• We all will lose in the end
    The Lack of concern about the poor quality of education for our children. Don't blame the teachers, blame politicians who don't understand or even care what they are doing to our country by not providing appropriate funding for education.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kay Shavers
  • Teacher compensation
    Raises for Teachers
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Garry L Gentry
  • Vote no on the change in collective teacher bargining.
    I am petitioning to have you cease your actions regarding the bargaining and funding of public education systems. Keep you word and fund education and stay out of the collective bargaining portions of public education. Serve the poor and needy not yourselves. That is what you were elected to do.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenn Rogers
  • Unionize charter school teachers and staff.
    Unionize charter school staff and teachers. Will the Ohio Republicans continue to overfund their friend's private slush fund schools then? Most teachers realize they are trying to dismantle teacher unions. Unionizing charter/parochial school staff is the first step.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by lt
  • Petition title
    Cutting teachers' pensions is acting in bad faith. Money was withheld for the pensions from theri salaries and should not be considered as a source for state income.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debret Haire
  • #DOTHEDUAL: Advocating Awareness for Dual Credit High School Programs
    We are three graduate students enrolled in a Social Welfare Policy Analysis class at University of South Carolina. As part of our group project, we are creating this petition to advocate awareness about Bill H. 3016: Cooperative Dual Credit High School Programs. Dual credit high school programs are established to bring high school students the opportunity to begin and/or complete an associates degree, certificate, or vocational program. Another option is for students to earn up to two years of college credit within the four years they are attending high school. Positive Successes of Dual Credit High School Programs: (1) decrease in retention rates (2) increase in completion rates (3) admission to four year institutions (4) post graduation employment (5) decrease in dropout rates (6) certification and associates degrees completed
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by #DOTHEDUAL: Advocating Awareness for Dual Credit High School Programs
  • Grant in-state tuition to undocumented students
    “to let undocumented students qualify for in-state tuition, but only if they attended a Florida high school for at least three years. The students would also have to file an affidavit with the college stating plans to legalize their immigration status” (McGrory, 2013).
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sedlin
  • Reimburse the disabled
    Tell the student loan authority to reimburse payments taken from disability and social security checks. Seniors and the disabled shouldn't be burdened with these payments.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ms. O
  • Save The Arts
    I have taken part in music programs when I was in school. A lot of kids that take part in art and music and science type programs tend to do better in reading, writing, math and science and it also helps keep kids out of trouble and gives them an outlet for self expression.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mihir
  • Meeting Washington's Needs
    Tough choices are facing Washington's legislators as more money is needed for education while social services (and other) programs have been seriously cut during the recent recession years. The choice is whether to cut these programs further, or raise additional revenue to meet very pressing needs. The choice should be for more revenue.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darrell Johnson
  • We need Recess
    I'm a student at Carthage Middle School. Everyone here would love to get some free time/recess after lunch, when you finish eating early. Recess helps students develop communication skills, such as cooperation and sharing, and helps counteract the time they spend sitting in class.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Queston Grannis
    Our children our future this is espcially true if your a parent its really hard to be a low income parent and to be able to provide your little ones with the same advantages as other kids whose parents are blessed and able to afford to spend money on special preschools or be able to afford medical and dental and be able to make ends meet. Headstart is a blessing for parents whose children are low income our son is in his last year of headstart and they have been a godsend my husband and I are both low income and we are both disabled my husband is a disabled veteran its hard to make ends meet. Our son has thrived at headstart since he is an only child he has been able to make positive and hopefully lifelong friendships with the other kids his age and has learned socialization skils and how to problem solve but he has also learned how to get skills ready for kindergarden he knows his alphabet and counting and I appreciate how they have worked with my son on helping him learn to start writitng and cutting and use his hand muscles he has learned so much he even likes to draw pictures alot better. Even though my son will be starting kindergarden next year it would be heartbreaking too see the budget cuts from the sequester being done on this wonderful program and it would be a big injustice espeially to all the families and decades of children who are living proof of how wonderful headstart has been not only do they help the kids get prepared for kindergarden academically but they also do prevenitve screenings and help kids with any kind of special problems or needs so that they can get that early help for things when its crucial.. My son loves his teachers and all the teachers and the staff at headstart so much and so do us parents they help out with nutrition and teach kids about brushing their teeth and washing hands and give us parents help and the resources to help us transition our kids to kindergarden and to help us with reources so we can help our kids do well for the future. Please do not cut funding to any headstart programs its not right to punish low income preschoolers and their parents who are trying to give them a chance at a good education and a headstart so to speak in life and to help set a positive tone for all of their school years. Please sign this petition if you have been touched by the headstart program whether you are a parent or a kid who was lucky enough to be in headstart or if you work for headstart and if your an educator that knows that the program really does work! Headstart is a really special school for kids and as a parent I feel that it does more for kids than even a preschool that you have to pay for. I am urging all the politicians to put the preschoolers ahead of politics and let the future kids at headstart have a chance to have a real headstart in life too!
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kindwyn Hoge