• PBS should be free from political influence
    I want the documentary "Citizen Koch" aired, as I feel it has significant social value and perspective. If they never considered the show, I would say they should do what they think is best, but if they are caving due to financial pressure, then it is wrong. The buzz seems to be that the Kochs want to stop this, and that is censorship, with which I do not agree.
    1,008 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jose Gonzales
  • OPB Please Air Citizen Koch
    I believe all information on corporations and individual that are effecting our political process or serious changes to the environment should be made available for public viewing. I believe in order for citizens to make an informed decision on matters about how their political process works or doesn't work they must be kept current on important issues having lasting effects on their lives and the environment.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Warren Menges
  • Please Air Citizen Koch
    Public television stations should answer to their viewers, not outside influences like the Koch brothers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Barnes
  • WLIW 21 Long Island: Air the documentary Citizen Koch!
    "Citizen Koch" was pulled from a national public television broadcast because of fear of upsetting David Koch, who has been a major donor to public television. But public television stations should answer to viewers like me, not to billionaires like the Koch brothers -- and I want to see this important documentary. Will you join the call for a national broadcast of " Citizen Koch" on Independent Lens?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Stephenson
  • Air Citizen Koch and stop censoring information
    These guys are into too much that controls and effects millions of unsuspecting people. Just because David Koch gives money the stations are supposed to be airing programs for the viewers not the huge supporters, especially if these supporters are involved in activities that are harmful to others. . What ever happened to free speech?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Welch
  • KCTS Seattle: Air the documentary "Citizen Koch"
    Right-wing billionaire David Koch contributes to public television, which is now refusing to air "Citizen Koch" -- an expose on the alarming control the Koch brothers' money is having on public media. Public television stations are answerable to viewers like us, not a few wealthy donors lobbying for their own special interests. Please join the call for a national broadcast of "Citizen Koch" on "Independent Lens"!
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greyling Gentry
  • Raw Influence
    To expose the public to how their Congress is paid for.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bayard Breeding
  • WNYC NY...don't you dare pull the documentary Citizen Koch! It would stand against everything you...
    There will be no end to censorship if you allow fear of upsetting millionaire donors to interfere with what the majority of your listeners (who also pay for your wonderful programs) want to hear. Please just say no, and stand up for the right thing.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherry Asch
  • Boston and Cambridge: air "Citizen Koch" documentary - stop the self-censorship
    Please stop censoring Citizen Koch -- a powerful documentary about the union-busting, Tea Party-funding Koch brothers that was pulled from PBS earlier this year for fear of upsetting major public television donor and right-wing billionaire David Koch.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne deCelis
  • KTCA2 please air Citizen Koch
    I want to view citizen Koch
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by linda crosby
  • WTTW, Air the Citizen Koch Documentary
    I don't belive this sort of censorship is healthy in a democracy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Protter
  • WFWA-PBS39, Please air "Citizen Koch"
    There is no reason to self censor. You should air the documentary "Citizen Kock" despite their donations in an attempt to silence truth. PBS is supposed to be FOR the public, not corporations. By burying prudent information you are doing a disservice to the common good.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Langston