• Making taxes fairer for us all.
    We(the U.S. Citizens), should not have to pay taxes for everyone's company(or Business/Corporation). There are companies and shareholders around that do not pay any taxes, but we as citizen of this great land, have to pay taxes whenever we need something(Ex. candy, gum, water, services, shelter, auto, and everything else). We are also paying for the right of these companies to stay in business; while they(Business/Corporation owners) keep increasing the prices of their products (ie. gas and vegetables) saying that they are doing it because of taxes. I believe that if the businesses/corporations do not pay taxes, then we as citizens should not have to pay either.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherell Miller
  • Stop Protecting Wage Thieves!
    When wage theft occurs, workers and their families are denied hard-earned wages, local economies lose the extra consumer spending that is so vital to a community’s economic health, and responsible employers are forced to compete with unscrupulous businesses that undercut them on labor costs. The Florida Legislature is attempting to block local governments from passing wage theft ordinances, eliminating an efficient process for workers to find justice. Florida workers should have a just and accessible program to regain stolen wages.
    701 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Elliot
  • wage inequality between employers and employees
    I am tired of everyone yelling and fighting about taxes. The problem with this country is that no one can afford anything. For over fourty years everything from milk to cars and bills have gone up also to include CEO's salaries but our wages have been stagnant. The reason the middle class is gone is because you have killed us with bills, taxes and anything else you can think of. We all need a major pay increase.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Hajji
  • Eliminating the tax breaks
    Our current deficit problems could be fixed without touching Social Security and Medicare. It could be fixed as suggested by President Obama by eliminating the tax breaks for billionaires, millionaires, and corporations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Newman
  • Put a salary requirement on H1-B visas
    To ensure H1-B visas are not used to import cheaper workers and suppress American's wages, enact a minimum annual salary requirement of at least $150,000. America wants the world's best and brightest, so let them come. But, if they really are the best and brightest, they should at least be able to command a salary of $150,000.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edith Yates
  • TAXES IN NY - Ulster
    Out of control tax cost and rising (School & Property, including fire, & water) I must INCLUDE ALL SURROUNDING COUNTIES.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cath
  • Community Democracy Project
    Promote active citizenship, community learning, and direct democracy through our voter initiative to change the Oakland City Charter so that we the people decide how our tax money is spent.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Connor
  • Stop the furloughs of federal workers
    Hundreds of thousands of federal employees are going to be furloughed due to the sequester. The politicians in DC don't care about them or the hit to our economy that this will cause.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Ciulla
    Senior citizens who have worked all of their lives depend on this "PROMISE" to be here!!! Disabled Americans also depend on their benefits, however small, to help them live when work is no longer an option.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deb Richardson
  • Save Social Security Cuts
    President Obama wants to cut Social Security. We cannot afford to have any cuts to Social Security.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dorothy Hyde
  • Say No To President Obama's chained CPI
    This will hurt the Disabled the Retired and our Disabled Veterans and is Just Plain Wrong!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dean Pennell
  • Do NOT cut Social Security Benefits!
    I, and many others have worked for many years paying into Social Security. Personally, I worked for 49 years, since I was 14 years old, and have fortunately NEVER been unemployed. I voted for, and support President Obama, BUT, he must not take from the less fortunate, and give more to the 'Well to do' - It is simply wrong! Prices on every item go up, everyday, NOT down! I am shocked and very disappointed in our President, that he and congress would allow this to happen. PLEASE, urge OUR LEADERS, to NOT CUT SOCIAL SECURITY, OR VETERANS BENEFITS. I never thought I would get personally involved in this important issue, but I cannot allow the Tea Party/Republicans, or Obama to try to balance the budget off the backs of the less fortunate. Please help. Thank You.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Reilly