KEEP HEARST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL OPEN! STOP CLOSING OUR SCHOOLS!My son attends Hearst Elementary School which it has been stated may be closed. Our children's education should be our first and top priority and the stated cuts shuold be stopped.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Darnell Glover
PUBLIC EDUCATION IN TEXASPublic education188 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sheila Sachitano
Expand Virginia Virtual Academy Public Home SchoolMy grand-daughters live in Essex CO VA and are currently enrolled in Virginia Virtual Academy (VAVA) - an online public home school option. The elder granddaughter has an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Public online home schooling is an optimal and viable educational option enabling her to learn in a free and safe educational environment. Since the current Virginia Virtual Academy program only extends to the 8th grade, she will not be afforded this excellent online public homeschooling opportunity next year when she enters high school. This petition is a request for your support to increase Virginia Virtual Academy to include High School. It is also a request to support expanding Virginia Virtual Academy by increasing VA Counties enrolling students in this public school option. The VAVA online homeschool program provides increased educational opportunities for all children - especially those with IEPs who are often bullied in school..41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debra Boline
Missourians Fight For Teacher's To Keep TenureMissouri Politians want to take tenure from teachers and have them to be at will workers. Educators should be concern about a career choice that should not be politically power by elective officials. If any concerns it should be more funding for schools and teachers. There is a SENATE Bill requesting the termination of teacher tenure in this state. As an educator for 20 plus years, I advocate for teachers who will follow and deserve the few benefits of becoming a teacher. In urban areas teacher consistence in the classroom is a must.48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by stephanie Taylor
Education EvolutionOur present education system is very outdated compared to most first-world countries. We have simply fallen behind. We need a fresh start.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Colin Lewellyan
Save all Elementary School in Sioux FallsAll the children included my two sons attend Lowell Elementary School, funding for activities like chess club, music, etc. Our children's education should be our top priority, and these cuts should be stopped.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by James Cartledge
open source textbooks must be offered as alternativesThe cost of textbooks is exorbitant. Recently my stepson was told he needed to pay over $200 for an elementary algebra textbook at a community college. This is more than the cost of the course itself. I support a nationwide effort to lower textbook costs modeled on California's SB 1052 and SB 1053. For details see http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/california-politics/2012/09/free-digital-textbooks-to-be-made-available-after-gov-jerry-brown-signs-bills.html13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Levine
Paying $Billions to teachers for not teachingThis information was brought to me by Fox News. Why should we be paying teachers for not teaching our children.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ruby Schwanke
Stable Education Funding NowAs a Teacher and Parent of children in public schools, I have watched class sizes steadily increase while the quality of education declines. Quite frankly, we should be embarrassed by the state of our schools. You were elected for a reason. It's time to fix our broken school system with permanent, stable funding. Please act now!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Matt Brown
Governor Bryant stop student debtI have personally been effected by student loans I cannot afford to pay back. The interest just keeps mounting up and there seems to be no way out. I got my BS degree thinking I would be making a good salary when I finished college, but was suprised to see the jobs I qualified for only paid a little more than mimimum wage. I wish I would never went to college and kept the job I had for 10 years.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bonnie
Higher EducationI have had personal experience with the issue of the expense of higher education. My children have had college loans that seem never ending and they are soon going to have their own children with theses problems.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by CAROL JACOT
Killing Fine Arts Curriculum in MichiganThere are currently two bills in front of Michigan lawmakers, HB 4072, SB 133 that will circumvent/ eliminate the state requirement for one year fine arts credit for high school gradiation. This will be devastating to the performing, visual and practical arts curriculum for all Michigan's students, especially in struggling districts, where creative thinking skills and education are most needed.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Massoll