• Say no to Privatization, please sign
    Your local beer distributors could lose their livelihood if bill 790, Liqour Privatization is passed. Please support your local small businesses.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tami Jo Natskakula
  • Allow Bankruptcy and forgiveness for all Student Loans
    Individuals must be allowed to declare bankruptcy on students loans. Presently, it is nearly impossible to meet the standards for discharge. Courts use different tests to evaluate whether a borrower has shown undue hardship and the “evaluation” based on the Brunner test is too restrictive and unfair to the vast number of students who need this option now, so they may maintain a standard of living presently and in the future. Presently, many students have over $200K in debt with incomes as low as $50K or less. They are merely meeting their living expenses and often unable to save for retirement. These aging individuals are strapped with student loans with no chance of repaying them. The only ones benefiting from this debt are benefiting are the lenders, who continue to add interest upon interest to these ever increasing debts. The lenders know that the federal government will be the one's to pay these student loans off, but at a much higher price. Reduce the years for student loan forgiveness and make all present forgiveness laws proactive. Presently, students can have loans forgiven after 120 payments, but this new law does not help those with loans from the 80s and 90s. The laws need to be proactive and allow older loans to be forgiven due to low wages, etc.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B. A.
  • Balance budget
    Cut Foreign Aid to help balance our budget. Take away the outsiders entitlements not ours.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George
  • Stop Online Sales Tax
    Amazon supports taxing online sales in a bid to destroy their competition. Unfortunitly this will limit consumer choice, destroy the online economy and thousands of small online resellers around the country. Sign the petition if you want US Senators to reject this bill and prevent more Americans from being put out of work. You can read more about it here: http://www.npr.org/blogs/money/2013/04/22/178407898/why-amazon-supports-an-online-sales-tax-bill?
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris
  • No Internet Sales Taxes
    No taxes on purchases made through the internet
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose R Colindres
  • No Internet Sales Taxes
    About not adding more taxes to the citizens of the states
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jose R Colindres
  • Raise Minimum Wage for the Good of the Country
    Everyone would like a little more dough in their pockets. Raising minimum wage will do just that in but a month or two. My mother works at KFC for minimum wage, yet she works so hard her wrist needs a brace.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Truman Sharp
  • Equity pay
    Most wage earners receive compensation based on the minimum wage that is decided upon by Congress. Since Congressional pay is not related to the minimum wage and is automatic; then they have no incentive to put a cost-of-living increase into the minimum wage. Therefore; it is proposed that congressional salary should not have automatic increases and should be determined by a reasonable percentage of the minimum wage.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Reger
  • Support Workers in Chicago!
    Workers at fast food and retail chains across Chicago should have at least $15 an hour and the right to form a union. Their employers are making huge profits, but aren't paying their workers enough to cover basic needs like food, rent, heat, health care, and transportation. It’s outrageous and it has to stop. The brave workers are willing to risk their jobs and their livelihoods to stand up and say ENOUGH – and we can’t let them stand alone.
    1,905 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Williams
  • No more abuse, make the Healthy Workplace Bill a Law
    I can not turn my head and allow workplace bullying. I have a new diagnosis with what I just experienced: PTSD due to a hostile work enviroment. I am still wondering if I am actually totally disabled from the bullying I just experienced, and am facing weekly appointments with mental health professionals. What can you do? I did talk to an attorney who said their's no law against "abusive work enviroments, that's why workplace bullying continues and is on the rise". Well, please help me to make an antibullying law, the bill is already written, and can be found under Mass.HB1766. Please everybody get involved! This is far too important to ignore, and is this worst form of discrimation as it has been brushed under the carpet for too long. I am just one of the millions that have been injured.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reba Lasseur
  • 38-Hour Workweek, Stronger Economy
    By passing a national law to create a 38-hour workweek, we can strengthen the economy and increase employment. For every 19 people working 40 hours a week, a new full-time job or two new part-time jobs can be created. With 114 million people employed full-time in the United States, decreasing the workweek by two hours will generate up to 6 million full-time or 12 million part-time jobs.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zach Wilson
  • Tell Gov. Dalrymple: Don’t Hurt Locked Out Workers
    After passing pay raises for themselves, right-wing legislators in Bismarck approved a bill to deny unemployment benefits to locked out workers. If signed into law by Gov. Jack Dalrymple, it will give greedy corporate CEOs even more incentive to lock out workers to drive down wages and benefits for all of us. While we don't think legislators are currently overpaid, it does speak to their priorities when they are giving themselves a pay raise while taking rights away from working people. Tell Gov. Dalrymple to stand up for North Dakota working families and veto HB 1112.
    451 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Tom Ricker, North Dakota AFL-CIO