• Support of Public Schools
    Since the Court ruled that property tax cannot be the major source of school funding the Court should get involved in Governor Kasich's plan to reduce income taxes. Maybe the Court could specify the amount of State responsibility to the schools and that it be included in the budget before any reduction in income taxes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Austin Kuder
  • Governor Walker: Give Skyward the Contract
    My county, Portage County, has been consistently the most progressive, pro-worker county in out-state Wisconsin. A major, clean industry & employer named "Skyward, Inc." has produced the software used by over 200 school districts and has hundreds of local workers. The Scott Walker administration wants to have only ONE supplier of school district software and is set to award the state contract to an out-of-state supplier. This move will cost Portage County hundreds of jobs and an estimated $209 million. Help me fight the targeting of our county by a politically motivated state government.
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Wines
  • Our childrens education should be top priority
    Our childrens education should be top priority
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tina Decker
  • Support Senate Bill 164 and the NM School for the Arts.
    The NM School for the Arts has proven itself academically and artistically over the last 2 1/2 years, and has funded the arts portion of the school curriculum entirely through private funding for three school years. Senate Bill 164 seeks to amend the original legislation establishing this public/private charter school to allow the school to apply for available funds (not public education funds, other available public funds), beginning July 2013, in the state budget. At present, the school is prevented from even asking. This legislation would allow future requests, which could be approved, denied, or modified on a case by case basis. This school is the only school of its kind in the State of NM and, in three short years, has achieved a remarkable number of awards and achievements (http://www.nmschoolforthearts.org/about/awards-and-achievements/). The bill was passed by the Senate Education Committee, and now heads to the Senate Finance Committee. Please support the arts in NM and at the NM School for the Arts by contacting your state legislators on both the House and Senate education committees (House - Mimi Stewart, Christine Trujillo, Alonzo Baldonado, Nathan Cote, Nora Espinoza, David Gallegos, Stephanie Richard, Jimmie Hall, Dianne Hamilton, Rick Miera, Dennis Roch, Tomas Salazar, and Sheryl Stapleton; Senate - John Sapien, William Soules, Craig Brandt, Lee Cotter, Bill O'Neill, Michael Padilla, John Pinto, Pat Woods, and Gay Kernan). You can also contact the legislator who has introduced the bill, Nancy Rodriguez, to express your support. Also, please contact the senators in the finance committee who will hear this matter next (John Arthur Smith, Carlos Cisneros, William Burt, Pete Campos, Carroll Leavell, Howie Morales, George Munoz, Steven Neville, and Sue Wilson Beffort).
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Juli Stephenson Lang
  • Make ALL Nevada schools number 1 in our nation.
    Governor Sandoval, our children are Nevada’s future. ALL children in Nevada deserve the best teachers so that Nevada no longer ranks last in our nation in education. Nevada ranks last in the U.S. for high school graduates. In the top school districts worldwide, three things matter most: 1) getting the right people to become teachers, 2) developing them into effective instructors and, 3) ensuring that the system is able to deliver the best possible instruction to EVERY child. Nevada will dwell more on primary and secondary education. We need to make sure that ALL children in secondary education are prepared to meet the needs of our ever changing and demanding workforce, this means, preparing them for the world outside of Nevada and seeing that ALL are prepared to meet those needs through higher education. Without our children meeting the future workforce demands, Nevada will remain a workforce that only supports low-paying casino and mining jobs.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alicia
  • School Vouchers
    I have because of the requirements we can get help with paying for are kids going to school at a private one
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by School Vouchers
  • Save I.S. 318's After-School Funding
    I.S. 318's funding for after-school programs, including its national championship chess team, is at risk. After-school programs like these give students the opportunity to explore new interests and receive additional academic enrichment. Sign the petition to urge Mayor Bloomberg and Commissioner Mullgrav to fully fund these programs in this year's budget.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Councilman Stephen Levin
  • End the "Hunger Games" with OUR public schools!!
    Fayette County GA is looking to close elementary schools due to the State of Georgia NOT FUNDING the public schools. This is not an option people!! Funding of our public schools is a Law! The Ga State Constitution states that " The state is REQUIRED to fund our schools, not should fund!!! They MUST!! It is up to us.... Tax paying citizens to Demand the money owed to us!!
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brandy Roop
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robert yunk
  • Student loans
    I am in debt with student loan that I obtained from attending a Technical Institute. I am not working in my field. I paid back the student loan to Sallie Mae and her countier parts for a full year. I had unexpected changes in my life that prevented me from continuing to make the scheduled payments. I called and tried to get a deferrement/forbearing and was denied. Help!!!!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthia Jackson
  • Make Michigan Schools Safer By Adopting Three Simple Laws
    Every Michigander should be concerned about school safety. It is our duty to protect the most vulnerable amongst us. We have the money to improve school safety in Michigan. Now we need the leadership to from our state government to get it done.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chad Phillips
  • A New National Education Movement
    Education has always been a focus in my family's life. Not only has this been a means for my family to provide for themselves but also a means to enjoy the full richness of life. We need a national conversation and movement towards making our populace proud of their knowledge and encourage literacy to ensure our citizens' ability to participate fully in our democracy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Armando V Garcia