Grants not LoansAs higher education, a 4 year college or university diploma is now being required to get many jobs (including cashier at McDonalds apparently,) it is time that America step up to the competitive edge (like Denmark,) and institute Education Grants. Money for students higher education that does not have to be repaid. This must cover the entire cost of education and housing for the duration of study. Lets get Americans competitive and educated and taking the top jobs in our own country again with out the saddle and weight of repayment.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lee Maidoff, L.Ac.
Where is the promised Lottery $ for EducationWhen the Lottery was proposed, it was presented (and ultimately approved ONLY for its promise) as an income generator for Public Education. WHERE IS THAT MONEY? CERTAINLY NOT IN THE EDUCATION BUDGET. WE WANT IT WHERE IT WAS PROMISED.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Diane Durante
Texans Advocating for Meaningful Student AssessmentTAMSA is a statewide, grassroots organization comprised of parents and other community members concerned with the overemphasis on high stakes STAAR tests and the misallocation of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to the tests that should be going to the classroom. Our mission is to improve public education in Texas through the use of meaningful and effective student assessments that allow for more productive classroom instruction and more efficient use of public funds.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joanne Salazar
Support Public Schools, Stop Voucher ExpansionIn 2011, Governor Walker and the Republican Legislature passed a budget that contained the largest cuts to public education in Wisconsin history – $1.6 billion gone from our kids’ schools. Class sizes went up drastically. Quality after-school programs were eliminated. Good teachers were laid off. This year, the governor’s proposed budget freezes public school spending, while increasing funding for unaccountable and unproven private voucher schools. Tell Governor Walker and the state Republicans to stand up for our kids and not special interests that want to profit on the backs of our future generations.3,379 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Senate Democratic Leader Chris Larson
Stop the Attacks on Public Education In OhioThe Ohio legislature is considering a budget bill that includes the expansion of charter schools and a "parent trigger" provision. These laws siphon money away from public education and make it easier to shut down public schools and convert them into for-profit private schools. Across the country "parent trigger" laws have not been shown to improve educational outcomes for students. All these laws do is help ALEC-backed corporations make money off of our kids.129 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Working America
Sudantha Vidanage: Resign/Be Removed From The Bethlehem Area School District's Board of DirectorsI am a resident, tax payer, and voter within the Bethlehem Area School District. Over the last few months the BASD Board of Directors have been debating the 2013-2014 school year budget, as well as other important issues. As a resident, tax payer, and voter of the district I believe that our children's education should be the top priority of the district and especially the board of directors. It has been made very clear to "us" the public that the district, community, and our children are not Director Vidanage's top priority. He has an atrocious/embarrassing attendance record for meetings/budget hearings. In 2011, I casted my vote in favor of Mr. Vidanage, because I then believed our children would been his top priority. Since then I have been proven wrong by his lack of attendance. Mr. Vidanage shows up late to meetings, leaves early, or doesn't even bother to show up at all. By doing this he has violated his obligation to the district, students, and tax payers. In 2011, Mr. Vidanage swore an oath to "us" the tax payers and the district when he said, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of this Commonwealth, and that I will discharge the duties of my office with fidelity." Since then he has violated that oath and his obligations. Therefore "we" the tax payers, parents, community, and voters ask that Mr. Vidanage resign from the Bethlehem Area School Board of Directors. If he choses not to follow the wishes of those who have elected him, then "we" ask the Board of Directors to declare Mr. Vidanage's seat abandoned/vacated.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Hernandez
Retain Our Best and BrightestThe Arkansas Governor’s Distinguished Scholars Program grants some of the top high school students in Arkansas awards that result in full scholarships to almost every college in the state. This makes it more appealing for our best and brightest students to stay in Arkansas. Due to cuts in program funding, the Arkansas Department of Higher Education may only be able to award around 100 scholarships for the upcoming year which is down from around 300 in previous years. The State Government should be retaining our state’s top high school students, rather than surprising them in the last quarter of their senior year with cuts in funding to crucial scholarships. Hard working high school students across Arkansas have relied on the availability of this scholarship. These proposed cuts in funding communicate that years of hard work may not pay-off. It should be our priority to show our top students, the next generation of leaders in this state, that Arkansas is still a land of opportunity.1,312 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Jackson Fitzgibbon
More money for people in schoolneeding more money for school for travel ,books classes,tution,1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by nicholas madison
Don't Let TN Children Go Hungry! Vote NO on bill SB132.Stacy Campfield is sponsoring bill SB 132 designed to improve academic performance of children who are doing poorly in school by cutting the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families received by their parents or guardians. As things like rent, utilities, and gas are fixed items in a family's budget the items most likely to be cut back when the budget is reduced are from the food and medicine areas. Many studies preformed over many years consistently established that students perform better when they are adequately fed. Years and years ago when I taught school, it was easy to spot the all around improvement--both academic and disciplinary--in children once the free breakfast was implemented, thus making it especially hard for me to comprehend how this bill would improve the academic performance of children by limiting their access to food.472 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Linda Trien
Support The Arturo Toscanini Charter School: an Italian Language/Culture School for the North BronxTo broaden the educational opportunties for children living in Districts 8, 10 and 11 in the northern part of The Bronx, New York. We propose the establishment of the Arturo Toscanini Charter School which would open in September, 2014 for students in grades K-1, and expand each year until the school will cover grades K-5.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dita Wolf
Christian Children Deserve Good Friday offMy children must miss their studies every year as I did on Good Friday because, our school's do not recognize it as a religious day of observance. I believe, as an Orthodox Christian, that we deserve a place on the public school calendar.1,576 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Stephany Margaronis
Student debt forgivenessYes, I have a tremedous amount of student debt14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by sheila Garvin