• Draft Senator Nina Turner for Bernie2020 VP running mate
    This is after South Carolina and Super Tuesday. Dear Move On, This is a petition for the Bernie Sanders 2020 presidential campaign and also a petition for Move On, and for Democracy For America. By June 2015 DFA and Move On had utilized reportedly over a million dollars to draft Elizabeth Warren, when suddenly the attention, the focus and the torch was passed to Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, an Independent, who battled the most progressive battle for the Democratic nomination we have seen in decades came out swinging and rocked the party as no one has ever done, moving the party itself away from the center finally. The establishment did not see it coming and did not know what hit them. For the 2020 election, attention again shifted to Elizabeth Warren as it did in 2015. This time she would run, and awkwardly enough now against her progressive friend Bernie Sanders. The unfortunate end of Ms. Warren’s campaign caused a huge shift yet again, as Democracy for America shifted their support not to the Establishment candidate, but back to Senator Sanders, who has been fighting for us since 1963. And we Berners thank you immensely and immeasurably. DFA gets it. A large portion of the electorate does not. Now after South Carolina the most progressive candidate since FDR in 1932, 88 long years ago, he has hit opposition. The billionaires, the corporations, the hospitals, the CEOs, the banks, the health insurance industry, the pharmaceutical industry have all rallied, joined forces, in a Stop Bernie coalition all against one single candidate who would finally break the cycle, and we welcome their hatred. All of the past candidate’s critiques of the oppositions's administration, candidate Joe Biden, have been left behind as they all join in collective show of unity together to stop the progressive movement as they do not understand our movement or the term democratic socialism confusing it with textbook socialism or even communism. An opposition always asking where Bernie is going to get the money after money suddenly is available to bail out the banks and the auto industry, then somehow there is money. The middle class is once again going to get nothing or worse, lose to another four years of Trump. If we shoot for Medicare For All, the worst that can happen is some public option bills in legislative negotiations and concessions. If we shoot for what the opposition is offering, the worst that can happen is nothing changes, and we get told that it is those damn Republicans again that would not let us get anything done. Enough. This time the middle class, the working class, should win. This petition is for you, Move On and we hope for DFA also. We are not asking for a million dollars necessarily. This is to ask you to once again step up for Bernie and help many of us draft a Draft Senator Nina Turner for his VP Running Mate. We can only pray DFA joins you. They have already endorsed him. The problem we have is the current delegate count and a pandemic that is keeping his strongest weapon, his army of door knockers including me, from getting out the vote and the perception being effectively pushed by the media that it is almost all over for Bernie Sanders. Bernie has stated before that it is ‘too early’. That was then and things have changed dynamically as they can in these things. We can no longer wait, we need a shockwave to go through the media and having the concept of the first African American VP, first woman VP and first African American woman VP, a progressive declaration that the other campaign cannot match, and should they, only look again like he is being a copycat and people will see right through it. She has been a long time supporter and co chair of his campaign, & will shut down any attempt at calling this some stunt. The time is now. Senator Nina Turner is the co chair of the Sanders campaign, a staunch and energetic advocate with a passion for Senator Sanders and has been for a long time, her name does not come out of a hat as some tactic, it comes out of not only the clear and evident support at his rallies and long standing friendship with Bernie, and her personality, her character, her way of framing the big picture with such electricity is like being taken to church, while her work for African Americans in her native Ohio and in Washington as a Senator is unquestionable and would bring so much to the campaign including more voters to reconsider the opposition ticket of back to the past. We need to flip this race back on the side of justice, and we believe the opposition campaign cannot compete with this, and any attempt to recreate it will look transparent and the voters will see any form of imitation as not flattery, and not the real thing and perhaps phony. The vision is the first African American VP in history, the first woman VP in history, the first African American woman VP in history. Now that is progressive. We would like to petition you and DFA to endorse drafting Senator Nina Turner or Ohio as the running mate of candidate for president of the United States, Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. This is to create the most progressive ticket this country has ever witnessed and we would like this to be done before the Tuesday March 17th primaries and voters get the opportunity to vote for this ticket or the choice of the establishment and simply more of the same as we have been assured that candidate Joe Biden informed a gathering of wealthy donors not long ago and again nothing will fundamentally change for the middle class or the rich. We need this ticket now at this point in time, and we need you Move On and DFA, now to reach out to your members and organization as you have the unique place in history and time, and the ability and reach to help us with this. Together we can make history and pick up where FDR and MLK and RFK left off, the war on income inequality. Will you help us?
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfonso Villasana
  • Tax breaks for the working people and small businesses
    This will put more money in people’s pockets and help us maintain the economy moving. Tax cuts for the big corporations isn’t going to help us. If we can afford Trillion dollar annual deficits to bankroll large corporations, we can surely afford this for the average American.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Israel Barreto
  • Demand Trump Resign For His Gross Mis-Handling of COVID-19
    At the end of 2019, as the disease COVID-19 was ravaging other countries Donald Trump and his administration made the conscious decision to not take actions to mitigate the impending crisis for the American people. They made the decision to not appoint someone to oversee information about the disease and they made the decision to not order the tests needed in this crisis. This inaction has lead to an extreme economic downturn, an incredible number of job losses for working people, even more unstable conditions for the poor and homeless, and will lead to an exponential amount of preventable illnesses and deaths. We have just learned that this was not just incompetence but a conscious decision made by President Trump to protect his Re-election bid. In and interview with NPR, journalist Dan Diamond from Politico notes: "In the case of Alex Azar [Secretary of Health] he did go to the president in January. He did push past the resistance from the president's political aides to warn the president the new coronavirus could be a major problem. There were aides around Trump - Kellyanne Conway had some skepticism at times that this was something that needed to be a presidential priority." "But at the same time, Secreatry Azar has not always given the president the worst-case scenario of what could happen. My understanding is [Trump] did not push to do aggressive additional testing in recent weeks... and that's partly because more testing might have led to more cases being discovered of coronavirus outbreak, and the president had made clear - the lower the numbers on coronavirus, the better for the president, the better for his reelection this fall." I demand you immediately look into this gross negligence and do everything you can to ensure President Trump's resignation.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Spike Oliver
  • Don't shut off utilities in a crisis!
    It is our responsibility to come together to protect the lives of those around us by limiting the spread of this disease as much as possible and caring for the tens of millions whose health, jobs, families and communities will be impacted. Utility companies must not cut off essential resources including water, power, and gas to ensure everyone has the ability to take care of themselves and their families. There are thousands of people already hit with the financial burden of missing work for a quarantine, to care for a loved one or children when school is cancelled, being laid off, and many more as this crisis grows. COVID-19 has revealed the interconnectedness of our country and our world -- that the health and well being of one is intimately bound to the health and well being of all. Now, we must rise to the occasion and care for each other and support one another.
    235 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Emma Einhorn
  • Publish the Results from CA, CO, UT, and WA!
    People who are in a hurry vote for the candidate who is ahead. It is spurious to not show the true delegate count.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Maddox
  • Pass SB 2123 as it was FIRST Introduced
    For the citizens of Mississippi. This is to get loved ones out of horrible prisons and back into society. When these men and women get out, they will get jobs and start paying taxes. We can get our prison systems in order and up to code. We can get our loved ones back in our lives every day and not just four hours one day a week. We can get guards that care and are not overworked or just needing a job. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.
    324 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Tuesdee Schertzer
  • Stop the Spread - Shut the Schools
    For many COVID-19 is a life threatening illness. Given the current situation with coronavirus I think FCPS should do the right thing and close the schools for a few weeks. It is clear from the numbers in the rest of the world that if we shut things down now we have a much better chance of containing the virus. I know that we have several snow days already built in to the school year. We can use them now and help stop the spread of the virus. I could keep my own children home but it’s not going to help unless everyone keeps their children home. Below are links to a few articles I’ve found defending this idea: https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/coronavirus-cancel-everything/607675/ And https://medium.com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-act-today-or-people-will-die-f4d3d9cd99ca If we take things seriously and “quarantine” now we can prevent this virus from overwhelming our medical system like it seems to have done in Northern Italy. But we need our leadership to guide us. I promise I will defend you when other parents complain that closing the schools is an over reaction. Believe me when I say I don’t look forward to spending weeks at home with my children (even though I love them very much!)
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Loritz
  • Better Measures for the Coronavirus Emergency to protect People
    By allowing workers to stay home without fear of being unable to make rent and allowing people to buy health insurance, EVERYONE will be better off as it will help slow the spread of the virus. Also, if more people get health insurance, the insurance pool will be bigger, and presumably younger people who opted not to get insurance will be motivated to get covered.
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Freedman
  • Band together
    When I look at the Democratic field I see a lot of talent and good ideas. But this positive message is lost in the bickering that makes them all so unattractive. Democrats have a mission to serve the needs of all classes, all races in this country including former Trump voters. People are tired of fighting. Give them hope and unity and a positive cohesive message.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Gatling-Austin
  • Idaho, Start re-Funding the Education system. Stop de-funding it.
    Higher education creates better paying jobs. Better paying jobs creates a better tax base. How much income tax is generated by a minimum wage paying job, compared to the income tax of an undergraduate degree pay scale? Do I need to go to the sales taxes paid by the two different incomes? Didn't think so. What started as "Trickle up" economics has turned into "Flooding up" economics. History has shown how income inequality turns out. It hasn't been pretty. We are heading, "full steam ahead" in that direction. 1929, 2008 are the years I am pointing to. The quick recovery of 2008 won't happen again. The Federal Government can't afford to bail out numerous industries again. I feel that the current state of affairs in our society are a reflection this imbalance. The political polarization. The mass shootings. The current horrific crimes being committed are a direct reflection of the terrible conditions we are experiencing. Horrific conditions are creating horrific reactions. People are struggling to eat, can't get health care because: 1) wages haven't kept up with the real cost of living. 2) We are out of options to make up the difference. When wages first began to shrink, (1978) "incomes" went from individual to "household". Mom and dad worked. Then they worked more hours. When that didn't maintain a comfortable lifestyle, (1990’s), borrowing filled the gap. We witnessed how that turned out, the 2008 recession. The middle class needs to be able to pay for things, not borrow to get them. Jobs are created when people buy things, (after all, someone has to make the things, deliver and sell them), that is how economics works. Henry Ford figured this out over 100 years ago! I am looking to my leaders to take some action. Be brave and do the right things for the right reasons. If the status quo is not changed, we are all going to be left behind. The people at the top, (the very rich), will continue to get further out of reach and more powerful. I don't think my fellow middle-class citizens are capable of continuing down the current path. The mass shootings for example, started in schools, (easy targets), then to theaters and malls, (bigger easy targets). These shootings haven’t changed what caused them. The next group will probably be politicians. Lack of gun laws is not the problem, more gun laws is not the answer. Lack of financial security is the problem, and all that goes with it. Please stop doing what we are doing, so we stop getting what we are getting. Let’s put a stop to the current state of affairs. Everything I have written here, is a glimpse of what I have observed. Unfortunately, I don’t have many solutions to offer, sorry. Political discussions with my contemporaries don’t happen. Everyone’s feelings get hurt, they stomp off, end of discussion. They are emulating what our leaders are doing. The dialogue needs to be started, so options are thought of and the best options given a chance to work. Please, let’s begin talking.
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jim Eberhard
  • Repeal the $15.7 billion tax increase for working families that strips generational wealth.
    These defined contribution plans became popular as a way for workers to save for their retirements by investing small amounts of money each year in a tax-deferred account using pre-tax money. When the retiree started taking distributions, the distributions were counted as ordinary income for tax purposes. Upon the death of the retiree, the beneficiaries of the defined contribution plan would have to take the required minimum distribution every year and pay taxes on that distribution as ordinary income. Because these defined contribution plans would continue to grow tax-deferred, the distributions could continue for decades and could be passed on to the heirs of the beneficiaries. This was a great way for workers to acquire savings and pass those savings and the resultant income on to their children and grandchildren thus creating generational wealth. This changed when the revenue provision of the SECURE ACT passed. Now, the distribution period is shortened to ten years. The effects of this change are two-fold. First, workers can no longer provide long-term savings and income to their children and grandchildren. Second, because the distribution period is shortened, more money is distributed so more money is taxed. Furthermore, the increased distribution will more than likely push the beneficiary into a higher tax bracket. The rich get to leave their kids over $11,000,000 tax free with no restrictions. The working class get to leave their kids a tax increase. Furthermore, the rich get a $1 trillion tax cut over ten years because of the Trump Tax Act. This tax cut helped increase the federal deficit by 26% from 2018 to 2019. The rich get a $1 trillion tax cut. The working class get a $15.7 billion tax increase. REPEAL THE REVENUE PROVISION OF THE SECURE ACT THAT IS A $15.7 BILLION TAX INCREASE FOR WORKERS AND THEIR FAMILIES.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Perricone
  • Endorse Bernie Sanders
    Bernie will fight for the working class and poor. He has been consistent for 40 years. Medicare For All, tuition free public college, Green New Deal, Get money out of politics, get us out of endless wars, Federal Jobs Guarantee, Expand Social Security, Immigration reform, Criminal Justice Reform
    559 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Robyn Weisgerber