Fix the Sequester Cuts for the Poor, Not Just Congressional TravelCongress is rushing to pass legislation today to end the airline delays caused by the sequester cuts. It's not a bad idea, but the sequester is causing all sorts of problems, so why focus just on this? The reason is Congress is hearing from wealthy contributors who fly frequently--and also they personally are going on recess next week and don't want to be inconvenienced when they travel home. This is outrageous. Cancer patients are being turned away from clinics. Kids are being thrown out of Head Start programs. Housing assistance, unemployment insurance, and food pantries have all been cut. Congress is ignoring all these emergencies--while focusing only on how they personally are being inconvenienced.4,506 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Randy Bernard
PETITION TO PROTEST THE COUNTY WHEEL TAXTo request an election of the wheel tax3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jack Pine
VETO all bills that do not stop the ENTIRE SEQUESTER!I want the president to VETO any and all bills passed by this Congress that only stops part of the Sequester! For example, by preventing the furloughs of air traffic controllers other airport/airline items will have to be cut! Furthermore, how about ALL of government employees that will continued to be furloughed like the National Park Service! We need to stop the ENTIRE SEQUESTER AND NOT JUST PIECES OF IT!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maureen Thompson
Sequestration Budget FlexibilityAllow all federal government departments to use their 'sequestration' budget as they see fit, as proposed for the FAA by the Senate2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Guss Dolan
Raise the National Minimum WageRaising the National Minimum Wage3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marcus James
Stop the Austerity Measures in Europe; reverse demands urged by Germany on GreeceProblem: austerity measures and the occupation of sovereign nations by foreign entities manipulating countries for the purpose of economic gain at the expense of hard working citizens Solution: The european union, Germany especially, the IMF and other organizations involved in the impoverishment of European nations such as Greece, Portugal, Spain and Italy need to change their ways. An uproar has already started on the streets of these nations so lets go further with it.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chrissy
25 DOLLAR AN HOUR MINIUM WAGE!!get worker pay back to henry fords 5 dollar day adjusted for inflation,, that mean an 100 fold increase in worker pay from 1927..500 dollar worker pay just like 1927. ford truck 1927 290 dollars now 2013 $ 29,000 GOAL IS 25 DOLLAR AN HOUR MINIUM WAGE. THE USA ECONOMY WOULD BOOM ON THE SPENDING OF THE 25 DOLLAR AN HOUR MINIUM WAGE WORKER.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by THOMAS A WILLIAMS
Selling Social Security NumbersPeople who are not working or filing income taxes are selling their children's social security numbers for dependents. The person filling income taxes is paying the person money in return. These people are getting high returns illegally. I can't believe the IRS is not following up on these Social Security numbers when claims are filed. There is more going on than you think.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kay Sugg
Stand strong against Christie's tax planRight now Chris Christie is traveling the state promoting his election-year tax plan that gives tax breaks to people making $400,000 a year and will prevent us from creating jobs and giving New Jersey a real recovery. Three years of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations haven’t brought New Jersey the jobs it desperately needs. And Christie's paid for those tax cuts by slashing investments that would give us a real New Jersey comeback. Another giveaway to people making $400,000 only makes investing in schools, colleges and clean energy even harder. So far Democratic leaders like Sheila Oliver are standing strong against a bad idea. Tell Speaker Oliver that you’re with her on this one.1,905 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Bill Holland
Send Boehner the BillThe sequester is going to get more and more expensive to us ordinary Americans. We will all pay in time wasted, jobs lost, and goods and services wasted. Lets send the responsible congressmen a bill for the loss their playing politics is causing us.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Leffmann
TaxesTaxes and tolls. Other huge districts don't charge as much tax on purchases, the lost side of town is charged too much in property taxes. There probably isn't a house in a three mile radius that can bring in more than 100,000 but our property taxes are up over $3000 a year. Where are the people, thrown out of good paying factory jobs suppose to keep up the taxes, taxes and more taxes. Most other states aren't behaving like trolls on the highways as well.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca
Demand Higher Minimum Wage for WorkersThe federal minimum wage is $7.25/hour. That is roughly $250 income per week; the average rent in Columbia, SC is $699 per month. SC currently has no state minimum wage law. Do the math! We must demand employers such as McDonalds, Walmart, Subway and even locally owned restaurants to up the pay to 10$ per hour! Workers cannot afford rent, food, transportation and healthcare. Lets make a better tomorrow!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary