Return Your College Degree For A RefundIf your degree is costing you money every month but not opening up opportunities and increasing your salary, then why not get a refund? For-Profit Universities sell their degrees on the premise of increased wages and career opportunities; however, no one imposes any sanctions on them to deliver these promises. I firmly believe 'Lemon Law', etc. should be extended to a college degree. Many Universities are making promises they can't deliver (and don't intend to), and if their product was a car, etc. they would be in court every day for false advertising, selling a lemon, and practically stealing from eager students. Counselors at a For Profit School I attended promised me (via email, advertisements, and word of mouth) ridiculous career advancements and a starting $50k annual salary; however, after completing my bachelors I am still at the same job. Nearly two years have passed, hundreds of applications completed, and all I have to show for it is a $65k plus bill which costs over $600 monthly. I am a public servant and cannot afford a home because of this raising my debt to income level too high. My story is not a new one and I am certain there are hundreds of thousands of us, if not millions. Let us return our degree and call it even. We will not claim to have a bachelors degree or even mention attending a University. We return the degree and all its merits and get our debt resolved i.e. a full refund. This is a fair proposal.385 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Jaymes
Dance Team PetitionQueen Anne's County High School doesn't have a dance team, but Kent Island High School does. For years, the two schools had a combined Ice Hockey Team, and our goal is to allow students from Queen Anne's to be able to go to Kent Island to create one combined Dance Team.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tasha Haight
New York State: Our students do not need a Race to the Top in Public EducationThe truth invading Public Schools and classrooms now involves teachers not only teaching to the test — for it is the test which will measure the teacher NOT direct instruction as per student needs — but also forfeiting time and energy with best practices for the sake of gathering EVIDENCE to prove themselves as educators. Confused? How many hours of direct math and reading / writing instruction engulf each school day? Are hours with these specific subject areas replacing other content not yet tested? Art/ music? Science? Library time? Recess? After one becomes aware of such meaningless and, dare I say, harmful reform, I believe it then becomes our responsibility to seek the truth with the right questions.1,171 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by JA Mitchell
Gov. Kasich: SAVE EDUCATION in OHIOI am a former Cleveland Public School alumni, and a undergraduate of Cleveland State University, in the State of Ohio which is about to receive a major impact in education. *Teachers and Schools: Ohio will lose approximately $25.1 million in funding for primary and secondary education, putting around 350 teacher and aide jobs at risk. In addition about 34,000 fewer students would be served and approximately 100 fewer schools would receive funding. * Education for Children with Disabilities: In addition, Ohio will lose approximately $22 million in funds for about 270 teachers, aides, and staff who help children with disabilities. *Work-Study Jobs: Around 3,320 fewer low income students in Ohio would receive aid to help them finance the costs of college and around 1,450 fewer students will get work-study jobs that help them pay for college. *Head Start: Head Start and Early Head Start services would be eliminated for approximately 2,500 children in Ohio, reducing access to critical early education. Our children's education and 21st Century Job Creation should be our top priority, and these cuts should be stopped.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pat Brown
The Education GovernorThe Kentucky Department of Education is trying to merge the school where my husband works, Jackson Independent School, with the Breathitt County Schools. We have a model school. Our recent report card score is in the 85th percentile statewide. Breathitt's percentile is 5th, very near the bottom. Their recent superintendent is in the federal penitentiary. If Governor Beshear really cares about education, he will ask KDE to give us the recognition for excellence that we deserve instead of destroying us.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Virginia Meagher
EducationAlthough Texas has the youngest population in the U. S., there is no advantage economically unless they are a well educated work force.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maribelle Davis
Save Our Children! A Call for Licensed School Social Workers!South Carolina Bill H 3365, calling for a full-time school psychologist in all South Carolina schools, is currently active in this legislative session and has been referred to the Committee on Education and Public Works. This bill stipulates that school psychologists must "identify students in need of mental health counseling, promote awareness of mental health issues and the availability of treatment, screen and identify students for mental health issues, and provide appropriate mental health counseling and make referrals for appropriate social services counseling". This bill does not take into consideration the already full caseload of school psychologists as well as their other responsibilities such as psychometric testing. We believe that licensed masters of school social workers are the missing component in this bill and would serve a vital role in filling the gap in mental health services for students. A recent study surveyed social workers, school psychologists, and school counselors in order to determine the actual proportion of their time that was dedicated to certain roles. The study revealed that school social workers and counselors spent more time counseling, while school psychologists spent more time with testing and report writing. If we allow Bill H 3365 to pass without including licensed social workers, our children could get “identified and possibly referred” to outside agencies but may not receive the services they need. The inclusion of social workers in this bill would bridge this gap between the student (and their family) and the school. Please sign this petition as support for including licensed masters of social workers as part of this bill. As South Carolina residents, we want to let the committee members know how much we value our children and want to ensure that their mental health needs are adequately served. We need your help! Working cooperatively, school psychologists and social workers will be able to offer comprehensive developmental, behavioral, and mental health services that will improve students’ social and emotional health and academic success. Please show your support by signing this petition.237 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Coletta Britton
Against Balanced calendar. Cabell cty schoolsIf you are against the spreading the current 180 days of school throughout the year and shorter summers then sign this petition! only sign this if you live in Cabell County!342 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Aaron Given
mayra uribeI am a mother of three babies who unfortunately had to seperate and I find myself going through hard times and not being able to pay for my student loans. A month after I turned 18, I enrolled in college and was introduced to student loans. I finished my associates with a balance of $26, 000 in 2008 and I havent been able to finish my Bachelors. I am afraid of bringing the balance to a higher amount. I can not even afford this loan how would I be able to pay it all. I would love to finish my bachelors because I can not find any well paying positions that does not require a B.A. I feel like I am in a country full of opportunites but why cant I continue growing being a born USCitizen. I have friends who are not even US Citizens and they obtain money through FAFSA and gov't grants without even having loans to pay back. And I am not approved through FAFSA because I work witjout considering the fact that I have three babies and I am single. I qant to finish school and fulfill my dream of obtaining a Masters Degree. Please help.me give my children the opportunity of having an education.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mayra uribe
Standardized FutureThe standardized testing, also known now as STAAR (formerly TAKS) is making a real education seem out of reach. Our kids are memorizing instead of being taught how to problem solve, and figure out problems on their own. I blame this on our cultures' need to have everything in one click. We should be investing in our kids' education not creating shortcuts for an exemplary status or extra funding. Schools used to be a place for education. Now it seems more like a business. My kids are in the 3rd and 4th grade doing algebra and geometry!! I did this in highschool. They are too young, and there is too much preasure to pass this test. Even teachers are at risk of termination due to poor testing results. Other countries got their education system from the U.S. before all this standadrized mess, and now they are all ahead of the U.S. in education. Bring back the real education that gives our children the right tools, values, and morals for the future, not a shortcut version that creates standardized dummies.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica
Financially Helping Prisons Instead of SchoolsIf you disagree with Governor Corbett's plan to provide less money for education and provide money to correctional facilities that do not help reform individuals, please sign this petition and pass it on to others for support. Governor Corbett, we whole-heartedly disagree with you taking needed monies from education and giving to for-profit correctional facilities.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lorna
Student's Educational Loan Interest Too HighLets stop the interest on student's educational loans - especially when the loans are in forbearance.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shannon