• Why is ABC giving anti-Latino Laura Ingraham a platform?
    Why does Laura Ingraham think it's annoying when a Latino's name is pronounced correctly? After journalist Jose Diaz-Balart translated on-air for a Spanish-speaking immigrant, Ingraham went on an anti-Latino tirade, complaining it was "annoying" Diaz-Balart was correctly pronouncing the woman's name with a Spanish accent: "He also did the annoying thing—saying her name in the native tongue at the very beginning when he introduced her," Ingraham complained on her radio show. "You cannot just say Maria Cruz Ramirez [with no accent]. You are such a gringo if you say that. You cannot say that." This isn't a first for Ingraham. She has a history of inflammatory language, once even calling the U.S. citizen children of immigrants, "anchor fetuses." The worst thing is that ABC, a mainstream network, is legitimizing her extremist rhetoric by keeping her on the payroll as a news contributor. Does ABC really want someone like Laura Ingraham representing them? Tell ABC News to drop Laura Ingraham as a contributor. Her ugly rhetoric doesn't deserve to be rewarded.
    2,717 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Gabe Ortiz
  • Iowans See First Hand How Low Karl Rove Will Go
    Karl Rove's group "American Crossroads" is intentionally misleading voters and inciting anger in Iowa. His latest ad in Iowa attacks the Democratic candidate for US Senate in Iowa, Bruce Braley, by citing a famously discredited Heritage Foundation study on immigration reform which was written by a fringe researcher who believes immigrants and Latinos inherently have lower IQs than native whites. And if that's not bad enough, his ad says the Senate immigration bill is "amnesty" --- a claim Karl Rove knows is completely false. In fact, last year, Karl Rove himself wrote, "It is also important that Republicans avoid calling a pathway to citizenship "amnesty." Amnesty is the forgiveness of wrongdoing without penalty[...] The current Senate bill has plenty of penalties and hurdles for those here illegally who seek citizenship. " Our democracy has no place for people like Karl Rove who intentionally mislead voters in an attempt to incite anger. Please join with us and demand that Iowa TV stations refuse to run this ad.
    135 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Matt Hildreth
  • Tell Christie to Prioritize Homeowners Over Big Banks!
    In the background of Chris Christie’s aspirations to run for President are thousands of New Jersey homeowners who’ve been tossed aside in favor of Wall Street and the Big Banks. In fact, the foreclosure crisis in New Jersey leads the nation – and the Christie administration has favored the desires of the banks over the needs of New Jersey residents. Several big banks have negotiated large settlements with the US Attorney General’s Office for their role in the housing bubble and subsequent economic collapse – but homeowners in New Jersey and around the country have not benefited from these agreements. While the historic settlements sound promising on the surface, a study by Denbeaux & Denbeaux law firm exposes why struggling homeowners shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for relief. The report, “Mortgage Fraud” finds that New Jersey homeowners were stripped of their legal rights by back room settlements between banks like Wells Fargo and various state Attorneys General. New Jersey homeowners were sent a settlement agreement which contained promises and protections they already had and a check in the amount of $178.04 in exchange for all their rights and defenses! The result of the legal acrobatics and out-of-court settlements has essentially let Wells Fargo and other big banks off-the-hook for their predatory lending practices in low-income communities of color. Wells Fargo preyed on these communities then negotiated away the rights of homeowners to take legal action. Homeowners deserve their day in court – or at the very least, enforcement from the Office of the New Jersey Attorney General. Join NJ Communities United to demand that Chris Christie and the State of New Jersey report results of mortgage settlements, release assurance reports required by settlement agreement(s), enforce homeowner protections according to state laws and the original agreement between New Jersey & Wells Fargo, and enforce & enhance homeowner protections & predatory lending laws! The full report, “Mortgage Fraud” from Denbeaux & Denbeaux can be found online at: http://bit.ly/1vJ0tqm The white paper, “Stagecoach Robbery” from NJ Communities United can be found online at: http://bit.ly/10ERmeQ
    1,154 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by NJ Communities United
  • Citizens of Florida in Support of Two Person Crews for Railroad Safety
    Signers of this petition support and agree that Federal and State action is required for safer operation of trains through our communities by reducing risk that arises from relying on a single individual. Currently, 99% of US railroad companies have two crew members, a Conductor and Engineer. However, railroad companies keep asking their employees to do more with less or go further when Federal Hours of Service time is short. Single crew operation is inching its way into the industry. Look no further than the (MM&A) disaster in Quebec. Railroads are much safer than they used to be, but this trend can be reversed if action is not taken. Modern trains are much longer and carry tremendous tonnages, including hazardous materials. If a train breaks down for some reason with a single person crew, a blocked railroad crossing takes away valuable time when Police and Fire units need to respond to emergencies. Train crews work as a team to clear blocked crossings and a two person train crew is what is needed for safe train operation. Currently, HR 3040, and S 2784 have been introduced on a Federal level. State Legislation is either pending or in the works across the nation. The Canadian Transportation Safety Board has issued a mandate to force Rail companies to operate with two person train crews. The US Federal Railroad Administration has formed a Rail Safety Advisory Committee to look into minimum train crew size regulations.
    363 of 400 Signatures
    Created by David Lavery
  • Dick's for Men Only?
    Dick's 2014 basketball catalog features NO female athletes in the 30 page layout. Let's bring light to this issue and have DSG change the way sports advertising is done. Please, take a look at the letter I sent to DSG regarding this issue https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lAdR3TwTbutPasbXhUz7CjW5eUVvRSDz7XyHNxV-9GQ/edit?usp=sharing
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maggie Reed
  • Illinois Legislatures: Pass Homeowner Bill of Rights!
    Hundred's of thousands of families in Illinois have faced the painful, devastating process of foreclosure. Homeowner's in Illinois still have no recourse to save their homes. Pass a Homeowner Bill of Rights that will: (1) Create a private right of action for borrowers to seek injunctive relief to stop material violations of the law and pause foreclosure, if the servicer fails to comply with any aspect of law. (2) Create Civil remedies to penalize servicers for any material violations. (3) Require servicers to offer modification to all eligible homeowners. (4) Require servicers to assist homeowners in submitting documentation regarding the foreclosure process. (5) Prohibit servicers from Robosigning. (6) Restrict servicers from Dual-Tracking. (7) Provide stricter underwriting standards for federally insured HECM (Reverse Mortgages) loans. (8) Prohibit HUD from reinstating the HECM (Reverse Mortgages) standard fixed-rate full draw mortgage. (9) Institute preventative measures to decrease the following risks for borrowers taking out Reverse Mortgages: Delinquent Taxes; Falling behind on homeowners insurance; and Home loss to foreclosure.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justina Winfrey
  • Protect the People's Voice!
    Nearly 70% of Ben Sasse's campaign financing has come from outside of Nebraska, with another $1.5 million coming from PACs who don't have to disclose their donors. Hardworking Nebraskans deserve honest representation in Congress. We need a Senator who will work in the interest of Nebraskans, not out-of-state donors.
    207 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dave Gottschalk
  • Humana denies rehab illegally in Texas
    My boyfriend, (age41) suffered a massive stroke not quite a year ago. Humana has started denying his rehab even though his attending physician has deemed it medically necessary. Casey continues to show progress and has proven his ability to keep up with the rehab. TxHB2929 states that he can not be denied rehabilitation so long as his attending physician deems it medically necessary. Please tell Humana and CEO Bruce D. Broussard that they must adhere to the law.
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Juarez
  • Governor Brown: Protect Our Homes and Families from Pipeline Explosions & Nuclear Meltdown
    PG&E took money which was supposed to upgrade their gas pipelines and used it on executive pay and profits, resulting in the explosion which killed eight people and destroyed a neighborhood in San Bruno. And recently, emails have surfaced which reveal a cozy culture of collusion between PG&E and the agency which is supposed to regulate it, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). On top of that, both PG&E and the California PUC seem to be ignoring the recent report from Nuclear Regulatory Commission inspector Dr. Michael Peck, calling attention to newly-discovered earthquake faults near PG&E’s Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant which could result in a meltdown similar to Fukushima, Japan, and deadly radioactive fallout across America. You will be sending a message to Peevey and Gov. Brown by signing the petition, and you can also give them your individual comments as you sign. (Note: sources of information will be furnished on request.)
    1,878 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Frank Burton
  • Ask Dept of Justice to oversee the investigation of the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity
    I am convinced the North Carolina Board of Elections is Republican-controlled and incapable of performing a fair and impartial investigation of alleged Americans for Prosperity fraudulent activity. Source: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/koch-group-behind-faulty-mailers-isnt-first-time
    484 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Bill Groves
  • Make Windstream Provide What They Charge For
    Including, but not limited to, the county of St. Clair, Alabama does hereby petition that Windstream Communications uphold to the services they are charging for. We demand Windstream to do what is needed to allow the consumers to have High Speed Internet for which they are paying. We also demand that Windstream pay the consumers for all fees associated with any bill and/or statement requesting payment for a service not provided.
    876 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Larson
  • Investigate the New York Federal Reserve Over Secret Tapes
    The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is facing accusations that it showed "extreme deference" to Goldman Sachs, a bank it is supposed to oversee. The New York branch of the Federal Reserve system is in charge of regulating the biggest Wall Street banks. However, the Fed has been accused of being too cozy with the banks it is supposed to oversee. For example, during the run-up to the 2008 financial collapse and subsequent $700 billion bailout, the Fed gave trillions of dollars in then-secret aid to banks, firms and even Caterpillar, a tractor company.[1] The latest allegations resulted when a whistleblower - a former examiner at the Fed - gave 46 hours of secret tapes to NPR's "This American Life" and the investigative journalists at ProPublica. The tapes allegedly reveal that the Fed failed to take action on "a deal that the top Fed guy stationed inside Goldman called ‘legal but shady.’"[2] The Fed has denied the whistleblower’s claims. In response to the secret tapes, Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA), who chaired the Congressional investigation into the Wall Street bailout in 2008, has called for oversight hearings. She has been joined by fellow Senate Banking Committee member Sherrod Brown (OH).[3] As Senator Warren said in calling for the hearings: “It’s our job to make sure our financial regulators are doing their jobs.”[4] Please support her call for Congress to investigate the relationship between the New York Fed and banks like Goldman Sachs. [1] https://medium.com/bull-market/secret-goldman-sachs-tapes-latest-in-long-history-of-the-fed-burying-wall-streets-bodies-3c7d3fe5066f [2] http://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/536/the-secret-recordings-of-carmen-segarra [3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/28/elizabeth-warren-new-york-fed_n_5896778.html [4] http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-26/new-york-fed-denies-allegations-of-bank-supervision-lapse.html
    21,198 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Andre Delattre