• COUNT THEM!– Comprehensive Transparent Safety Data from the Student Abroad Travel Industry
    My Son, Ravi Thackurdeen, died a 100% preventable death on study abroad. Since Ravi's death, via the Internet, I have learned of many other study abroad deaths, and have met their bereaved families: Thomas Plotkin, Elizabeth Brenner's son; Zoe Damon, Noelle Damon's daughter; Joshua Shane, Mindy Shane's son; Aron Sobel, Rochelle Sobel's son. I have also met families and students scarred for life, father O. Munn's daughter' Cara, students R. Richardson, R. Paneno, R. DeMello. Drownings, falls, fires, inadequately treated illnesses, motor vehicle accidents, murder, drugging, kidnapping and more--these are the ways our students can die during study abroad. One or two days of news coverage, and these students "disappear." No one knows how many students have died on study abroad because no one counts the dead and injured. Study Abroad is an unregulated industry, which is increasingly a higher education requirement for which schools may receive federal funds. Yet, these same schools do not share safety information from prior programs. Bereaved families understand the importance of comprehensive and transparent safety data from the study abroad industry. We are coming together in support of "The Ravi Thackurdeen Safe Students Study Abroad Act." We believe that, with comprehensive and transparent safety information, students and parents can make truly informed educational decisions. We also believe that knowledge of previous deaths and injuries is the foundation of fatality prevention. With this information, academic researchers can determine patterns, and thus achieve a science-based approach to structuring safer programs. My Family and I Support H.R. 3551 The Safe Student Student Abroad Act!
    162 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ros Thackurdeen
  • Re-open Sojourner Douglass
    Hello, My name is Shannon Guy, This petition is created to help Sojourner Douglass College to gain their accreditation back and re-open for student enrollment. This college has touched many lives, especially the lives of students in the urban communities for over 40 years. With your signature, we can work towards keeping another predominately Black College open. This college has touched many lives including mine and their Scholarship program has helped many students that live in the low-income communities. The structure of their degree plans, schedules, and locations were very convenient for working adults. And if there was a problem with child care, Sojourner Douglass College offered those services as well, eliminating barriers to education. The staff was very pleasent and informal, and I am praying that we all will have the chance to meet them again. Please sign this petition helping us obtain our accreditation back. I say "us" because Sojourner Douglass wasn't just a college to me, it was home. They played a special role in my community which made me feel a part of their family. Please everyone, let's keep the legacy going! We need education; we need Sojourner Douglass College! Thank you for all your support. Your signature will touch many lives. Thank you.
    124 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Guy
  • Authorize the Staten Island Green Charter School, Governor Cuomo!
    Students on Staten Island need to learn about health and wellness and the scientific discoveries needed to create an energy efficient and sustainable environment. I am personally engaged in this project as a former Staten Island resident and a current teacher of children in a high needs school in Harlem. My mission is to improve scientific knowledge and discovery for poor urban children who have diverse learning needs, and for children living under emotional distress. It's time to use the taxpayers' money for schools that represent the needs of the community. We are the first organization to begin a health and wellness and recycling program as a community group trying to get the school launched as a K-5 school. We will begin the school with a K and 1 program in year 1. Hopefully year 1 will be now!
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Authorize the Staten Island Green Charter School Gov. Cuomo!
  • Reduce the top-heavy administration at the University of Akron
    The University of Akron is being mismanaged. As a teacher, I have seen academics take a backseat to other special interests including construction, athletics programs, and the propagation of a severely bloated administrative hierarchy.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Fields
  • 15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. James Johnson
  • Prayer in Schools
    As one of the leaders for the homeless society I hear so many stories of dysfunction in the families since their childhood that we need to rear our children with respect to honoring GOD for the future.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by allison vigna
  • Governor Christie: Reconsider your conditional veto of S-2058/A-3738
    WE NEED YOUR HELP! Tell the Governor to RECONSIDER his Conditional Veto of Senator Raymond J. Lensiak's legislation S-2058/A-3738. This legislation authorizes establishment of three pilot recovery alternative high schools that provide high school education and substance dependency plan of recovery to test the effectiveness of this model. The Governor's Conditional Veto makes it virtually impossible for New Jersey to embrace Recovery Schools for children suffering from drugs and alcohol use. What this Veto does is place the burden back onto the shoulders of already over-burdened school districts. The decision lacks the courage so desperately needed right now in the face of a horrific epidemic sweeping New Jersey and stealing the lives of our youth. The legislation currently includes essential elements and includes the national framework for Recovery High School's set forth by the Association of Recovery Schools (ARS). We must have this specific framework in place to make EFFECTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE Recovery High Schools a reality in New Jersey. As a young woman in long-term recovery myself, I know how important it is to support youth recovery. If we want to stem the viscous cycle of addiction we must not only put money towards prevention and treatment, we must also support recovery. Mariel Harrison
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Mariel Harrison
  • Cameron School District 2015 Bus Policy Changes
    We feel that the new 2015-2016 school transportation policy is creating an unfair and unnecessary burden for families with non-traditional custody arrangements, as well as for families with non traditional work schedules. Under the current policy instituted for the 2015-2016 school year, each child will only be given one location to be picked up and dropped off from for the entire school year. While we understand that the previous policy may have been too lenient, creating difficulty in planning bus routes and creating a safe transportation option for all students, we also feel that this current policy lacks flexibility for families and children with non traditional living conditions (such as the ones listed above). This petition will be presented on August 17, 2015 (regular scheduled School Board meeting) to the Cameron R1 School Board, on behalf of those who signed . PLEASE MAKE SURE TO SIGN WITH FULL NAME. (Thank you)
    258 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mireille "Mimi" Jones
  • Oust Superintendent Labbe and corrupt Sayreville BOE Members.
    This petition calls into question the ethics of the Sayreville BOE in the handling of the Sayreville Bomber Football hazing scandal. It is believed by many in the community that Superintendent Labbe did not follow appropriate protocol when dealing with the crisis (he created) and that he acted not in the best interest of the children but for personal political notoriety. He has tainted the image of our athletes and community as a whole with inaccurate statements to the media prior to obtaining facts, meeting with parents or conducting a thorough investigation on the matter. See attached link with HIB guidelines on reporting. http://www.state.nj.us/education/students/safety/behavior/hib/tutorials/ParentTut4.pdf We are still at a loss as to why he felt it necessary to go to the media using what has now proven by a court of law to be inaccurate statements. Our community is divided, our children are emotionally scarred and reputations are damaged. It is almost a year later and we have still yet to receive an answer. This is completely unacceptable. We are respectfully requesting that the School Ethics Commission of the NJ Dept. of Education open an investigation.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Sayreville Residents
  • Tell Gov. Chris Christie: Apologize to teachers
    A violent threat toward teachers is inexcusable, especially made by the leader of a state. This derogatory statement to punch teachers in their faces also influences students to be disrespectful towards teachers, as well. I am a hard-working public school teacher and I do not deserve this disrespectful comment made by an individual who should be a role model to those in his state and elsewhere in the U.S. A public apology should be made to teachers as this type of behavior cannot continue to be a part of Gov. Chris Christie's rhetoric or plan for the White House.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Kulp
  • Help us get a high quality STEAM school in our community!
    As a mother of 4 school aged children and a current charter school operator, I know the importance of a child's educational experience. We need to offer our children a purposeful, focused education from Kindergarten through 8th grade to help them move forward into competitive high schools, colleges and careers. A STEAM based school that fully integrates all components throughout the instructional day is the key to giving our children the best chance we can to become highly motivated, academically superior, civic minded citizens.
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Lucas
  • Save Wachusett Regional School District
    The Commonwealth of MA average expenditure per pupil for education was $14,525 in FY 2014. Wachusett Regional School District average expenditure per pupil was only $11,131. This difference is due to an unfair state funding formula which negatively impacts the quality of education available for residents in this district and overburdens our towns municipalities. Please help bring WRSD funding to the state average and fix this problem.
    746 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Lavoie