School taxes are out of controlIt is time for the funding of education in Pennsylvania to be done by means other than taxes on real estate. My plans for a worry free retirement in the Poconos of Pennsylvania are at risk.40 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Burgess
Truth in EducationRestore Ethnic Studies to Arizona Education5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Finkbine
Stop SB359Education reform in the state of WV... This bill will allow the state to hire individuals without having gone through an education degree program to teach in our public schools.. It also wants to cut paid holidays and planning time from teachers while the top paid officials in the state bd of ed keep their paid holidays!! It pushes more testing of students especially in k-2. It seeks to hire superintendents that do not need any experience in the education field! This bill does not put students first and does not uphold the integrity of the teaching profession! Stop this bill from being passed!57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michele santos
Students Want Nap/Snack timeStudies show students between ages 10-17 don't get enough sleep at night. Snack time can allow kids to have protiens to keep them more focused durring school.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Derek Bradshaw
Interview fairly for a FHS Football Coach positionsNumerous people applied for the job; including Greg Sherlock, a well known successful coach in our area. Last years coaches were asked who of the applicants who they would want an interview given to.Out of all the applicants only four were given interviews! Why not all of them and why was it left up to last years coaches, who are not returning? We need your help! There were qualified applicant's not given an interview. Our children deserve the best coach possible without any school politics involved!63 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa
The Recess Project: Bringing Recess to Dover Middle SchoolPlease assist me in advocating for regularly scheduled recess at Dover Middle School so that our children are simply able to get outside each and every day.266 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Aimee
Prevent Armed "Safety Marshals" In Our SchooolsDon't allow non-law enforcement personnel to carry guns and serve as "safety marshals" in our public schools.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David F. Walker
Prevent Armed "Safety Marshalls" In Our SchooolsDon't allow non-law enforcement personnel to carry guns and serve as "safety marshalls" in our public schools.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David F. Walker
Florida Students for Equal Funding of EducationAfter attending the Hillsborough County School Board Student Forum, in which high-school students' opinions were heard, it came to our attention that Florida's lack of funding for education comes from our very own state legislator's inability to place education at the forefront of our state's issues. Currently each student in Florida receives $3,000 less than the national average per capita. We wish to change this situation that puts Florida's students at a disadvantage.205 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Julia Jansen
Kansas Legislators: Support the Common Core State Standards in KansasThe Kansas Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards for Math and English/Language Arts in 2010 as the framework for the Kansas standards in these areas. Current legislation proposes to reverse the BOE decision which would be a financial and educational setback for Kansas.722 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Braun
Obey the law: Comply with the McCleary decision, start with reducing overcrowded class sizesIn its January, 2012, McCleary decision, the state Supreme Court ordered the state to fully fund K-12 public schools as required by the Washington Constitution. In December, 2012, the Supreme Court chastised the legislature for its inaction on complying with the McCleary decision. Senators Rodney Tom, and Steve Litzow, among others, continue to promote a slate of bad bills that have nothing to do with complying with the Supreme Court's ruling. Washington is now ranked 43rd in student spending, $2,700 below the national average. It is time for the WA State Legislature to start obeying the law, beginning with reducing overcrowded class sizes238 of 300 SignaturesCreated by myrna gladheart
Christa StoneI am interested in reforming bullies in our school system. There are many resources available to the victims; however there is a huge lack of education and resources available to parents, schools and children in reforming a bully. In order to find a solution, we have to find out more, and provide a higher success rate at stopping that behavior. There currently are no interventions nor consequences for bullies. Parents of bullies should also at some point be held accountable i.e. like Florida's Truancy Law. Our children our the future of our world. Victims of bullies are in pain, but so are the bullies. In order to create change, we must provide the opportunity for all parties to have the necessary resources available.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christa Stone