• Hey Cherry Creek - Re-hire Della Curry
    I am a teacher. It is NOT the students' fault if their parents do not send their lunch money. I want students to go to school without worry about food. If the parents forget to send money, the parents need to get a cheese sandwich for lunch.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Zazzaretti
  • Do not lower teacher standards.
    As a long time educator, I realize how important having CERTIFIED teachers is for all students. Our children are our most important asset and you are NOT honoring this fact by proposing having anyone with any kind of degree teach in the public school. Stand up for YOUR constituents, not your party.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean Slack
  • Oneida County Says No to Low Teacher Standards
    Wisconsin wants to continue excellence in education rather than have the lowest teacher standards in the country. My children are just starting school in Rhinelander (first grade and 4k for next year). Please help make sure all kids will be taught by trained teachers so they can receive the best education.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kristi Thoreson
  • Tell the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf to Open the Books!
    The Pennsylvania School for the Deaf has projected a huge $800,000 deficit for the coming school year. Yet, despite repeated requests by families, outside agencies and the Union, PSD refuses to share relevant financial information about its budget and spending for the current and upcoming school years. Instead, the school has established a secret committee, which generated a list of programs and staff to be cut, ostensibly to address the yet-to-be-substantiated deficit. All of the staff threatened with layoffs provide direct services to children which are legally mandated in IEPs; are fluent in ASL; and have strong ties to PSD students, families and the Deaf community. PSD has not provided any concrete plans or answers to parents or staff about how children will continue to receive quality services, or how PSD will remain a financially viable and stable learning environment. It has also become evident that the PSD Board does not intend to honor the commitment made to respect and bargain with the new union in good faith. During negotiations PSD has ignored legally mandated bargaining with the union and made changes to staff working conditions, policies, and compensation. Parents, too, have been rebuffed and shut out of meetings, conversations, and decisions that will impact our children. The Board has consistently undermined communications, transparency, and the ability of staff to partner effectively with parents and administration to provide the best possible education and supports for our students. It is well past the time for transparency and good faith. Stop denying your stakeholders the opportunity to have input into the decision making for the future of PSD.
    2,932 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Patricia A. Pomroy, PSD Parent Randy; Paulette Fisher, PSD Alumni; and Dr. Cheryl Wu, Professor of Counseling Gallaudet University Picture
  • Say No to lower teacher standards in Wisconsin
    My husband and I are both employed by rural school districts in southwest Wisconsin that have been heavily impacted by the budget cuts. Our children's education should be our top priority, and these cuts should be stopped. Please ensure that our children receive their education from the highest qualified provider in our schools!
    149 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Merth-Johnson
  • Just say "No" to lowering standards for teaching.
    My parents were teachers and proud of their profession. I was a teacher and proud of it. It is a noble profession. Dumbing down our requirements for this profession is dumbing down our communities and WI.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Susan Kleinhans
  • We need Qualified Teachers!
    Quality of education affects us all! We can't afford to jeopardize the quality of education of our children. Please let your voice be heard!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Melissa Jensen
  • Say NO to lowering teaching standards in Wisconsin.
    Rep. Czaja introduced a measure on the Joint Finance Committee in Gov. Walker's 2015-17 budget proposal that eliminates requirements for people to obtain a college or high school degree to teach non-core academic subjects. Additionally, the proposal states that a person does not need to earn an education degree to teach grades 6-12. This measure dramatically lowers Wisconsin's teaching standards and exploits our children's futures by placing people who are untrained and unprepared at the front of the classroom. Stand up for our children, communities, and the future of education, and say no to the proposal to lower teaching standards!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel
  • Standing in Strong Support of Vallejo Superintendent, Dr. Ramona E. Bishop
    Acknowledging leadership takes true courage and strength. As a current student of Vallejo City Unified School District I stand in strong support of our Superintendent Dr. Ramona E. Bishop, her administrative team, parents, community, and student leaders who are committed to providing strong leadership that is rebuilding all of our schools that have historically failed students and families. As a result of Dr. Bishop’s vision, Vallejo has become a turnaround district where all students and families are celebrated regardless of their background. This is evidenced by the graduation rate steadily improving over the last 4 years from 54% to 72%. In light of recent community events, we must be encouraged to dialogue as a community, not chose a path of misdirected blame. Join me in signing this petition to stand in support with our administrative team! By signing this petition I am committed to standing strong alongside the leadership of Dr. Ramona E. Bishop, Vallejo city schools, educators, students, and parents. I will work to: 1. Defeat efforts in Vallejo city that undermine collective will for a high quality public education for all students. 2. Create purposeful partnerships that support the success of high quality educators and students. 3. Ensure that district reform continues to happen so that all students can learn and graduate college and career ready.
    1,109 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by DJ- Student VCUSD
  • Life Skills added to public schools.
    A lot of young people who become adults are overreacting to meaningless situations that lead to violent actions to include death in some cases. The news is covered with horrendous tragedies around the country due to the lack critical problem solving skills. It is a sad and annoying problem that needs to be attacked at the youngest age. If we all join together in this redirection of our youth, we could make a real difference in their lives as well as our own.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bernie Smith
  • Request for EMHCS to occupy the property at 27 Zimbrich St
    My children have been Students at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter school for several years. The school serves the community, and the families of it's students in many ways, and has done a fantastic job at creating an environment while young minds can grow and thrive, and families can build skills. Helping them to progress as a school, will no doubt help the community they serve.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Trostle
  • Say NO to lowering teaching standards in Wisconsin
    Rep. Czaja introduced a measure on the Joint Finance Committee in Gov. Walker's 2015-17 budget proposal that eliminates requirements for people to obtain a college or high school degree to teach non-core academic subjects. Additionally, the proposal states that a person does not need to earn an education degree to teach grades 6-12. This measure dramatically lowers Wisconsin's teaching standards and exploits our children's futures by placing people who are untrained and unprepared at the front of the classroom. Stand up for our children, communities, and the future of education, and say no to the proposal to lower teaching standards!
    38,498 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Briana Schwabenbauer