• 400,000 Ohioans Were Without Water and Factory Farms Are the Culprit
    Lake Erie is the source of drinking water for 11 million people. Like most areas with large factory farms that apply huge amounts of manure to farm lands, the soil in Ohio is supersaturated with nutrients. And when rains come, that excess is carried away by the water and ends up in Lake Erie. There, the nutrients feed algae, creating large algae blooms. The algae can produce powerful toxins that can cause everything from rashes, to gastroenteritis, to neurotoxicity. Clearly it’s a major problem — a public health hazard. Earlier this year, when Ohio lawmakers had the chance to fix the problem, they passed a bill that fell dangerously short of meaningful reform. No surprise, it was a bill championed by Big Ag. It’s a story we see across the country — waterways in trouble and agribusiness offering false solutions. We know why false solutions like this keep on being offered — the corporate interests that benefit from creating large amounts of fertilizer in the form of animal manure refuse to take responsibility for the pollution that manure creates. Instead, they seek to give the appearance of action while residents bear the burden of unclean water: drinking water bans, aquatic dead zones and lakes closed to swimming. It has never been more apparent that the state needs to update standards for disposal of animal waste from factory farms, which is a huge source of the phosphorus that is causing the algae blooms. In lieu of setting up clear, enforceable standards that would address the overabundance of phosphorous in the soil and rein in runoff from factory farms, the new law simply creates a fertilizer certification program that exempts manure. The law also includes a voluntary, not mandatory, nutrient management plan program. This must change. Strong laws in Great Lakes states are key to protecting our water and agricultural resources, and new legislation could set the bar for our neighboring states. Tell Governor Kasich and the Ohio state legislature to pass sensible legislation to protect Ohio’s water from factory farms!
    884 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Alison Auciello, Food & Water Watch Picture
  • U.S. and Bank of America Settlement. How about the REAL people they defrauded!!!!!
    I was defrauded by Bank of America and congress when I believed in their Making Homes Affordable program. In order to apply, I was informed I had to already be behind in payments, therefore, BofA SAID to stop payments and then to apply! I was a prime candidate for the program under my circumstances. Fought for 2 years, lost my home, which was my inheritance as well, had to file bankruptcy, life has been HELL! I got a measley $400 from the review process. Now the government is suing them and winning $17 billion??????? I was defrauded and my life taken from me. Please tell me where did the $33 billion go that the government used to bail these banks and mortgage companies out!!!! Where was big brother then? Please, please people, sign the petition, these monster companies have financially raped thousands! Some of us want individual reviews, not lumped together.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Missy Wethington
  • Hold Washington and Wall Street Accountable Under the Rule of Law: Justice for the American People.
    I have personally experienced every banking and financial crisis since the Nixon shock in 1971. I have studied, lectured and written about financial crises for more than 25 years. I have published two books on financial crises including my doctoral thesis at the Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary College University of London. I have prepared a short White Paper outlining the foundation for this petition. I have also prepared a longer White Paper detailing the historical, economic and legal foundation for a class action case that can be filed against Washington and Wall Street on behalf of the American public. Both White Papers and my Summary Curriculum Vitae are available for your consideration in due course. My profile is on LinkedIn. I haves deep profound personal interest in advancing the proposed legal case and achieving some measure of accountability and justice for the American people. The issues raised and to be resolved by the proposed case are the most important issues facing the American public. Unless and until the proposed legal case is made, the power of vested interests in money and banking will continue to erode the social fabric and economic foundation for America’s government and the reality of the American Dream, if any remnant of that reality, in fact, remains. All of my individual efforts to advance this effort have been met with the frustrating combination of initial enthusiasm followed by fear of intimidation and retribution by government and the Wall Street banks. Occupy Wall Street failed to meet its potential due to lack of: 1. A sound intellectual foundation; 2. A clearly articulated objective; 3 a well-articulated plan to meet that objective; 4. The organizational structure and strength to focus and discipline human and financial resources to achieve its objective; and 5. Due to the complete absence of well-informed, profession leadership. I can provide the first three of the missing ingredients. I have petitioned MoveOn to provide the last two missing ingredients necessary to the successful prosecution of this direct, well defined effort to achieve accountability and justice for the more than $10 trillion on economic damages and untold personal suffering inflicted by Washington and Wall Street on the American people. American Legal Action is the Only Viable Option to Shift Perceptions of Personal Vested Interests and Effect Meaningful Change Short of Revolutionary Action outside the Existing Rule of Law. Efforts in the public interest in the years following the financial crisis to impose accountability on those responsible for the financial and human devastation wrought by the crisis have largely been expressions of public frustration and anger that do not intelligently or strategically advance the process. Washington and Wall Street have the power and resources to divide, minimize, marginalize and co-opt private, public as well as legislative and regulatory action to impose accountability on those responsible for the crisis. So far, Washington and Wall Street have successfully wielded their power and resources. There has been a lot of talk by frustrated Americans demanding accountability without really understanding what it means or how to get it. Simply complaining and petitioning the government demanding results has gone nowhere. Politics, political and social activism and moral suasion have proved to be empty threats. A look at the effective options available to impose accountability on Washington and Wall Street under the rule of law clearly reveals that the American public must directly confront the most powerful individuals and institutions in the country. That means economic claims against and recovery of damages, in compensation and as punishment, from Wall Street, and indirectly, Washington, for their specific legal wrongdoing, and for deterrence of their ongoing and likely future wrongdoing. Legal action designed to hold Washington and Wall Street accountable under the rule of law can only succeed within a context of public grass roots support. That means public education through a sophisticated, experienced public relations, public media, social media and grass roots organizational operation to form, fund a “war chest” commensurate with the resources available to the defendants and manage a powerful, large-scale public campaign to focus attention on the American public’s demand for legal accountability. The overall campaign must place the legal action in the context of a widespread apolitical public demand for Americans’ civil right to honest money, banking and a real economy for the American public who have been damaged by the financial crisis.
    253 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dr. G N Olson
  • Let's stop private campaign funding.
    Today candidates for either house of the congress cannot be competitive without huge amounts of cash from oligarchs who buy their allegiance. We need to decide whether we want a truly representative government, or one that only represents the interests of major contributors. Or America dies.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phillip W. Hoffman
  • Insurance Company Pays $21,000 Settlement To Elderly Man In Buckets Of Coins
    It wasn't bad enough that a young manager from Adriana's Insurance Inc assaulted my elderly grandfather, but after he won the settlement, they paid him $21,000 in dimes, nickles, pennies and quarters. On top of, that my grandfather has a pacemaker and is recovering from a recent hernia surgery. From Reddit: Here is the back story, my grandfather is 73 years old and has had a series of health issues over the years, some so severe that he has been hospitalized for days. He now lives day to day with a pacemaker. He is Hispanic and has lived a simple life in East Los Angeles for years with his wife. He aquired Adriana's Insurance and was a paying client. He went in to see why they were overcharging him. The manager at the time realized they made a mistake and started to become irate with my elderly grandfather (this manager was young and in healthy shape). This manager then laid hands on my grandfather and in a more than aggressive manner grabbed him as if a riot cop would and moved him outside. Cops responded and arrested the manager. This claim was filed about more than a year ago and they recently settled in June 2014. They payed him 2 months later IN BUCKETS OF COINS!!!!! Just about $21,000 worth of pennies, dimes, nickles, and quarters! At this time he is still recovering from a recent hernia surgery. Here's how they delivered it, about 8 guys jumped out of a van in front of my grandpa's law office and started unloading buckets upon buckets of coins outside of the doors. The law office had to argue with the delivery men to take my grandfathers settlement inside where it was safe from the public. My grandfather is very traditional and believes this gesture of payment is an insult since they know he can't even carry one bucket of coins alone. The family only asks that you spread the word of the unprofessional actions that this insurance company given to one of their own clients. He wants fair justice from the company. By signing, you help support my grandpa and his fight for justice. File a complaint against Adriana's Insurance on the California Board of Insurance website here: http://www.insurance.ca.gov/contact-us/0200-file-complaint Sign the petition and show the BBB (Better Business Bureau ) that this company should not be operating The Family appreciates every bit of support, Thank you! NEWS STORY HERE: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/insurance-company-pays-man-settlement-21-000-change-article-1.1893576
    578 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Daniel
  • Boycott Walgreens If They Move Overseas
    Big business touts itself as being what America is all about, but Walgreens is planning on deserting the USA to evade paying US taxes. Walgreens will still do business in the USA and use our taxpayer-funded roads, public school educated workers, and the protection of US law and law engagement. Walgreens will become a parasite abusing America and its taxpayers. Americans should say no to such arrogance and abuse by boycotting Walgreens as soon as they move overseas to avoid paying US taxes.
    131 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Miller
  • Boycott Wallgreens
    Every US Corporation that does business here should pat taxes and not base their so called headquarters in foreign countries
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Ewers
  • Stop Koch Brothers' Take Over of the United Negro College Fund
    I am submitting a corrected petition because the issue is very important to me, a graduate of an HBCU.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Thornton MD
  • Trader Joe's: Stop selling meat with antibiotics
    Antibiotic-resistant infections are on the rise and the warnings from the medical community are getting louder. But even as we press the Food and Drug Administration to act, we need stores and restaurants to do their part, by ending meat purchases from factory farms that give daily doses of antibiotics to healthy livestock. Trader Joe’s, with its direct control of its suppliers and its history of taking socially responsible actions, is an ideal company to step up.
    3,958 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by David Rosenfeld
  • Massachusetts: Say no to Citizens United and shadowy SuperPACs
    Massachusetts has been a proud leader in denouncing the Citizens United decision and preventing SuperPAC attack ads from influencing campaigns. Since Citizens United, these shadowy groups have used their unlimited, undisclosed corporate donations to launch negative attacks and drown out the voices of average voters across the country. In 2012, Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown led the way in voluntarily agreeing to ban these groups in their Senate campaign. Ed Markey and Steven Lynch followed suit in their race. No matter which candidate you’re supporting, if you’re undecided or you may live outside Massachusetts, by joining our efforts you’re helping to send a strong message that the Citizens United decision was wrong. These secretive, special interest groups drown out the voice of average voters, breed cynicism, and threaten our democracy. We believe this campaign should be about grassroots activism and candidates’ ideas for the future, not attacks ads funded by undisclosed corporate interests.
    482 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Martha Coakley
  • HR 3040 mandates two person freight train crews.
    My husband is a conductor for BNSF Railroad, which is about to try to lower crews to 1 man. To keep the trains safe we need to keep 2-man crews. Please sign this petition to keep my husband and all railroaders safe! Thank you.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Petty
  • Domestic Violence is a serious crime, treat it that way
    In February, Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice punched his then-fiancee, knocking her out cold. Video caught him dragging her unconscious body out of an elevator at a casino hotel. Yesterday the National Football League (NFL) announced an appallingly short suspension for violating its personal conduct policy: Ray Rice will miss just two games--a shorter suspension that the NFL issues for drug use or unauthorized tattoos. Everyone from Ravens fans to sports reporters are outraged. NFL Commissioner Goodell has the sole authority to change the league's policy and finally send the message that the NFL does not condone domestic violence.
    1,477 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nita and Shaunna, UltraViolet