• Tell the Utah Board of Education to support climate science!
    The Utah Department of Education is proposing excellent new science standards for students in grades 6-8 that include scientifically accurate climate change education. While the new standards are overwhelmingly supported by science teachers and scientists, including our own local researchers and university educators, vocal anti-science activists are working to thwart them. These opponents are trying to create the impression that parents in Utah don't want students taught the evidence about human-caused climate change. If they are successful, Utah kids will be kept in the dark about the latest climate research from top scientists. As a climate researcher, an instructional designer, a university educator, but most importantly as a mother of a 5th grader at a Utah public school, that would be simply unacceptable. The Utah Board of Education will vote soon on whether to adopt the new standards. Can you help make sure our students and future decision makers are not denied a world-class science education? Please join me in asking the Utah Board of Education to adopt new school science standards that include climate science! Sincerely, Maria Groves M.A (Science and Instructional Technology), Geography PhD Candidate (Paleoclimatology), Mother, and member of Climate Parents
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Maria Groves
  • Save Westside Elementary School
    In response to recent events, the educators and parents of Westside Elementary School have heard "Schools, not Jails" chanted by protestors and comments from politicians like this one from Elijah Cummings, "[W]e must start working now to secure the safety of our children's futures." And yet, the City still plans to close Westside Elementary School, which is only a few blocks away from the heart of Baltimore's rioting and subsequent calls for change. Westside Elementary School serves meals to 300 children, has a high-quality pre-K program, houses a HeadStart program, and operates a weekly food pantry. These programs are in addition to K-5 instruction in literacy, mathematics and, most importantly for any child in America, the lessons in civics and American history that are taught in the building. Westside's teachers hail from some of the best colleges and universities in America including Villanova, Princeton, Lehman College, Johns Hopkins University, the University of Maryland, Towson, Wesley, the University of Virginia, and the University of Chicago. Do not close this school because of a budget issue or because the people in the community were not politically proactive or visible in the ways that the City required. Before you take any action on the fate of the school, why not ask the community what it really thinks? Go door to door. Make phone calls. Come to the school and speak to parents daily. Conduct a study. Get a sense of the will of the people who live there. What do they want? Even if they decide they would rather close the school than renovate or rebuild it, their voices matter. As a teacher in the school, I can see the value that a small community school can have for a neighborhood. I also believe that schools have a sacred value to neighborhoods beyond test scores and attendance numbers. But that is only one opinion. And I don't think the City really knows what the parents and citizens of the neighborhood actually want. So, let's save Westside and start a conversation that includes all the key stakeholders, including the children.
    212 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Naela
  • HTA representation for local stakeholders group
    We must act with urgency! As part of the receivership process, a local stakeholders group will be established. This group will make recommendations to the content of the turnaround plan in order to maximize the rapid improvement of the academic achievement of all students. This group must be convened within 30 days of the designation of chronically underperforming. We believe that HTA members selected to represent the entire membership must be determined by a membership vote instead of being appointed by the HTA President, HTA Executive Board or any other party.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellie Wilson
  • Discontinue or supplement the Middle School Connected Math Program.
    A group of parents of Chatham Middle School students are concerned that middle school math performance is in need of improvement. We feel that the program is not working for many of our children. We are starting this petition because we feel this program is doing our children a disservice. These are our key areas of concern: 1) There is insufficient mastery of basic math concepts due to the overemphasis on higher-level problem solving. 2) Small group (peer to peer) learning format is less effective at this age than teacher-led clear direct instruction. In addition, with larger class sizes there are more groups, this makes it hard for teachers to identify which groups/students may be struggling. This method can intimidate those afraid to speak out and get extra help, and it can also hold back the most able students because they are forced to collaborate with less able and motivated students. It can also create confusion if students are unable to explain concepts clearly to one another. This places a lot of burden on our children who are only just learning to self-advocate and are working on building their confidence. 3) Due to the reduced amount of teacher-led instruction, when students are left to investigate and discover key mathematical concepts and skills on their own, this may lead to critical gaps and misconceptions in their knowledge. 4) Language based math programs are discouraging to students who are weaker in language arts, along with adding unnecessary complexity with insufficient practice time. 5) Inadequate information and lack of explanatory prose in the workbooks and online for homework review. This makes it hard for parents to help their children with homework. Some parents have felt they've had no choice but to get outside help when faced with falling grades and frustrated kids. This places additional financial and scheduling burdens on families. If you share these concerns, we ask that you support our request for the School District to review and strengthen the program.
    265 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Deborah Barnes
  • Support ITT-Tech Warriors
    ITT-Technical Institute targeted veterans, low income families and single parents. We were promised a quality education, 80% job placement and that our credits would transfer to other colleges and universities. They forced many of us to pay on our loans while we were in school, after telling us we did not have to pay anything out of pocket until after we graduated. The school never gave us a chance to have control of our financial destiny; they failed to tell students before signing the enrollment agreement that their financial aide would be maxed out by the school. In order for a student to finish the program, they will have to take out the "Temp Credit" through the school at 0% interest until paid off; that was a lie. The school turned around and sold those loans to private lenders with interest rates ranging from 13%-28%; it's like funding your education on a credit card. These were terms set by the banks and the school without the student ever being notified. This is a v iolation of the Truth In Lending Act. Many students were forced to quit their programs before ever gaining their degrees, because they were misled. Others stuck it out, to find out that their degrees hold no value due to the accreditation, value of education and their reputation. We are students, family, friends and supporters that will not stop fighting to get these loans forgiven. Education should be free in the country, putting an end to the predatory lending and the poverty it is creating. "Our voices will be heard." We stand with you, Corinthian 100, Strength in Solidarity.
    118 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Carl Dopart
  • California Virtual Educators
    The educators at California Virtual Academies (CAVA) teach students from all over California in grades K through 12. They are committed to providing the best possible education to their students and upholding the important principles that brought them to the profession. In recent years, the teachers have become increasingly concerned that some decisions made by CAVA negatively impact their students and their profession. Frequent policy changes, shifting class rosters, changes in responsibilities and increased workload make it harder to provide the education our students deserve. Though these dedicated educators are committed teachers who work long hours and struggle to serve their students, it feels like it is never enough. After talking with hundreds of CAVA educators from across the state, the teachers decided it was time for a change. Specifically, they believe educators who work at CAVA ought to have a stronger voice in decisions that impact their school, their students and their working conditions. We, the signers of this petition, support California Virtual Educators’ decision to organize a union with California Teachers Association (CTA) to have a collective voice in achieving the highest quality learning environment for students and working environment for educators. We call on the CAVA Administration to recognize the educators’ 2014 democratic decision to unionize. We call on them to refrain from exercising undue influence or interference. Finally, we believe it is past time for administration to sit down and bargain a contract with CAVA teachers that improves the teaching and learning conditions for all educators and students at California Virtual Academies. We believe working fairly and respectfully with the teachers is in the best interest of CAVA's students, families, educators and community.
    741 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Stacie Bailey
  • Parents Raise NJ
    We, the parents of our NJ children, stand united to protect our public schools.
    599 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jacklyn Brown
  • Healthier, unprocessed kids lunches at school!
    We pay taxes for our kids' hot lunches and I am eligible being under poverty level, but the lunches are so unhealthy. My son has food allergies and this puts our family at an unfair disadvantage. We need whole foods in our lunches--food without additives!
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laurie C. Parish
  • CCSF needs a VMD curriculum update!
    We are asking for City College of San Francisco (CCSF) & the Visual Media Design (VMD) department to upgrade the curriculum for the Multimedia Program - specifically Front End Web Design, User Experience (UX)/Interaction Design and Mobile Design programs so graduates can be job-ready in the current, competitive job market. I am a student at CCSF and I am attempting to change careers into the local tech industry. After taking many classes at CCSF in the VMD department and then talking to industry professionals, I realized I am not able to meet their standards for hire yet. I want to have the curriculum updated to meet the demands of the changing job market. We need classes such as; • Analytics/Quantitative Research (and Advanced), • UX 2/Advanced UX, • UX Tools/Software, • Advanced Social Media, • Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), • User Interface (UI), • Swift, • Coding for Design, • Qualitative Research, • Rapid Prototyping (Analog and Digital), • Storytelling Using Animation for Interfaces, • Ethnographic Studies for UX, • Designing for Accessibility, • Designing for Internationalization and Localization.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by S Z
  • Ensure Educational Equality in the U.S.
    Access to educational equality should be mandatory in the United States. Students should not be assessed by their ability to perform on a standardized test and should rather be measured by their performance throughout the year. Teacher's ability to teach should not be determined by a child's ability to perform on one test. By signing this petition, you help teachers, students, and parents focus on a child's overall success and assist with the promotion of educational equality.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrice Williams
  • Help Save First Five School Readiness Program
    The parents of the School Readiness program in Sutter County are concerned about the Children and Families Commission not making a decision based on what parents want with First Five Money. We are concerned with the commission not following the bi-laws by not letting the commission vote on the discussion to continue to fund School Readiness.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Parents Who Care
  • Protect Illinois Public Universities
    I care about my state. The governor is methodically harming all sectors of Illinois citizens who are unable to benefit from the perks he is providing to the top 1% in the state, as he dismantles the programs that help those who are truly vulnerable.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie E Kaufman