Americans have a right to know.We need to know how money influences US politics and to what extent! It's the INFORMED citizens that can make democracy work; otherwise we are no better than the failed and corrupt democracies of most third world countries! Please urge PBS to air the documentary,'Citizen Koch' uncensored.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Murtaza Mandviwala
KQED- SAN JOSE; Air the documentary Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast for fear of upsetting David Koch. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not billionaires like the Koch brothers. We all should be able to see this important documentary. Please air the "Citizen Koch" documentary.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by DONALD BARRETT
Cure the Koch!Air Citizen Koch1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Wm.Kent
WDSE/WRPT-DT Duluth/Hibbing, MN: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!David Koch has no business intimidating PBS stations into pulling "Citizen Koch" off the air! WDSE/WRPT-DT Duluth/Hibbing, MN answers to the viewers in Northeastern Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin, especially those who give money each year.502 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Brandan Fiedler
KVIE Sacramento: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?2,603 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by RUSSELL LIVINGSTON
Stop letting billionaires lower PBS' programming standards.The reason we make contributions to NPR and PBS is so that we have unbiased and uncensored programming. The Lehrer News Hour is the best news on TV today! Please air Citizen Koch. If PBS's quality programming is for sale, please tell me so I can divert my money to a more worthy non-profit which does not lower their standards for billionaires. Thank You2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Mootham
OETA: Air Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and we want to see this important documentary. Join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens!1,939 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Serena Blaiz
PBS: DO NOT BE RUN BY KOCH BROTHERS! Air the documentary about the Koch brothers in respect for t...I believe the people of the United States need to know who the Koch brothers are, and what they are up to, and I have always thought that was what PBS is all about. I hope I will not be disappointed in PBS! I am absolutely calling for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens! The citizens of the United States are more important than whatever the Koch brothers give to PBS. Let us remember where our morals are!2,127 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Shirley Weber
Citizen KochI annually support KNME,ABQ(PBS). I ask you to support us -Not Billionaires. You were always for the truth & the underdogs.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jey Gunasegaram
KPBS: Air Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nick H
KUED 7: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!"Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers--and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?2,197 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Cindy Abernathy
KOCH Vs. PBS, And The PeoplePBS SoCal pulled the documentary, "Citizen Koch" from the air in Southern California. Though they be supporters of PBS, this does NOT give them the RIGHT, or THE PRIVILEGE of determining programming content.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia Panora