Tell @NBCNews, @deborahturness: Send Your Reporter Back to #GazaAs Glenn Greenwald reported at The Intercept on July 17 [1], Ayman Mohyeldin, the NBC News correspondent who has received widespread praise [2] for his brave coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict, was told by NBC executives to leave Gaza. NBC executives claimed the decision was motivated by “security concerns.” But then NBC sent another correspondent into Gaza to cover the ongoing Israeli assault. Jordan Chariton reported at MediaBistro [3] that the NBC News decision to remove Ayman Mohyeldin from the story angered NBC News staffers. Michael Calderone at Huffington Post noted speculation that NBC News pulled Mohyeldin because of a tweet critical of the State Department. [4] Urge NBC News to reinstate Ayman Mohyeldin as a correspondent in Gaza and publicly explain its decision to remove him from reporting on Gaza by signing our petition. References: 1. “NBC News Pulls Veteran Reporter from Gaza After Witnessing Israeli Attack on Children,” Glenn Greenwald, First Look/The Intercept, 17 Jul 2014, https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/07/17/nbc-removes-ayman-mohyeldin-gaza-coverage-witnesses-israeli-beach-killing-four-boys/ 2. “A few words of praise for some of the reporters covering Israeli-Palestinian violence,” David Zurawik, Baltimore Sun, July 17, 2014 http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/tv/z-on-tv-blog/bal-tv-reporters-gaza-israel-warfare-20140716,0,5445863.story 3. “Ayman Mohyeldin Witnesses Gaza Airstrike, but Richard Engel Reports for ‘Nightly News’,” Jordan Chariton, MediaBistro, July 16, 2014 http://www.mediabistro.com/tvnewser/ayman-mohyeldin-witnesses-gaza-airstrike-but-richard-engel-reports-on-nightly-news_b232276 4. “Questions Surround NBC's Removal Of Ayman Mohyeldin From Gaza,” Michael Calderone, Huffington Post, 7/17/2014, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/17/nbc-news-ayman-mohyeldin-gaza_n_5596268.html9,359 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Robert Naiman
Congress: Don't let small business down: Reject FAST TRACK of the Trans Pacific PartnershipThe TPP, like its precursor the North American Free Trade Agreement, will harm the local economy. Leaked sections contain many troubling provisions: Reinstate SOPA and give unearned competitive advantage to legacy media companies. Privilege major financial institutions over credit unions and the emerging sector of public banks. Weaken current safety regulations including food inspections, and allow importation of food not up to American safety standards. Hinder renewable energy producers by blocking regulations and limiting deployment of smart grid and other infrastructure. Of greatest concern, the pact would allow corporations to sue governments in an international tribunal, and force the reversal of sound regulations. Please sign, and indicate in the comment section your private sector connection, so our legislators know that prosperity and security are only enhanced when each nation builds an economy that respects human rights, reflects local conditions, and supports small businesses. American Sustainable Business Council http://asbcouncil.org83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liz King
Comcast: Don't Fire That Poor Customer Service RepresentativeHundreds of thousands of people have listened to the customer service call that Ryan Block recorded with a Comcast customer service representative. While Ryan and his wife tried to terminate their Comcast service, the representative aggressively pushed them for reasons why, and wouldn't let Ryan end his service without an explanation. Ryan and hundreds of others have pointed out the real problem here: that Comcast employee was certainly too aggressive, but he works at a company with a legendarily terrible work culture and, according to Consumer Reports, one of the lowest customer satisfaction ratings in the country. If we want to have real power over whether or not we're at either end of this kind of interaction in the future -- as consumers with little choice in our broadband provider, or as workers locked into a system that drains us of choices and of self respect -- we need to make sure Comcast doesn't fire this worker -- and we need to fight hard in Congress and at the Federal Communications Commission to block the proposed merger of Comcast and Time Warner Cable that would expand Comcast's reach to tens of millions more customers nationwide. Comcast, don't fire this poor employee. Congress, hear this call as a warning -- a Comcast/Time Warner merger would be devastating for workers and consumers alike.409 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Hannah Sassaman
Rewrite The Constitution's 14th Amendment: Redefine Corporate PersonhoodThe current, erroneously written 14th Amendment, created largely by railroad executives, went against what had been the previous American standard, based upon English common law, to carefully differentiate between "natural" or "human" persons and "artificial" or "corporate" persons when creating laws. The failure to differentiate between humans and corporations has perverted our entire political system.67 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher George Scherer
Keep Koch money out of the University of ArizonaKoch Industries seeks to corrupt universities and the standards of education with their toxic strings attached. The University of Arizona has represented higher education beginning in 1885, and people in Arizona, & worldwide, demand the UofA uphold integrity and reject the Koch Brothers and all dark fundings. Here is a list of Universities and Schools where Koch money has infiltrated already; please note UofA is mentioned: http://www.kochfamilyfoundations.org/pdfs/CKFUniversityPrograms.pdf Tucson's local magazine voices concerns over radical Think Tank infiltration and deep-lobbying strategies at UofA: http://www.tucsonweekly.com/tucson/freedoms-ring/Content?oid=3133482 For those unaware of Charles and David Kochs' agenda, they seek to abolish the Environmental Protection Agency, further Lower minimum wages, discourage solar energy, shred women's rights ...while funneling millions to right wing candidates who will comply with them. Therefore, the University of Arizona needs to hear we are firm in our resolve to oppose dark money infiltration into education.3,074 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Lesley Lillywhite
Michigan legislators and governor, Get ALEC out of MichiganTo discourage our elected officials from participating in ALEC and to educate the voting public about its evils. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/get-alec-out-of-michigan?source=c.em&r_by=172823167 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Michael Franz
Overturn Citizens United ruling, it's your duty as an AmericanThe fact that the highest appointed court in this country decided that multi-billion dollar corporations have the right to freely spend untold amounts of money to influence peoples opinion using "public" airwaves in an election is tragic and absurd. Corporations don't go to war and fight, maybe get wounded, maybe die, yet they can profit from it and support politicians sympathetic to the Military Industrial Complex. Corporations don't breathe the air, yet they can pollute it and buy the influence of politicians that only care about money and power to pass bills allowing them to do just that. Corporations don't eat the food, but they can feed us the bottom of the barrel and then buy a politician who'll not only say it's fine, but offer them subsidies. I understand that politicians have been bought and sold since the first politician arrived and I understand that in the modern world, it's the corporations that are doing the buying, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ALRIGHT AND IT SURE SHOULD NOT BE MADE LEGAL!!!! Sure, they can't put the money right into the politicians campaign fund and of course they can't have any contact with the candidates election committee, because, well that's illegal ( nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more, say no more), but to act as if these " Super -PACS" are without an agenda is moronic and they've already proven that they're more than happy to sink to the lowest common denominator.Overturn Citizens United, it's your duty to your constituents. Remember us? We're those little creatures that are still allowed to vote ( and even that privilege seems to be on rocky ground). Do your duty to your country, it's what you swore to do.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by dane wilson
Meijer: Label GMOsWe’re launching a campaign to show grocery chains, like Meijer, that their customers want GMO labeling, and persuade them to follow the lead of other grocery stores like Whole Foods. We have a right to know what’s in the food we buy, so we can make healthy, responsible, and informed choices about what we’re eating. Sign this petition to Meijer CEO Hank Meijer and ask him as a customer to label GMOs in all store-brand products.487 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Andre Delattre
Target: Label GMOsWe’re launching a campaign to show grocery chains, like Target, that their customers want GMO labeling, and persuade them to follow the lead of other grocery stores like Whole Foods. We have a right to know what’s in the food we buy, so we can make healthy, responsible, and informed choices about what we’re eating. Sign this petition to Target CEO John Mulligan and ask him as a customer to label GMOs in all store-brand products.500 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Andre Delattre
Ask Costco to stop funding the Koch BrothersThe Koch brothers use their billions to fund radical right wing causes. The very least we can do is not support their efforts by not buying their products. If Costco and other retailers step up and stop carrying the products it will have a bigger impact. What the Koch brothers support is in opposition to many of the things Costco promotes.316 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Bob Holcepl
Snapple and Ben & Jerry's: Protect temp workers from gruesome deaths!!The safety device that would have saved Janio Salinas was removed just 13 days before his death, and was put in after other workers were almost sucked under by the machines.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress
DC: Let Jeffrey's Memorial Use Superman Logo!For Jeffrey Baldwin and the Toronto citizens who remember him, Superman is a symbol of love and hope even in the face of man's extreme cruelty.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Demand Progress