• Local viewers like me want PBS to stop the self-censorship and air the documentary "Citizen Koch"
    While I understand PBS not wanting to anger big donors, PBS owes it to "we the people" to present information that helps us make the informed decisions necessary to support our democratic republic. That's what the "public" in PBS stands for!
    831 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Ingrid Scott
  • WOSU - Columbus: Air Citizen Koch!
    "Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Sherman
  • Air "Citizen Koch" on PBS!
    "Citizen Koch" should be broadcast on PBS to counter the Koch attempt to suppress quality journalism. We already have Rupert Murdoch pulling the string at Fox News. Give PBS back to its viewers!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by A. Shanahan
  • Uncensor Citizen Koch
    Additional background: Earlier this summer, a New Yorker article revealed that public television pulled the documentary Citizen Koch from a planned national broadcast – out of fear of upsetting major PBS donor and right-wing billionaire David Koch. Citizen Koch is a powerful documentary by Academy Award-nominated filmmakers that tells the story of the outsized role of money in politics. After we learned what happened, more than 350,000 people around the country signed a petition urging public television to end the self-censorship and air Citizen Koch. Recently we delivered those petitions to public television’s flagship station, WNET in New York – and now we’re stepping up the fight by urging local stations to do the same.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brian Smith
  • air "citizen koch" public television should serve the public first
    money and power control everything.why should we the people not be allowed to know who or what could be inevitably making decisions that could directly impact all of us?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joe terruso
  • Air Citizen Koch
    Citizen Koch was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major contributor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers. I want to see this important documentary. Please join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Errol Emden
  • Air Citizen Koch
    "Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Harrison
  • Please Air "Citizen Koch"
    PBS prides itself on being viewer supported. Please demonstrate that programming that is independent of of moneyed influence is becoming harder and harder to find. Please defend the "public in public broadcasting by airing this documentary and others like it
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barrick Stees
  • Citizen Koch Documentary
    Because it is the right of all citizens to know what the 1% are up to!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raemona Mae Clark
  • KUHT Houston: Local viewers like me want PBS to stop the self-censorship and air the documentary...
    "Citizen Koch“ was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of “Citizen Koch“ on Independent Lens?
    2,745 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by kevin clark
  • Koch, the Bloke
    He doesn't care about the people of this country at all.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Astral
  • APTV, please air the documentary "Citizen Koch!"
    Pulling a documentary to satisfy one donor goes against the very nature of what public broadcasting is all about. PBS should be a holdout against corporate self-serving interests, not the latest victim of them.
    1,904 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ryan