Please stop the cuts for school!Next thing you know you will take away sports. Then where will we get some of the scholarships some kids might not get from education alone. At one point in my life a couple of years back, i played the recorder and was actually pretty good at it.This may not seem like a lot to you but it is to me.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Why Should we have UFO Phil
Stop Bill 399 From Destroying Clayton County SchoolsSadly, Rep. David Knight House Bill 399 to undermine the taxing authority of the Clayton County government has passed the house and is making its way to the senate. If this bill becomes law it means a loss of $15 million in revenue that fund our schools. It will bleed our educational system and further stagnant our economic recovery. We must make defeating this bill our top priority.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josephine Slaton
Pass the provisions increasing investment in education and infrastuctureEnsuring that Massachusetts continues to be a great place to live, work and do business2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nydia Keir
Bravo for our governor--Kitzerber.The fact the governor --Honorabke John Kitzerber has devoted his energy to make sure our students succeed in school--graduate in large number. He has allocated resources nt just talking--is commendable., Applauded him.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dapo Sobomehin
Stop Education CutsOur children's education should be our top priority, including fudning for Arts in Education. Minnesota was once a leader in arts in education programs in schools. This is no longer the case. The Minnesota State Arts Board no longer has a program in place to specifically fund K-12 arts in education programs and our children's educations are suffering. Stop cuts to programs that benefit all areas of education3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Bruning
No Confidence Vote for Lois JacobsI am tired of the TPS District 7 school board member, Dr. Loid Jacobs, voting against things that will benefit our schools.I have 2 children who attend schools in District 7 and her voting record is a detriment to their schools.189 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sally Perez
Common Core Standards and Technical BudgetsCalifornia Public Schools should be allocated budgets per student that cover cost of implementing Common Core Standards and the Technology to support STEM education. Budgets will consider new technology implemented in every school in the previous year and that is applied towards the schools per student cost. This will allow schools that do not have the proper equipment to catch up.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Talpas
Support School Readiness through Full-Day 4K ProgramsChildren who attend full-day 4K programs achieve higher test scores in reading and mathemathics. These children are also more likely to graduate high school and commit less crime as adults. All at-risk chidren in South Carolina deserve the opportunity to attend these programs. Bill 3455 supports the funding of such programs.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by USC School of Social Work - 4K Group
Restore Funding for Public EducationRestoring the funding of public education to reinstate a full school year for students and educators. Our school system has had at least four furlough days for the past few years. Teacher pay, not only has not seen even a cost of living raise but, has been reduced by the furlough days. Others in education such as custodians, bus drivers and paraporfessionals have taken even larger cuts to their pay while postions have been cut making their job expectations include even more duties. Education should be the State of GA's top priority.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by LaNelle Holland
REPEAL SOCIAL WORK LICENSING LAWIt's archaic to require university professors to require a License to teach. Louisiana Social Work Education Board of License REQUIRES IT. Lately the Governor of TX. repealed this law saying that "teaching is no practice.' In LA this social work licensing board works like Spanish Inquisition to insult and punish academics and perpetuates a culture of mediocrity and xenophobic exclusion1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brij MOHAN
Dedication of the entire old Jones College Prep High School building as a public neighborhood hig...Raising awareness and obtaining support for CPS to abandon its current plans and dedicate the entire old Jones building as a public neighborhood high school to serve the Near South/Downtown community.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph M. Barnett
Green Mountain Union High School District, send us our annual reportWe want the voter`s in the town of Chester to have the all the budget info in front of them when it comes time to vote on the school budget!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Ranney