• Protect Toree Walker
    Toree Walker enrolled with Erie Community College to better herself. Her goal was to receive an education while using her athletic abilities in the process. Now because of a disorganized police filing, as well as erroneous reporting by the Erie Community College this child is being treated as a felon and in jeopardy of losing her athletic scholarship. More than that, my greatest fear is that her self-esteem and desire to want more may be tarnished because of how she has been neglected by school officials. To these detrimental outcomes we say shame! Shame on the Erie Community College for not doing enough to protect the rights and interests of one of their own students. The happy photograph Toree took with her Erie Community College teammates now has an accompanying mug shot to go along with it. She came to you, Erie, to be an athletic champion for your program, you at least owe it to her to be her defender. We are writing this letter to express our disdain for how Toree Walker is being treated and are asking that you as a school do more to protect this child’s best interests. I have been in touch with the National Action Network, Inc., and am continuing to build a broad coalition of support. We will continue to build avenues of support for her here locally as well as in the Buffalo area.
    334 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Marlon Coleman
  • Lottery Funds for NV Schools.
    Our school rankings are pathetic!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John F Corbin
  • Universal Pre-K
    The working families of Massachusetts are burdened by the high cost of Pre-Kindergarten care for their children. Studies have shown that Pre-K educated children fair much better in their educational careers. This will improve the state's economy as more people can can work, creating more income, and more demand for goods and services. It will also place a firm grip on the state's position as the leader in education.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Cokely
  • recreate vocational schools
    As a former teacher, I watched frustrated students drop out because they could not address the normal curriculum. Please create vocational school where students may learn a trade with hands on learning. For those students who can read and learn but prefer not to, the vocational school would be a huge motivator. Computer repair, web design, videography, etc would motivate kids to learn basic academic skills.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by suzanne lowrie
  • End Public School Corruption in NC
    In 2007, as a WCPSS employee, I did all the correct legal procedures to get an IEP for my son. Broughton HS responded by telling him to Drop Out when he was hospitalized. They denied assignments & gave him 8 Fs, denied all access to public education, including online. In Feb 2008, DPI found many violations, the staff had to be retrained in IEP. That April, at OCR mediation, WCPSS only offer was to accept the 8 illegal Fs, my son could only attend Broughton-who had told him 3 times to Drop Out, & I was to sign away all my son's legal rights. OCR pressured me to accept this. We got a legal aid attorney. WCPSS continued to lie & break the law. Their attorney lied & helped them break the law. Other state agencies- DPI, NC online public HS & Wake Tech all knew WCPSS breaks the law. 1 person said, "Your son's case isn't rare. It's saddest when they do it to children with cancer. This legal ordeal went on for 4 years, ruined my son's life. WCPSS was inexplicably hostile. All my son did wrong was refuse to Drop Out when Broughton & WCPSS told him too. DPI said, "They've really messes up. They will be furious at you & take it out on your son." Martin Middle School denied assignments & FAPE to a 6th grade neighbor with cancer, Durham Schools took care of her. Another mom said, "Change the names & Broughton did the exact same to my daughter... I've saved all the documents." Long horror story short, after 4 years, Legal Aid & Duke Children's Law filed the longest petition in NC on behalf of my son. We all learned we CANNOT ENFORCE EDUCATION LAW IN NC. WCPSS is corrupt, as is OCR (office of civil rights). Children in NC have no guaranteed access to public education in this state. Our lawyers & expert witnesses are willing to work on education reform in this state. It cannot be redeemed for my child, but this corruption still injures children in NC. To be denied access to public education is severe trauma for children, it does tremendous damage to innocent children.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trudi Wallace
  • Petition to ban Tom Corbett from speaking at Millersville graduation
    Tom Corbett is scheduled to be the 2013 Commencement speaker at Millersville University's Graduation Ceremony. Interestingly enough, he has proved himself to be an opponent of public education. Our speaker should be someone who makes education a priority and shows an interest in the students. Tom Corbett has consistently made decisions that work against the students. We have worked hard to get to graduation, and he does not deserve the honor of speaking at our ceremony.
    2,292 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Marinna Grasley
  • Environmental Education
    I am an environmental Program manager and am appalled at the lack of knowledge in the general population regarding the various environmental issues. The most obvious example, but far from the only example, the existence of Global Warming is not debatable. It is as certain as the fact that smoking increases the risk of cancer, but unlike smoking, Global Warming could shorten the lives of everyone! New York City talks about adapting to Global Warming by redistricting and declaring more areas 'flood prone'. How is New York going to adapt to to 128 feet of sea rise and level 5 hurricanes coming through every year. How is America going to adapt when 53% of its population are environmental refugees - forced to leave their homes. And this is only one of a series of environmental issues of which most people are completely uneducated.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Baumer
  • Tax NV Mining Before it is Gone
    The mining industry in NV has been getting a sweetheart deal for far to long. With Nevada schools continually ranking near the bottom, we need to invest more in education in Nevada. Democrats introduced SJR15 to set a higher tax rate and to tax mining proceeds. This can add up to $780 million dollars into NV education, depending on the tax rate that is set.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandon Parcell
  • Reopen the Cam. de las Crucitas Entrance at Gonzales Community School
    My daughter attends Gonzales Community School, and there is only one entrance/exit for parents to drop off and pick up their children. This causes chaos and congestion on the main street, the parent and faculty parking lots, the drop-off/pick-up lane, and the lane that just wants to get out of there. There is another entrance/exit, but it is closed and the gates have been locked. We need to get the attention of our board members to reopen these gates.
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CYNTHIA HALE
  • A-B Tech: Change Handling of Inclement Weather
    Many of us have noticed that A-B Tech often remains open while other schools and colleges in Buncombe County deem it unsafe to do so due to inclement weather conditions. A community college with a rigid attendance policy, prepared to tell their students, staff and faculty when they must be present, should be equally prepared to tell those students, staff and faculty when they are not required to be present. People's safety matters.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Proctor
  • Rebuild Adult Ed: K-12 & Designated Funding Stream / Reconstruir Educación para Adultos: K-12 y ...
    Adult Ed has been serving California for over 150 years, helping parents, the unemployed, seniors, young adults, & immigrants gain the skills they need to contribute to California at full power. In the last five years, it's been cut to the bone. Now Gov. Brown wants to move it to the Community College system, away from the low-cost programs in K-12 systems. The move would cost money. And it would make it harder or impossible for some students to access it. Keep Adult Ed as it - but give it a stable budget (a designated funding stream). Rebuild Adult Education to Rebuild the State. Adult Education Matters!
    3,936 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Eagleton
  • Amend Texas statute 85.007
    Statute 85.007 stipulates that any materials in HIV education programs for individuals under 18 years of age must state that homosexual behavior is not an acceptable form of behavior. Placing this requirement in training materials encourages a culture of hate and intolerance towards the LGBT community and has no place in our State's statutes. We call on the State legislature to remove this language from statute 85.007.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Carlson