Arizona State Legislature: stop SB 1213! Teach Arizona’s children scientific facts, not myth.My name is Vincent Pawlowski. I’m a a graduate student at the University of Arizona and father of two successful graduates of the public school system in Tucson, Arizona. I’m deeply concerned about the political attacks on quality, science-based teaching in Arizona public schools. Senate Bill (SB) 1213 is a direct assault on teaching the reality of climate science. The bill was introduced by climate denier Sen. Judy Burges. SB 1213 “encourages pupils to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues” including “biological evolution” and “global warming.” In other words, teachers would be allowed to present personal political or ideological belief, instead of the well-documented scientific truth. They try to make it sound innocuous, when in actuality the bill allows teachers to present personal political or ideological belief, instead of the well-documented scientific truth. The sponsor of the bill , Sen. Judy Buges, even admits to it saying she introduced SB 1213 to attack the teaching of the scientific fact of global warming. “It actually says in the textbooks that if you don’t believe in global change that you’re very misinformed,” Sen. Burges told the Arizona Daily Star. “There should be an opportunity for teachers to step up to the plate and give their opinion, if they have scientific proof, that it isn’t happening, that it’s a natural phenomena, without retribution.” Every major scientific institution in the world, including our own National Academy of Sciences, accepts the reality of human-caused global warming. It’s hitting the state of Arizona hard with 38% of the state facing severe droughts. Our children need to know about climate change because it literally puts them in danger and they will be the ones inheriting a world in which it is a stark reality. I appeal to my fellow parents, students, teachers, and concerned Arizonans: sign the petition to kill this climate denial bill in the Senate Education and Rules Committee and protect Arizona’s future. Thanks for your hard work, —Vince Pawlowski8,161 of 9,000 SignaturesCreated by Vincent Pawlowski
get self-defense workshops into our schoolsThere are safety concerns at schools everywhere; both small-scale and large-scale. I am offering to lead age-appropriate self-defense/safety workshops for all students and staff at schools in Palo Alto, Los Altos and Mountain View, California. Topics to include personal boundaries, bullying, avoiding conflict and escaping from a dangerous situation.82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jon Keeling
Don't Forget the Retired TeachersRetired teachers in Texas have not had a raise in over ten years. While the cost of living rises annually, we fall further and further behind financially. The Texas legislature has, over the years, used education monies for a number of other pursuits. We wish to have our retirements considered significant enough to be fully funded.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Gillette-Waters
Federal Student Loan Reduction Petition.GRADUATES!! ( Change is here) Do you owe federal students loans? Do you have financial hardship? Did you graduate from college or vocational school? Do you need assistance in paying off your student loans? If your answer is "yes" to all the above, you may qualify. A revolutionary new program to rescue those experiencing financial\economic hardship in paying off their Federal student loans is being launched. This innovative program is bringing a radical paradigm shift to this student loan repayment problem. To benefit from this program, there has to be a strong support base from eligible candidates who sign this petition so that it can be implemented. Features: Student loan repayment normally takes from 10 to 25 years. The repayment term for the new student loan program is 3 years for all candidates. The normal repayment term results in twice the original loan amount or more at pay off. The new program has all its participants paying only 25% on a 3 year term. The 75% is paid by the program at the end of the 3 years. Approximately 37 million Americans owe more than 1 trillion dollars in student loans today. The new program is targeting to enroll less than one half percent of the 37 million who owe student loans. Sign the petition to get on the program eligible list. This program will only accept applicants once every 3 years. We need as many potential candidates to sign in and support the program implementation so that the program can start helping those in need. How it works: The selected candidates for the program pay 25% of their Federal student loan balance in 36- monthly payments. The philanthropic program assistance pays 75% of the Federal student loan balance at the end of the 36 months. The entire Federal student loan debt is paid off in 3 years. Freedom from student loan debts has never been closer. Example: Total student loan debt= $20,000 New student loan- 25% = $5000 3- YR term in monthly payments= $5000\36= Approx $185\ month for 3 YRS. SIGN PETITION TO SUPPORT PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION TO START HELPING THOSE WHO NEED THE PROGRAM HELP.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Borrower Voices.
Stop Legislation that is Destructive to Primary Education in OhioYoung and developing students are in danger of not being promoted based on narrow and often inappropriate testing. Veteran teachers with masters degrees, decades of experience, and years of successfully teaching reading are being labeled "unqualified" because they do not hold the new and "out of the blue" required reading endorsement. Districts that can not follow these new restrictive laws will lose funding even further than last year's devastating cuts. And yet, tax money continues to be funneled into charter schools which are not held to the same standards. The authors of these laws failed to create a committee of licensed and professional educators so that knowledgable discussion and discourse can be part of the decision making. One can only conclude that the intent is to be destructive to public education.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S. Thomas
Education FundingEducation funding was reduced in 2011. I believe the funds exists to restore this funding for one of our most important assets (our children)1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tom Griffith
UP-better with education for allbettering everybody to have a great life1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by william l. burt jr.
Forgive student loan debtThis is for everyone and anyone having to struggle with their monthly bills while the politics and wall street class gets bailed out! Middle class needs a bail out!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christina chaney
Funding Social Emotional Learning in SchoolsSocial Emotional Learning is the way that people learn to interact socially with each other, resolve conflicts and emotionally regulate. Schools are important settings in which that learning takes place. By focusing on Social Emotional Learning in schools, we can impact the level of violence and trauma in society, as well as the overall social-emotional and academic success of students from all backgrounds.181 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ann Marie Sacramone
Governor Chafee: Einstein, Edison, Churchill would have failed High Stakes Tests!Albert Einstein was thrown out of 3 schools; Winston Churchill spent his school years at the bottom of his class; Edison and Tesla had trouble with learning in traditional ways and the list of the most brilliant and innovative minds of all time goes on and on. One size teaching fits no one. It takes teachers reading their students and monitoring their learning. Educational research has shown that mechanized tests do harm to all: children and, now, teachers and schools as well. Don't be duped by the corporate hype: corporate testing = big business = big profits!200 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Roseman Beade
Affordable Education in Our Nation’s CapitalThe University of the District of Columbia (UDC) is the only public college in our nation’s capital that confers bachelors and other advanced degrees. The District Council is threatening the existence UDC's four year BA and Masters programs for thousands of district residents and other students who lack the means to attend private colleges. Please join current and former students as well as education advocates in urging the District Council, Mayor and community to support this vital link in the chain of educational and economic uplift.276 of 300 SignaturesCreated by We are UDC
Written Medical Policy for school buses NationallyA written medical policy is needed for school buses in case of injury. My daughter Tyana went into asthma induced hyperventilation causing her fingers to stiffen and become locked. Her breathing was impaired severely from verbal bullying lasting over fifteen minutes on the bus. Students helped. I addressed the board of education in Marshall County Tennessee. They had only vague verbal instructions prior to this incident. They placed into writing a medical policy for bus drivers to follow. With as many children that have asthma today....it is important for me to make sure this petition exceeds my expectations to help all those who suffer injury of any kind on a school bus.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brenda Vu for daughter Tyana Nguyen