• Fund public education, not corporate tax breaks!
    Governor Corbett cut $1 Billion in support for public education 2 years ago, and it hasn't been restored. Class sizes have been increasing, schools are losing support staff like librarians, music and arts and counselors. Now he is proposing to give out money in tax breaks - money that could be going to schools! Budgets are about priorities and we need to invest in our schools.
    2,341 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Susan Spicka
  • Protect Gifted and Talented Funding
    SCR 23, by Sen. Conrad Appel (R – Jefferson Parish) if adopted, will formally impose a funding cut in the Gifted and Talented program by reducing the funding allocated through the state's minimum foundation program or MFP. This proposed re-configuring of designated funding would seriously affect the services received by the students in the Gifted and Talented program.
    1,570 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Josef Butts
  • School
    School continues to be getting pushed earlier and earlier
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenna
  • News from the schools
    My son going to UC San diego and Due to cut of founding he lost lots of classes
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bahman
  • Vote in Favor the MN Prosperity (Dream) Act
    The Minnesota Prosperity Act (Senate File 723) is a bipartisan bill that would provide qualified, undocumented youth with state financial aid and in-state tuition for higher education. If we want to close the opportunity gap that threatens our state and move toward a prosperous future for all of us, we need the Minnesota Prosperity Act now.
    539 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Jurewicz
  • Support the Success in the Middle Act 2013
    Our middle schools and programs across the country are in need of help. Please support this bill which will provide grants to States to ensure that all students in the middle grades are taught an academically rigorous curriculum with effective supports so that students complete the middle grades prepared for success in secondary school and postsecondary endeavors, to improve State and district policies and programs relating to the academic achievement of students in the middle grades, and to develop and implement effective middle grades models for struggling students.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Monica Kwiatkowski
  • Save Our Social Workers
    Our school budget is cutting important services like Social Workers. This will have a negative impact on our education, self esteem and potential success. Reverse these cuts NOW!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Morgan LeVea
  • PA Students are Waiting: Fund Public Ed
    PA students can't afford larger class sizes, fewer supports. Districts all across the Commonwealth are grappling with layoffs, program cuts, and fewer resources. Students are watching, and waiting for us to do our part.
    3,506 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Shanee Garner
  • Allentown Students Deserve Equal Educational Opportunities
    Like many school districts in Pennsylvania, the Allentown School District has faced budget deficits for the last three years. The State of Pennsylvania cut revenue to the District by almost ten million dollars in 2011 with a loss of over 200 positions. They are seeking to cut an additional 144 positions from the District, with the elimination or curtailment of full day kindergarten, art, physical education and library at the elementary level and related arts at the middle school level. High School core subject areas will also lose teachers, along with English as a Second Language and Special Education. All of these cuts will cause class sizes to soar and will not allow students the same opportunities as surrounding districts. All students across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania deserve better. Sign this petition to ask the Allentown School Board not to cut teachers and programs that are beneficial to the students of Allentown.
    794 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Corinne Fecho
  • 11 of 100 Signatures
  • Educational Reform
    This reform will encourage everyone (students, parents, and teachers) in the educational process to meet their potential and reward those who are doing their job. We need to reward those who are working hard to achieve a year or more growth.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mo Massie Bales
  • Student Loan Forgiveness (targeted at "for profit" schools)
    Student Loan Forgiveness -- targeted at "for profit" centers of learning.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Portwood