• Request for EMHCS to occupy the property at 27 Zimbrich St
    My children have been Students at Eugenio Maria de Hostos Charter school for several years. The school serves the community, and the families of it's students in many ways, and has done a fantastic job at creating an environment while young minds can grow and thrive, and families can build skills. Helping them to progress as a school, will no doubt help the community they serve.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jamie Trostle
  • Say NO to lowering teaching standards in Wisconsin
    Rep. Czaja introduced a measure on the Joint Finance Committee in Gov. Walker's 2015-17 budget proposal that eliminates requirements for people to obtain a college or high school degree to teach non-core academic subjects. Additionally, the proposal states that a person does not need to earn an education degree to teach grades 6-12. This measure dramatically lowers Wisconsin's teaching standards and exploits our children's futures by placing people who are untrained and unprepared at the front of the classroom. Stand up for our children, communities, and the future of education, and say no to the proposal to lower teaching standards!
    38,498 of 40,000 Signatures
    Created by Briana Schwabenbauer
  • Presidential Commission on Student Debt
    As college costs rose, and Federal and state support as well as parents' incomes failed to keep up, it was easy to shift University, state, Federal, and family budget deficits onto students in the form of loans. Student debt has been placed upon this generation without a national debate. We need a fair plan that all can endorse for how to return to funding higher education without student debt.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Fabricius
  • Blaine County School Board: NOT ONE MORE non-teaching position on our payroll!
    In 1995 there were 2852 students in our district, 8 principals and 11 administrators. In 2015 we have 3331 students, 10 principals and 44 administrators. In a district that spends three times as much per student as the Idaho average, we are told that in two years our district will not be solvent. If there’s a hope in heaven that Blaine County citizens will agree to fund a new levy, we need to see seriously responsible cost-cutting efforts underway at BCSD immediately. And, among other things, that certainly means NO NEW ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS, starting now.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Plowman
  • Return of governance back to the St.Louis elected Board of Education
    This petition has been put into effect because the people of St.Louis City deserve to have an influence in their children's education. As of June 15, 2007, the State Board of Education has disenfranchised the elected Board and the St.Louis School district is currently governed by three political appointees, collectively known as the Special Administrative Board (SAB). The Special Administrative Board has made no improvements regarding educational outcomes for students in St.Louis Public Schools. There is also no evidence that an appointed board running a school district is more effective than a board elected by residents.
    170 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susan Turk
  • The Child Care Crisis of Illinois is Back
    Support HB4197 by calling your lawmakers and the governors office to express your support of the bill that fully restores child care funding for FY16.
    726 of 800 Signatures
    Created by tamera fair
  • Adopt the Early Education and Child Development Package – Investment of $605 million
    As the conference committee starts its work to adopt a comprehensive budget package, we would like to voice our enthusiastic support of the following items proposed by legislature: Increase in Reimbursement Rates: Increases in funding helps provide resources and training for staff in early education programs to ensure the highest quality education and school readiness to children and families. • Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the Standard Reimbursement Rate by 20%. • Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the Regional Market Rate to 85th percentile of the 2014 survey with a 10% deficit factor. • Support the Assembly’s recommendation to increase the adjustment factor for Infants and Toddlers. • Support the Assembly’s recommendation to adjust the Full Day Plus rate to 9 hours instead of 10.5 hours. Increase in Access: During the recession, many child care spaces at publicly funded programs were lost. A restoration of these spaces is needed to provide access for all families needing early education programs. There is an unmet need and insufficient slots to serve all eligible children on waiting lists. • Support the Assembly recommendation to increase the State Median Income (SMI) to 100% of the current SMI. • Support the Assembly’s recommendation to provide 10,500 full-day preschool slot • Support the Senate’s recommendation to provide 13,500 Alternative Payment slots. Infrastructure Support: Core Client and Support Services are those delivered by APP staff to the families that they serve. • Support the Assembly’s proposal to restore the Alternative Payment administration and core support rate to 20%. We thank you for your leadership and support of early education programs.
    1,354 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by CCDAA
  • Pennsylvania daycare needs more intense oversight
    A recent audit revealed that 17 of the 20 government-subsidized childcare centers in Pennsylvania were found to have serious health and safety violations--including concealment of criminal charges against operators. Of the failing sites, only two have been shut down and under state law the audit manager noted that they were not able to investigate more broadly.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Asia Adams Save OUR Children Foundation
  • Governor Wolf, preserve, sustain and revitalize Cheyney University of Pennsylvania.
    Cheyney University has been the bridge to success for thousands of students. Because of its historic background, for many minority families, it is still the first higher education choice of first-time college-going students. Sadly, over the past 20 years, this university has suffered due to a lack of adequate state support; weak, state imposed leadership; and the systematic dismantling of its signature programs. It is time for the Commonwealth to acknowledge and respect the essential contributions to the general welfare and commercial strength of Pennsylvania and the United States that emanate from this historic, landmark institution; and to preserve, sustain, and revitalize this great institution.
    682 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Cheyney University Y&C NAACP unit
  • Save the UW System
    The Wisconsin budget proposes a $300 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System. This cut will hurt communities across the state. Tell your state senator to stop the $300 million cut to the UW System.
    3,935 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Shilling
  • New York: Stop waste in higher education
    I am a professor and see the huge amount of waste firsthand.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. HH Friedman
  • Support Deaf Children! Support Bill SB 210
    I'm Deaf/hoh. I support all childrens access to language access!
    2,106 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Burnie