• Investigate the New York Federal Reserve Over Secret Tapes
    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is facing accusations that it showed "extreme deference" to Goldman Sachs, a bank it is supposed to oversee. The New York branch of the Federal Reserve system is in charge of regulating the biggest Wall Street banks. However, the Fed has been accused of being too cozy with the banks it is supposed to oversee. For example, during the run-up to the 2008 financial collapse and subsequent $700 billion bailout, the Fed gave trillions of dollars in then-secret aid to banks, firms and even Caterpillar, a tractor company.[1] The latest allegations resulted when a whistleblower - a former examiner at the Fed - gave 46 hours of secret tapes to NPR's "This American Life" and the investigative journalists at ProPublica. The tapes allegedly reveal that the Fed failed to take action on "a deal that the top Fed guy stationed inside Goldman called ‘legal but shady.’"[2] The Fed has denied the whistleblower’s claims. In response to the secret tapes, Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), who chaired the Congressional investigation into the Wall Street bailout in 2008, has called for oversight hearings. She has been joined by fellow Senate Banking Committee member Sherrod Brown (OH).[3] As Senator Warren said in calling for the hearings: “It’s our job to make sure our financial regulators are doing their jobs.”[4] Please support her call for Congress to investigate the relationship between the New York Fed and banks like Goldman Sachs. [1] https://medium.com/bull-market/secret-goldman-sachs-tapes-latest-in-long-history-of-the-fed-burying-wall-streets-bodies-3c7d3fe5066f [2] http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/536/the-secret-recordings-of-carmen-segarra [3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/28/elizabeth-warren-new-york-fed_n_5896778.html [4] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-26/new-york-fed-denies-allegations-of-bank-supervision-lapse.html
    21,198 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Andre Delattre
  • Stop the Mark Twain Transmission Project in NE Missouri!
    Over 1,800 landowners and farmers in Northeast Missouri have been informed that Ameren Corporation plans to build a 345,000 volt power transmission line through our land and near our homes. We are greatly concerned for our health, our livestock, and our farms. Why should a profit-driven corporation be allowed to take away our land?
    875 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Teri Page
  • Expedia: Stop Funding ALEC's Anti-Democracy Agenda
    On September 26, 2014, The Guardian reported that Expedia, the world's largest online travel company has paid thousands of dollars to ALEC as part of their corporate membership. Expedia sits on ALEC's "Tax and Fiscal Policy Task Force," which has developed bills that shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class.
    219 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christian Norton
  • AOL: If you're in ALEC, you've got fail
    This week Microsoft, Google, Facebook, and Yahoo have joined countless other organizations and individuals are fleeing ALEC's crooked political agenda. However, AOL has refused to join them. Sign our petition and tell AOL to take a stand against ALEC's dirty politicians and backroom deals. We need to tell AOL that, like dial-up internet users in an age of broadband, continuing their ALEC membership means they'll only fall further behind.
    1,935 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Marisol Garcia
  • City of Eau Claire, WI. Cable TV Reform
    They rising costs of cable access is exorbitant. There seems to be a monopoly on this service.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Moltz
  • Allow Us Our First Amendment Rights, Allow DIscussion of Salary in the Workplace
    By blocking bills allowing employees to discuss pay, and thus narrowing the pay gap, Congress is denying Americans their First Amendment rights. The government cannot pick and choose what aspects of speech we have a right to discuss. The government cannot choose which amendments it can be lax on, and which ones they are going to strictly enforce. All should be enforced equally, including the First.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Kirtley
  • Shining a Light on the Predatory Opportunists at Garside Homes!
    A few weeks ago nearly 1,500 individual supporters signed a petition supporting the Iwarimie family’s fight to save their home. Shortly afterwards hundreds of supports called Ray Salerno, the President of Garside Homes, to appeal to him personally on the family’s behalf. Despite the growing movement of people supporting the Iwarimies, Garside Homes is moving full speed ahead to put another New Jersey family out on the streets. Garside Homes is in the business of preying on families facing foreclosure – and their shady behavior raises serious red flags. They scoop up distressed mortgages for pennies on the dollar and bully homeowners into leaving their homes in order for Garside to reap huge profits. Not only that, the building featured as Garside Homes’ office on the company’s website is a sham – Garside’s sign has been PhotoShopped onto the building, which they’ve never occupied – we know because we went there and asked. Why the deceit? We need to send a strong message to Garside Homes that their business practices are not welcome in Newark or anywhere else. Will you sign this petition to let them know you support the Iwarimie family and want Garside to drop the foreclosure suit against them? On Friday, September 19th, a judge will re-consider the Iwarimie’s foreclosure case. We hope justice will prevail in the court, but Garside Homes could drop the case altogether if they choose. Please sign this petition (which will send emails to Garside Homes staffers) - let them know that thousands of people are watching them, and that we won’t stand quietly in the shadows while deceitful opportunists prey on hard-working homeowners!
    1,138 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NJ Communities United
  • Football Fans Take A Stand!
    I find the NFL's recent handling of domestic abuse and child abuse by star players to be abhorrent to the rules of our society. I would like the league to fairly & uniformly mete out punishment to star players & scrubs, alike. And I would like to see the NFL reveal what it stands for by making unequivocal statements regarding domestic abuse & child abuse.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Kelly
  • Join the Fight to DROP RUSH LIMBAUGH
    During a rant on sexual assault, this week Rush Limbaugh asserted that sometimes “No means yes.” 
We knew we had to take action after Limbaugh’s reprehensible rant excusing rape on college campuses. In case you missed it, Limbaugh actually said, “’no means yes’ if you know how to spot it.” Here is the audio: http://goo.gl/jIplNt It’s completely unacceptable.

 We want to get as many people as we can pressuring Rush Limbaugh’s sponsors to pull their ads from his show. Sign your name and demand that companies pull their advertising from Rush’s program.
    8,958 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Carol Wallin
  • MoveOn donors are real!
    You can't make this stuff up: Secret recordings just surfaced of the Koch brothers' top lawyer talking about MoveOn. He couldn't find our name on a list of groups funded by millionaires—so he protested that the list must be wrong. The Kochs and their friends apparently can't believe you--a MoveOn donor--exist. Their political world is so dominated by billionaires that they literally can't imagine a genuine grassroots organization with millions of average Americas as members, and hundreds of thousands of $5, $50, and $500 donations. If enough MoveOn donors sign this petition, we'll print up a cheeky card to the Koch brothers' organization—signed by the thousands of MoveOn donors around the country who power our work—with the message: "We exist! And we're fighting to take our democracy back."
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Milan de Vries
  • Rep. Rigell: Plug the "Burger King" loophole
    Right now, a corporation can dodge billions in taxes just because it buys a company in another country, then claims to be headquartered there. It's known as an "inversion" and it's just another way big companies can avoid paying their fair share. Today it's Burger King, but there are a lot more companies lining up behind them. Last month, public pressure stopped Walgreens from moving abroad. Over the last few weeks, we have put Burger King on notice about their move to Canada. Now it's time we close this loophole all together. It's time to plug this loophole, and stop companies from leaving and forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab. We can't let big corporations continue to dodge taxes with high paid tax lawyers -- everyone should play by the same rules. How can we invest in education or job growth if large, profitable companies are scheming to avoid paying their fair share? We have a real opportunity to close this loophole right now -- but we've got to strike while the iron is hot. With all the scrutiny being paid to this issue while Burger King is in the process of declaring itself a Canadian company, we can push lawmakers to take up the issue. So far, Rep. Scott Rigell hasn't signed on in support of this common-sense idea -- that's why we need people like you take action.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fair Share
  • Rep. Stivers: Plug the "Burger King" loophole
    Right now, a corporation can dodge billions in taxes just because it buys a company in another country, then claims to be headquartered there. It's known as an "inversion" and it's just another way big companies can avoid paying their fair share. Today it's Burger King, but there are a lot more companies lining up behind them. Last month, public pressure stopped Walgreens from moving abroad. Over the last few weeks, we have put Burger King on notice about their move to Canada. Now it's time we close this loophole all together. It's time to plug this loophole, and stop companies from leaving and forcing the rest of us to pick up the tab. We can't let big corporations continue to dodge taxes with high paid tax lawyers -- everyone should play by the same rules. How can we invest in education or job growth if large, profitable companies are scheming to avoid paying their fair share? We have a real opportunity to close this loophole right now -- but we've got to strike while the iron is hot. With all the scrutiny being paid to this issue while Burger King is in the process of declaring itself a Canadian company, we can push lawmakers to take up the issue. So far, Rep. Steve Stivers hasn't signed on in support of this common-sense idea -- that's why we need people like you take action.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fair Share