• Hold Governor Cuomo Accountable on Ethics Reforms
    In a recent speech, Governor Cuomo made promises about reforms that, if enacted, would help clean up corruption in Albany. He even threatened to block passage of the budget unless such ethics reforms were included. But the devil is in the details. We’ve heard these promises before and what has come out of the “three-men-in-a-room” negotiation in the past was far from transformative. We need your help to hold him accountable. Sign the petition , and we will deliver your signatures and comments to Cuomo to demand that he follow through and take action!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Common Cause Picture
  • Massachusetts: Crack down on excessive CEO pay
    Our economy is nearing a tipping point. We simply cannot continue to go down this path of ever-increasing inequality. One of the driving factors of this widening gap is that while the economy has recovered from the recession and continues to grow, that growth isn’t reaching the middle class. It’s being gobbled up by Wall Street and company executives. Despite record profits, corporations are giving less and less to help the middle class. A recent report showed that regular employees see the smallest percentage of corporate profit at any point since 1950 -- even while productivity has kept rising. [1] There is a pending bill in the Massachusetts Senate that would push corporations to curb this trend. It's a simple idea: If a company pays their executives more than 100 times what the median salary is for that company, they would pay another 2% in taxes on their profits. This gives companies an incentive to raise the salaries of average employees while limiting CEO pay. Massachusetts does best when everyone gets a fair shot and gets a fair share. Everyone should get a chance to work their way to a living wage. 1. Josh Bivens, Economic Policy Institute, "In 2013, Workers’ Share of Income in the Corporate Sector Fell to its Lowest Point since 1950." http://www.epi.org/publication/2013-workers-share-income-corporate-sector/
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nathan Proctor
  • Set A Good Example for Girl Scouts
    I was a member of Girl Scouts as a child and felt that I was bombarded with conflicting messages. Why are girls still being made to sell (and compete, for tickets to Disney) a product that supports diabetes, obesity, heart disease, mindless eating and poor agricultural practices? We need to be more creative and do better for our nation's youth.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clara Salomon
  • Enforce The Do Not Call Law
    I file complaints daily as these illegal calls ring my phone. I've been on the Do Not Call list for many years yet it's being ignored. Telemarketers argue with me over not seeing my name. Some simply hang up and call again in an hour. If politicians expect anyone to take them seriously, they should back up the laws they pass.
    143 of 200 Signatures
    Created by james fay
  • Tell Congress: We Can't Afford to Outsource More Jobs
    Corporate lobbyists have been pushing for special rules in order to rush the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal through Congress. If they succeed, it will mean a loss of U.S. jobs and pressure to hold wages down for those that remain. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is being negotiated in secret, but negotiators are making big claims about boosting U.S. exports. We've been down this road before. The reality is that deals like this make it easier for corporations to keep wages low by trading U.S. jobs to the lowest bidder. Now corporate lobbyists want Congress to help speed things along by authorizing Trade Promotion Authority, a special set of "fast-track" rules for the deal so that it can be pushed through without allowing time for close review, debate or amendments, and guaranteed a quick vote in both the House and Senate. It's no wonder the corporate lobby doesn't want Congress to take a close look at what's been going on behind the closed door of the negotiations. The deal gives special rights and benefits to companies that offshore investment and jobs and allows multinational corporations to sue governments if they legislate improvements in environmental, labor, consumer or health standards that might impact future corporate profits. Please take action today and tell your member of Congress to stand up to this corporate power grab and vote NO on fast track authorization for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
    51,749 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Larry Cohen, CWA President Picture
  • Bain Capital Got Away with Medicare Fraud Once: Don't Let them Do it Again
    In the 1990s, Bain Capital owned Damon Laboratories, which made Bain hundreds of millions by ripping off Medicare. Just before the justice department sued Damon, Bain sold the company and got away with it. Today, Boston Heart Diagnostics--another Bain-owned lab--is under investigation for massive Medicare Fraud. Guess what Bain just announced: they are selling Boston Heart Diagnostics to a European Conglomerate called Eurofins for $200 million. In addition to robbing tax payers of hundreds of millions, Bain will now be rewarded with $200M. Lets force Bain to keep Boston Heart Diagnostics and have to repay the taxpayer some of what it stole, and better yet, face criminal charges for this repeated pattern of Medicare theft.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Dzilna
  • Ford Denied Warranty Claims for Corrosion
    I purchased a used 2010 Expedition with 97k miles. It has multiple points on the rear hatch of bubbling paint, which indicate corrosion. The local Ford dealer filed the warranty claim only to be denied by Ford MoCo.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Mercer
  • Tell the CA Supreme Court: Give CA voters the opportunity to overturn Citizens United!
    The “Koch Primary” -- a meeting of billionaires and right-wing presidential hopefuls held by the Koch Brothers in Palm Springs, CA -- has made California GROUND ZERO for fighting the corrupting influence of money in politics. And we must demand that Californians have a right to weigh in on this critical issue with Prop 49. Since the disastrous Citizens United ruling opened the floodgates of corporate money in our elections, the Koch brothers’ extreme right-wing agenda has become the platform for virtually the entire Republican Party -- including "Koch Primary" attendees, Senators Ted Cruz (TX), Rand Paul (KY), Marco Rubio (FL), and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. And if one of these candidates becomes President in 2016 -- with the Koch Brothers' help -- say goodbye to Obamacare, women's rights, and every progressive value we care about most. The fight to stop this madness starts by demanding that Prop 49 be put back on the ballot in California in 2016 -- to allow California voters to decide whether the U.S. Congress and California Legislature should approve a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Tim Molina, Courage Campaign
  • Dear 114th Congress: Stand Up to Wall Street
    The great majority of Americans, regardless of party, want the rules governing Wall Street and financial companies to be tougher, not weaker. We are thankful for the existence of a financial oversight agency with a mandate to put the interests of borrowers and consumers ahead of the power and profits of Wall Street and the big banks. Congress needs to hear from us!
    526 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jim Lardner, Americans for Financial Reform Picture
  • WA bill threatens consumers' right to know
    Bill to be heard in WA State House Committee on Public Safety Tuesday Remember those horrific pictures that workers employed at Darigold dairies risked their jobs to take to document animal abuse where they work? Well, if a recently introduced bill becomes law in the State of Washington, taking those pictures will become a criminal act. If we share those pictures with you, we too could be found guilty of a crime and possibly forced to pay ridiculous amounts of damages. In other words, HB 1104 threatens to silence all of us who care about animal welfare, worker rights, and even food safety. This bill is clearly in response to our Darigold campaign and is a shameless attempt to quiet workers and even the UFW. Rather than allowing Darigold to hide behind lobbyists and legislators, join us in calling on them to publicly denounce this bill. Rather than criminalizing workers and the organizations who support efforts to ensure animal AND worker abuse does not occur, it's high time Darigold step up to work with us to create a solution. The bill will be heard in the State House Committee on Public Safety Tuesday. Please email Darigold CEO Jim Wegner and committee chair Roger Goodman (D) and tell them what you think of big corporations manipulating the justice system.
    442 of 500 Signatures
    Created by UFW
  • Walmart: Don't donate to politicians who pander to white supremacists!
    Republican Rep. Steve Scalise recently admitted to speaking at a white supremacist conference in Louisiana. Turns out it's just the most recent example in a longer string of dog-whistles and pandering to an electorate that repeatedly voted for former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. Despite this shocking revelation, Scalise — who once described himself as "David Duke without the baggage" — was easily elected by his fellow Republicans to become House Majority Whip. This makes him the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. No one with a history of keeping company with white supremacists should hold such an influential position. Yet Walmart contributed $8,500 to Scalise between 2012 and 2014, making them one of the largest supporters of his efforts to build power and influence in the House. Join us in telling Walmart to decide whose side they're on -- the bigots, and those who pander to them, or the rest of us. Ask them to pledge not to donate any more money to Steve Scalise, or any politician who panders to white supremacists.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Presente.org
  • Google: Don't donate to politicians who pander to white supremacists!
    Republican Rep. Steve Scalise recently admitted to speaking at a white supremacist conference in Louisiana. Turns out it's just the most recent example in a longer string of dog-whistles and pandering to an electorate that repeatedly voted for former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke. Despite this shocking revelation, Scalise — who once described himself as "David Duke without the baggage" — was easily elected by his fellow Republicans to become House Majority Whip. This makes him the third most powerful Republican in the House of Representatives. No one with a history of keeping company with white supremacists should hold such an influential position. Yet Google and the lobbyists representing its interests contributed $15,000 to Scalise between 2012 and 2014, helping him build power and influence in the House. This isn't the first time they've given money to questionable political causes -- in 2012, Google was a major sponsor of the Conservative Political Action Conference, which gave a platform to confirmed white nationalist and anti-gay bigots. Join us in telling Google to decide whose side they're on -- the bigots, and those who pander to them, or the rest of us. Ask them to pledge not to donate any more money to Steve Scalise, or any politician who panders to white supremacists.
    2,319 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Presente.org