• Maryland Governor Passes Unconstitutional "Rain Tax"
    To petition against Maryland State Government and Governor O’Malley’s decision to impose Maryland property owners with a rain tax on our next property tax bills effective July1, 2013. There has been no transparency in the state's decision process or voter approval of the rain tax. Furthermore, these officials have exempted government-owned properties from the rain tax and enforced it on churches and nonprofits.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KATRINA
  • Online Sales Tax
    Online sales tax is being discussed by law makers. Any bill passed into law should specify how the money collected will be spent.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by achamma Chandersekaran
  • Fair Wages For Harvard's Lowest Paid Workers
    The Harvard University Security, Parking and Museum Guards Union represents the lowest paid workforce at Harvard. We are in a protracted struggle to bring our wages and benefits up to the same standards that Harvard pays to the other trade unions and their contract security guards.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Gogel
  • Make Online Retailers like Amazon charge Sales Tax
    Corporations like Amazon aren't required to pay sales tax while Main Street [Mom and Pop] retailers still do. As usual, the big boys get to play by different rules; and the little people lose on this uneven playing field. We need this sales tax revenue in our states, counties and cities!
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Brewster
  • liquidate liquidate Fannie Mae (FNMA) and Freddie Mac (FMCC)
    Fannie and Freddie are toxic that led to the housing crisis in which they played a role . they must be liquidate.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dreamlin Braun
  • Living Wage
    My petition is for a living wage. The current minimum wage of $7.25 nationally is not enough for people to live on. San Francisco made their wage $10.25. Even though that is good, many say that is even low since the price of housing is tremendous there. I have two jobs that pay $9.25 and $9.77 respectively and am barely making it myself. Also, each person in this country should at least receive enough money and resources to stay in a home, buy food and pay utilities. Although there are services in place, quite often it is not enough.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Arroyo
  • The President, Senators and Congressmen and Women Should be Paid the Minimum Wage.
    Seniors like me and my Wife have to live on tiny amounts of money. Our leaders have lost touch with many millions of low income and fixed low income Americans. The tiny salary checks they would get would be a reminder of what we have to live on.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James A Baker
    Project "Head Start," medical care to the poor, schools, jobs, etc., etc..... Everyone will be impacted by the sequester and will suffer because of it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
  • "No Cherry Picking Sequestration!"
    It allows Congress to continue to avoid working on a budget. The problem with the Air Traffic Controllers is part of that pain the country is suppose to feel from SEQUESTRATION. That pain is what is suppose to get Congress to act! Smoothing over the parts that effect Business, doesn't fix the areas that effect the PEOPLE. By approving the Bill, the President signs away any leverage he has over Congress on the Budget issue.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Grant
  • Mayor Emanuel; Taxi drivers deserve a fare increase now.
    Chicago taxi drivers have not had fare increase since 2006, and Chicago ranks 125th lowest cab fare of all U.S. cities and 27th of large cities. Since 2005, the cost of living has increased by 19.1% and lease rates for taxicab have increased 20 - 36% and gas prices have increased 60%. Taxi drivers work an average of 13.1 hours per day for less than $5.00 per hour. The United Taxidrivers Community Council (UTCC) calls for 22% increase in fares that would bring Chicago into the top ten taxi fares for large cities.
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by fayez khozindar
  • Real Salaries for Waitresses and Waiters
    Stop subsidizing establishements who do not pay real salaries to their waitresses and waiters but depend on cutormers tipping them. Why should we subsidize restaurants when it is their responsibility to pay a fair day wage to their employees including benefits? The clients responsibility is to pay for the meal and not the service. We don't tip nurses, bus drivers, drycleaners, grocery clerks because they receive salaries from their employers.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Raymond Hoche-Mong
  • Government Out-of-Control Spending
    If those in power would just get along and try to figure this out the government could do what us normal people have had to do in these past years. Cut a little here and there until we all do our best to live within our means. Why should the government spend like there is no tomorrow? We can't!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcy Crossman