it can be pushed through without allowing time for close review, debate or amendments. It’s no wonder companies don’t want Congress to take a close look at what’s been going on behind the closed door of the negotiations. The deal gives special rights and benefits to companies that offshore investment and jobs and allows companies to attack our labor, environmental and consumer standards by suing countries that adopt legislation that might limit their future profits. Please take action today and tell your member of Congress to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on Fast Track authorization for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.43 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Beth Allen
Marriott & Hilton Hotel Rooms for HomelessAfter all, we've already paid for the room thanks to your new 'one day's notice' cancellation policy and 'one night's room rate' penalty fee. We'd like something positive for our fellow man to come from our personal expense. It's a reasonable request. Thousands of business and government travelers are regularly subjected to last minute changes in travel plans beyond their control. Still, we enjoy patronizing your hotel chains and sincerely appreciate their comfort and services. So let's face facts. You know all too well that the majority of us (travelers) are required to guarantee or prepay our own reservations, in advance, for reimbursement according to company policies or GSA federal travel regulations. If we can't cancel our reservations in time to meet your new policy, the pricey one night's fee comes directly from our pockets, never qualifying for reimbursement. Federal policy prohibits payment for services not rendered. Effective Jan 1, 2015 (your policy change date), you've disqualified yourselves from federal traveler reservations via Fedrooms.com. So let's you and I (Jane or John Doe traveler) make the best of your policy with a compromise for the common good. Instead of lining your pockets with income derived from selling a single room twice or left paid for and empty, let's set up a network for contacting over-crowded shelters and homeless veterans and mothers with small children to provide them with a night of respite from their struggles. It's a wonderful idea and doable. Locally, we have this need, a very desperate need for shelter from the cold, right here in Frederick County, Maryland. And you have hotels here, 4 or more and another on the way. All we need to do is spread the word to area travelers and notify our shelter and mission. Perhaps you may help us with referrals and a streamlined process for notifying you of our substitute guest's names for check in? Friends signing this petition support this concept. We hope you will too! _________________________________________ The Inspiration: New York Times Article Nov. 17, 2014 Excerpt: Two worldwide hotel companies, Marriott and Hilton, recently announced that they would increase their fee revenue by tightening rules on last-minute reservation cancellations. Business travelers have long been accustomed to being able to cancel a reservation at many hotels, without charge, as late as 6 p.m. on the day of arrival. Effective Jan. 1, those days are gone at the two chains. The companies say that if you don’t cancel your reservation by the day before your scheduled arrival, you’ll be charged a penalty of one night’s room rate. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/18/business/marriott-and-hilton-announce-penalty-for-last-minute-cancellations.html?_r=0 ___________________________________________ Think Progress Excerpt: After WDEL published the story, Brad Wenger, general manager of the nearby Christiana Hilton, chimed in on the comments section that his hotel would offer “10 rooms to homeless individuals tonight at no charge.” He told ThinkProgress that he’s “been working with local shelters to identify individuals in need.” Indeed, with frigid temperatures in the northeast causing many local shelters to be over capacity, he didn’t expect to have trouble finding people who could benefit from the offer. http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2015/01/08/3609625/luxury-hotel-homeless-christmas-cancel/ __________________________________ Frederick News-post Alderwoman Kelly Russell reserved five rooms at the Travelodge on Monocacy Boulevard for the homeless on Friday, hoping to give some of those without shelter refuge from the cold. http://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/politics_and_government/alderman-books-travelodge-rooms-for-homeless/article_a6f6f871-1b46-591b-b502-56ad0f2223ad.html54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kimberly Mellon
Wells Fargo: Don't Steal Grandmother's HouseFor the past 6 years I have been in the battle of my life to save my childhood home. Since 2008, my mother has been threatened with foreclosure and eviction by Wells Fargo while at the same time saying they would work with us to modify her loan. This is called dual tracking, and it’s illegal. The court has already thrown out their case for eviction and now we need Wells Fargo to reverse the foreclosure so that my family can have the chance to save the house that we love.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Denise Darnell Brown
Stop G&M Realty from naming his towers 5 PointzTOWERSIn 2002 artist Jonathan Cohen aka MeresOne reached an agreement with Gerald Wolkoff, real estate developer and owner of a warehouse in Queens. MeresOne was given full curatorial and operational control to host aerosol and street artists to come paint legally without repercussions. Given the chance to curate 200,000 square feet of blank canvas, Jonathan Cohen named the art program 5 Pointz Aerosol Art Center and created it's logo. For over 11 years MeresOne volunteered and transformed a blank and dilapidated building into the epicenter of legal aerosol art in the world, catering to beginners, famed artists, art lovers and alike becoming the number one tourist attraction in Queens, New York. www.5ptz.com On November 19th, 2013 New York City awoke to discover all the art pieces white washed and 5 Pointz destroyed. This art genocide was ordered by G&M realty, landlord of 5 Pointz, owner of the land and building, the destruction of the art work occurred in the dark of the night. This act was justified by the owner claiming 5 Pointz was not relevant and he owned the property hosting the art. March 2014, the landlord G&M realty filed their request to trademark the name 5 Pointz to promote, market and advertise their new project, two luxury rental high-rise towers to be erected on the graveyard which became to be known as the graffiti mecca of the world, 5 Pointz. Join me, in requesting the attention of the trademarking commission to stop G&M realty from exploiting further the art community and capitalizing on the fame of 5 Pointz created by Jonathan Meres one Cohen, by the people for the people.2,752 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by marie
Pass 2 AmendmentsI know that until we pass those two Amendments anything else that we do is really inconsequential and unworkable. We cannot pass laws limiting money and corporate power in the face of this Judicially Activist Supreme Court without this.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kevin G. Farrell
Kentucky Public Service Commission: Deny KEP's Rate IncreaseKentucky Electric Power has announced it will seek a 12% rate increase to complete the purchase of half interest in the Mitchell Power Plant that is located in Moundsville, WV. This plant is currently owned by Ohio Power. Both KEP and Ohio Power are subsidiaries of American Electric Power. In effect, AEP is selling itself half interest in a power plant it already owns. AEP has already secured a 17% increase in the rates paid by its Kentucky customers so it can afford to pay itself back. Neither the 17% increase nor the sought after additional 12% increase are warranted. AEP owns that power plant outright, just as it owns both corporate entities involved in the sale of the half interest in the Mitchell power plant. It will cost AEP nothing to sell power from that plant to customers in Kentucky. I'm asking the KPSC to reject this increase.1,522 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Roy Phillips
USAA: Offer Socially Responsible Investing!Many USAA members want to invest in socially and environmentally responsible ways. We don't want our money to help fund industries that pollute the Earth, companies that have inhumane or unjust labor practices or that produce harmful products, and corporations that support oppressive governments. USAA's website claims: "We have made sustainability a strategic priority, working to further reduce our effect on our planet without sacrificing fiscal responsibility. We are continually adopting greener practices and tapping into new energy resources and technology." Please adopt the greener practice of allowing your members to make choices about investing their money in funds that support sustainable companies.208 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Charlotte
Stand with Elizabeth Warren: Break Up the "Too Big to Fail" Wall Street BanksJust six years after a financial crisis that was caused by Wall Street, Congress has begun rolling back Wall Street reform, raising the risk that taxpayers will once again have to bail out the big banks. Instead of passing laws that create new bailout opportunities for banks that have been deemed "Too Big to Fail," Congress should end the idea of "Too Big to Fail" once and for all. Elizabeth Warren has proposed strengthening Wall Street reform by bringing back provisions that Wall Street successfully fought against -- including rules that would break up big banks instead of using taxpayer money to bail them out. Financial institutions have become so big and so powerful that they can hold the entire country hostage. That alone is a reason enough for us break them up. Enough is enough. Read more here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/miles-mogulescu/the-speech-that-could-make-elizabeth-warren-president_b_6319142.html14,570 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Erica Sagrans
Warren Buffett: Stop Financing Deals that Hurt AmericaBurger King and its top shareholders will dodge up to $1.2 billion in U.S. taxes over four years as a result of this accounting sleight of hand. President Obama has condemned tax inversion deals, calling them “unpatriotic” because big corporations stick Americans with the tab for not paying their fair share of taxes. Inversions are legal, but unquestionably unfair. While this scheme hurts American taxpayers, it is hugely profitable for the people making it possible. Buffet is financing the inversion through his firm, Berkshire Hathaway, for a whopping 9% return on his investment. Mister Buffett, please support a fair tax system, where corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes, and avoid deals that make the rest of us pick up their tab.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Americans for Tax Fairness