• Tell the Senate: No Obstruction; Confirm Mel Watt!
    I could lose my home in Florida because it is underwater and my mortgage payments are too large for me to handle since the economic recession has severely shrunk my retirement investments. Reducing the mortgage principal to the actual value of my home would shrink my mortgage payments to a manageable level.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sheila mccahey
  • 20 hours is full time employment!
    Why do we let employers play games with hours worked for benefits awards. 20 hours should be the floor for full benefits, insurance, retirement, sick pay, etc..
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edd Abraham
  • Save broker's health insurance commission
    My years of hard work are being effected by huge insurance companies. All my clients need my service. Without me as their broker, they wouldn't have any idea what to do. Please reduce costs from hospitals and pharmecuticals, not from brokers who work very hard to earn a buck.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sara Urban
  • Paddy Lynch: Help the disadvantaged with a hand up.
    I see people every day who need help. People who are working but they have to fix a flat, or go to the dentist, or have a furnace go out. Sometimes I see people living in the alley ways. There are lots of people in Durango that make it from paycheck to paycheck....and if they have an emergency, they have to take time out from work to go to a government agency and fill out a ton of paperwork and MAYBE in a month or two or six...they MIGHT get State assistance. I see these people who come ask me for money to get by on. If I have it I lend it. I never get it back, because they barely make it. I am proposing that I receive the .9 cents a gallon of gas that is sold in Colorado to go into a bank account where I can help people out regardless of philosophies, race, gender, creed or religion.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Padraig Lynch
  • Government, State Offices & Corporations Not Hiring Skilled Employees with Degrees and Experience...
    Are you 50 and older and out of full time work? Have you been looking for work since 2010 or longer that your resume states you are qualified or overly qualified to do the job? Then why are we not being called in for an interview and or given employement? Because you have to state your age on all applications and once they calculate you are over 50 then noone is you or anyone 50 and older employees.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen ButlerSimmons
  • Get the government off out backs
    Isn't it time to have a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility? The government can not spend us into prosperity nor tax us until we are equally broke.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Beckham
  • Help older workers find work.
    Why doesn't the Government help old workers get back to work . Government is spending money every were but were it is needed most. In order to get older people(40-65) back to work the Government need's to created a program were they will pay half the salary of an older worker in order to make them more attractive to the work force. Lets face it there are millions of older workers unemployed who apply daily for work .If and when, they get a Job interview , they are not hired because of their age.It's a fact and the only way to give an advantage to the more experienced hard working older population is with Government help.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard (Shashawannee)Rohe
  • Help Stop HOA Foreclosures in Florida
    Illegal HOA foreclosure practices in Florida at the hands of Attorney Robert L. Tankel of Dunedin, Florida
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Axle
  • Stop obstruction and start construction. Remember jobs, jobs, jobs...
    The middle class and lower class need jobs. Put some effort into creating these.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rebecca Barnett
  • Stop using tax dollars to build a failing gambling industry in Atlantic City
    Millions spent on Christie's Revel Casino when the evidence shows a failing industry year after year. Tax dollars should not subsidize the gambling business.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jon Taner
  • Apple, Pay Your Taxes!
    Apple Computers, while benefiting from our great American infrastucture, financed by your taxes and mine, is actively and shamefully evading paying its own taxes. This is a disgrace, and a terrible precedent for others. We the people must at least speak out and change this increasingly common tax dodging.
    232 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Shorr
  • Stop the new USDA madness
    The USDA wants to speed up the chicken processing line in poultry plants; in order to do that they would have to use even more chemicals so that even diseased chickens would be included. A poultry processing worker has already died from his lungs bleeding out; yet, the USDA wants to use more of these chemicals none of which have been vetted by them or the FDA?! In addition, they want to decrease their inspectors by 40%.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerri