• "Stratford University Transportation: Bring back Safety"
    The Stratford University Family safety traveling during the coarse of the day. In the past there was tranportation and know the need is more important in the present. Our Stratford Family safety should be our top priority traveling in the city "Bring back Safety"
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ricardo Andrews
  • "Stratford University Transportation: Bring back Safety"
    The Stratford University Family safety traveling during the coarse of the day. In the past there was tranportation and know the need is more important in the present. Our Stratford Family safety should be our top priority traveling in the city "Bring back Safety"
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ricardo Andrews
  • Teachers Retirement Discrimination
    When the vote was taken in 2008 to allow BOE employees to transfer out of the TDC (Teachers Defined Contribution) to the old Teachers Defined Benefits there were several people in WV who did not understand what was going on or who were off sick and did not vote. Those employees are forever stuck in a plan that is not equal to those who transferred and to all new employee being hired. Those locked in the TDC plan will never accumulate enough money to be able to retire. I personally one of those who does not have enough to retire on in the TDC plan, but if I could tranfer to the TRS I would be entitled to 36% of my current salary for the rest of my life......so unfair. Please correct this injustice to Teachers and Service personnel
    245 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Birdie Gandy
  • Graduation Ceremony
    We need all the parents of Silver City Head Start to agree to let the children have a graduation ceremony who are moving on to kindergarten. We all need to be in agreement to let the graduating preschoolers wear caps and gowns.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by amanda jarrett
  • Cameras on Pulaski County School Busses
    My son rides a Pulaski County Special School District bus. He is being bullied by the bus driver. Opon requesting to view the bus camera I was made aware that there are NO cameras on Pulaski County Busses. Our children deserve to be safe traveling to and from school. Let's help our children feel SAFE and PROTECTED.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tiffany
  • Busing for private schools
    A free education to all children is upheld in all states. Busing is not part of education. If busing is provided for free to public school children, then it should be provided for free to all private school children.
    109 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Devorah Baron
  • Elimination of the ELA/Math tests.
    My petition is to eliminate the ELA/Math tests from schools. This is "Child Abuse" because the kids are under pressure and don't want to attend school. Kids are under stress for the long hours and complex questions that they have to face within the next month. NOT FEAR for our kids at all. I don't think is fear to hold back a child because of the tests results. All the effort and hours spent for the entire year should be the top priority to pass to the next grade.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jenny Proano
  • Petition for auditions back in Carver school of the Arts
    My friends and I are what people would consider an "Art Head", which a person that is very serious about an art or talent. There are many kids in my school (Carver school of the Arts, which is located in Atlanta, GA) that are not serious and are holding people back. We need our auditions back.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anonymous
  • Utah Legislature: Support Senate Bill 71 for our Children
    My son attends a Granite District Preschool and it is wonderful. All children should have access to a high quality preschool at a reasonable cost. Children who attend a high quality preschool, enter Kindergarten prepared to learn.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alicia West
  • Support Jerry Brown's Education Funding Reform.
    Governor Jerry Brown proposes to reform California's school finances, through a simple and transparent formula that funds similar students similarly, and links funding to the cost of educating students. The proposal will increase districts’ ability to design programs that best meet the needs of their students, as well as refocus the state’s role on monitoring student performance and intervening when districts show signs of struggling. The proposal has been praised by both the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC), and California's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office. This petition will let your legislator know you support such significant, necessary, and immediate improvements to California's school funding system.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Kelly
  • Save the deaf schools and Save the deaf teachers
    Many state lobbyist wanted to close the deaf schools and the hearing supt of the deaf schools doesn't want to hire any deaf teachers with MA plus and program or will not be rehire the deaf teachers in the future, and change from America Sign Language to Oral language. In 1988, Gallaudent students were protected and won Deaf members 51% and hearing members 49% for jobs at Deaf Schools and non-profit organizations.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Cartledge
  • Adjunct Faculty Deserve Health Care
    Oakton Community College has unilaterally promulgated new work rules for adjunct faculty in order to get around the mandates of the Affordable Care Act and are doing everythin they can to circumvent the law and deny adjunct faculty any health care coverage.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Brody