• Affordable College Act of 2013
    Assemblyman Dan Logue has introduced the Affordable College Act of 2013, two bills that will provide students throughout the state a quality, affordable education. AB 51 will create $10,000 degrees for CSU's, and AB 181 will create $20,000 degrees for UC's. Introducing these measures are the first step in opening the discussion for California to start thinking outside of the box for our students.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Assemblyman Dan Logue
  • Keep The Gov't Out of Our Colleges and Univ.
    NC Gov. McCrory says he wants to "change the basic formula and how education money is given out to our universities and our community colleges, not based on how many butts in seats but how many of those butts can get jobs." This would clearly affect a student's ability to follow their dream and will give NC too much control over their education and future. This would limit a person's ability to pursue basic happiness in a career by eliminating funding for majors in fields such as Gender Studies, English, Art, Dance etc. Tell him NO!!!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denise Leonard
  • Terminate Lauderdale County High School Head Football Coach Bob Grisham for Gay Slurs
    In a nation that is continually working to eradicate bigotry and inequality, comments such as those made by Lauderdale County High School Head Football Coach Bob Grisham in the public classroom about LGBT Americans and the First Lady should not be tolerated. A coach's and instructor's influence is key to the shaping of a young person's world views and character- Grisham's comments do not reflect character that will advance our nation's youth. We must send a message to our public employees that we stopped tolerating this type of bigoted speech 50 years ago.
    2,397 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Devin Kennamer
  • Vote NO to reduce benefits for children that fail to make “satisfactory academic progress” in school
    Stacey Campfield (R) Knoxville, proposed law SB132, to "breaking the cycle of poverty" by reducing Temporary Assistance to Needy Families benefits for children not making “satisfactory academic progress” in school.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alan D Williams
  • Teacher Certification
    I am an Instructional Aide. I would like to get my teaching cert. but I am unable due to finances. This petition is to work out a way for Instructional aides to become certified without having to pay to go to school.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Jackson
  • Save undocumented College Ready High School Seniors
    My students who have grade point averages of 3.00 and above are denied college acceptance and financial aid even though they have completed Elementary, Middle and High school in the United States. These students came into the country with their parents from nine months to five years old. Education is of paramount importance for all. Please support our bright, young, future generation.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Audrey Golaub
  • Reinstate Full Funding to Texas Education.
    If there is a $1.8 billion surplus, do not give it as tax breaks until all of the more than $5 billion cut from Texas Public Education is restored. My children attend classes with larger numbers of students, fewer resources (materials and teaching staff) and reduced oportunities like art or even elective science classes.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ferran Kaspar
  • Fair Cut
    As of Febuary 1,2013 all of the partime employees of the VCCS(Virginia Community College System) will have the equivalent of a two week reduction in salary. The partime employees receive NO benifits and have not received a raise in almost SIX years. Lets petition all government officials to make the same sacrifice.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by twyla neil
  • Help stop bullying
    Bullying is a big issue in today's society and I believe that we need to do something about it. My sister, my mother, my best friend and me have all been a victim of bullying. It needs to be stop before it ends a life.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paige Johnson
  • Student Loans Repayment Cap
    Currently there is no way out of student loans other than death (or hardship). I propose capping repayment at double what you borrowed. So if you've repaid what you borrowed twice over, the rest will be forgiven.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel W. Cleaves
  • U of C alumni petition against UCPD violence
    Four people were brutally arrested by the UCPD during a peaceful demonstration this Sunday, including a student and an alumnus of the University of Chicago. This goes against the spirit and ideals of the University of Chicago, and thus as alumni, we must make our disapproval known.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Chazin
  • NC Governor Threatens Liberal Arts Funding in NC Colleges and Universities
    On January 29th Governor Pat McCrory said publicly he would propose legislation to overhaul the way higher education is funded in North Carolina, putting the emphasis on job creation not liberal arts. Referring to a hypothetical gender studies course, McCrory said, "That's a subsidized course. If you want to take gender studies that's fine, go to a private school and take it. But I don't want to subsidize that if that's not going to get someone a job." The governor said he instructed his staff Monday to draft legislation that would change how much state money universities and community colleges receive, "not based on how many butts in seats but how many of those butts can get jobs."
    829 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Betsy West