Keep Corporate Education Reformers out of Boston Public SchoolsDr. McCreary works for families for Excellent Schools, an organization that is extremely active in the privatization of public education. Families for Excellent Schools has set records in money spent lobbying the New York state legislature, and launched a $3.6 million dollar ad campaign against the Mayor of New York City for his asking that 3 charter schools pay rent for using public property. The organization is ruthless and artificial. They are far more interested in privatizing education than they are in public education. There is no place for Dr. McCreary in BPS. She needs to be removed from Dr. Changs' cabinet immediately. For TONS more background information about this petition, please copy and paste this link into a new browser tab http://bit.ly/1EQ4gTO233 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Lerner
Increase spending for education.A lack of education has many long-term effects for the state of Arizona. We have too many low wage workers and do not attract industries that bring high-paying jobs. Many of our most promising college graduates probably leave Arizona and relocate to cities with better-paying careers. More funding for education can change this trend and improve the well-being of our citizens.246 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Larry Borden
Defend climate education in Iowa!The Iowa State Board of Education is meeting this week to discuss whether to adopt new science standards for K-12 students that include climate change education. An Iowa science standards review team has recommended adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards, but vocal legislators and groups that deny climate science are trying to stop them. Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have already adopted the NGSS, which were developed by the National Academy of Sciences and science educators in 26 states, including Iowa. For the first time, all students in grades 8-12 would learn about the data and evidence that leads to the scientific consensus on climate change. But those who deny climate science are digging in against the standards. State Rep. Sandy Salmon (R-Janesville) introduced legislation in 2014 and this year to stop the NGSS from being adopted or implemented. She recently said, "The focus is on promoting the politically controversial topic of climate change, which is a highly debatable topic, man's impact on the environment, as a scientific fact." As you know, there is no debate among scientists about the fact of human-caused climate change. Given what's at stake for our kids and grandkids with climate change, learning about it at school is essential. A strong foundation in climate science will position students to help develop solutions. Please sign the petition calling on the Iowa State Board of Education to adopt Next Generation Science Standards that include climate science. Thank you for taking action! Sincerely, Maria Filippone Small business owner, physician, mother and Climate Parents member Des Moines, IA79 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maria Filippone
Save! National Craft Museum in New Delhi May Soon Be HistoryIn the world where cultural history is disappearing every day, I believe the craft rich India beautifully made traditional objects must be preserved. Museums, caretakers of these crafts, must be supported and sustained to make history and traditions available to future generations. Leadership and foresight is needed. Smithsonian National Museum of American Indian, built 20 years back has more than million objects of Native Americans, American Indians, that are cared, respected, showcased and preserved. I find this incredibly short sighted and should be stopped.191 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Damyanti
Aina Education Now!When I graduated from high school, I did not know how to grow my own food. The majority of Hawaii's students graduate yearly having no acquired skills of self sustainability. Stop sending our graduates into the workforce without the skills necessary to self sustain themselves and their families.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kalani Pruet
Pause Arlington Public Schools' 1:1 initiativeI have three children, two of whom were given devices for which they have no demonstrated need. Arlington has wonderful teachers. They deserve a 1:1 program that has been developed to meet their needs and implemented with sufficient training for them and sufficient transparency for the rest of the community.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Wright
NO PARCC in Cambridge Public SchoolsCambridge teachers feel that the over emphasis on testing and data collection is pulling them away from the creative, engaging teaching and learning that their students need and deserve. As Cambridge parents and community members, we wholeheartedly support our public school teachers as they advocate for the children in our community.468 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Erica Pastor
Fund our schools so we can keep our music program whole and give our children the opportunities t...For the fifth year in a row, SASD is faced with making deep cuts in our schools because of a broken state funding system that is based on politics rather than on what it actually costs to educate children. In the past 4 years, SASD has eliminated more than 40 full-time teachers and support staff from our schools just to balance the budget. This year we face another massive budget deficit as a result of inadequate state funding. Any additional cuts in programs and services in SASD will have a negative impact on every child in the school district. We need our lawmakers to fix the broken state funding system for education this year —our children cannot afford to lose more from their schools. Our state lawmakers must invest additional state resources into schools so that SASD will will not need to make additional cuts this year and instead be able to begin to restore cuts to programs and services that we have made in recent years and put in place the full set of programs and services our children need.365 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Susan Spicka
Petition to stop the petition against Ms. Roz.I'm starting this because entitlement is poison, just because you have a complaint or don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can petition them to lose their job.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by kaitlin
Divert the kicker to fully fund Oregon schoolsThe PERS ruling means more teacher layoffs, larger class sizes and shorter school years. We need to block this year's kicker and work towards reforming the law so that we may someday have a stable enough funding source to plan ahead and make long-term investments in our future.301 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Heather Sielicki
Drama Department Needs Supplies!I feel the need for the Drama Department to have more of the basic supplies that we never get. Heck, we even need to fight for our stage half the time! We're just asking for some backdrops or decent lighting, maybe an actual fund that some of the other extracurricular activities get. Mr. Walters is an amazing drama teacher and he as well as the drama department really go under the radar and are un-appreciated half the time.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gabby
Ban teachers from yelling at our children in schoolMy daughter has been experiencing bullying from teachers in her school. She's upset about the teachers yelling at her and the other kids. She's told me the teachers tell her that her art work isn't good enough, and when she asks for help with a mean kid the principal ignores her. This has saddened me because I have spoken to principal, teachers, and supervisors with no improvements. I have spoken to other parents with the same concerns. I think that's what's wrong with society, we aren't taught in schools how to communicate when we are upset. Teachers teach by yelling and to discouraging creativity by staying within the line. These children are sent to school with trusting that they are getting the best, but is that the case?9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ruth Hernandez