• Rocky Mountain PBS: Air the documentary Citizen Koch
    "Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers - and I want to see this important documentayr. Will you join me in calling for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fay Wouk
  • Tell KVCR to air Citizen Koch!
    Whatever happened to freedom of speech in this country, where people were able to listen to all kinds of information? Why hide information--positive or negative--from the public on this issue of the Koch brothers?
    1,051 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Parker
  • KOPB-TV-10 Portland: Air the documentary "Citizen Koch!"
    Because of fear of upsetting billionaire and climate-change denier David Koch, PBS pulled the documentary titled "Citizen Koch" off the air. Why? Because he and his brother Charles have been major donors to PBS. But I don't think that public television should answer to people like the Koch brothers--they should answer to viewers like me and you. I, personally, want to see this powerful documentary about the union-busting, Tea Party-funding Koch brothers. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    4,820 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Kathy Cvetko
  • Koch brothers
    People need to know that the Koch brothers are buying out goverment, just like the bought Wisconsin Govenor Scott Walker
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Krueger
  • Koch bros stop there laundry from being aired ?
    P B S = PUBLIC broadcast station. We the public support PBS and are entitled to hear its content by whom ever its presented without political or big money threats of censorship through defunding. Our own government has done this to OUR media outlet. Don't let this influence you by not allowing the voices of the people to be heard
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert singer
  • Expose who the Koch brothers really are!
    "Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers--and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    945 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Carlton
  • WMPB 67 - Baltimore: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!
    Pulled from national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting david Koch
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Shockley
  • Why OPB should present the "Citizen Koch" documentary
    The people of this nation and individual states need to know just what some members of the 1% (the Koch Bros) are up to in trying to control public television. Public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers - and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Saxon
  • Stop the Koch Brothers
    Because it exposes the true nature of the Koch Brothers agenda. They paid, PBS hush money to remove the documentary.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francisco Ramos
  • Tell PBS don't censor the truth!
    Tell TPT to play the documentary 'Citizen Koch'! This documentary was prevented from playing nationally because of fears it may upset David Koch, a major contributor to PBS. But money shouldn't prevent the truth from airing. Signing this petition is your message to PBS that the truth can't be suppressed with money!
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa
  • Don't Let the Koch Brothers Buy Off PBS
    Americans have the right to see the documentary "Citizen Koch!" If the money donated by the Koch brothers effectively controls PBS programming, then you have failed your mandate to be an instrument of truth and education for the American people. When you lose the trust of your most loyal followers, then corporate America will have succeeded in further corrupting the information that Americans need to defend our democracy.
    507 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robert Graves Jr
  • Let us see the documentary
    I would like to have the opportunity to view the show. I know that PBS planned to air it nationally but pulled it.\
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by neal smith