WE WANT AK BACK!!!!All of the Nea Community Learning Center Learners are devistated after one of the most beloved, coolest, the ultimate in awesome, Angela Kramer being fired from the school. We need all the signatures we can get to bring AK back! Now WHO'S WITH ME?!?!10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kai Zeuben Sugioka-Stone
Support the Seattle Teachers' Standardized Test BoycottThere is a growing movement against the over-use of standardized tests, and teachers in Seattle are leading the fight. Teachers at Garfield High School in Seattle are refusing to administer a district-mandated test (called the MAP test) on grounds that the test doesn't provide useful feedback and eats up valuable classroom time. Instead, Seattle teachers want the MAP test dropped. The Garfield teachers wrote in a recent letter, "We are not troublemakers nor do we want to impede the high functioning of our school. We are professionals who care deeply about our students and cannot continue to participate in a practice that harms our school and our students." The MAP test is also riddled with scandal. It was adopted at a cost of millions of dollars to Seattle taxpayers amid a serious conflict of interest. Former SPS Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson, sat on the board of the company that produced the MAP test--the Northwest Evaluation Association--when the MAP test was adopted by the Seattle School District. A state auditor found this to be an ethics violation. Teachers have been told they must administer the test by February 22nd. If they refuse, the Superintendent of Schools Jose Banda has threatened them with a 10-day suspension. Join students, fellow teachers and parents in sending a strong message to these school officials to halt any disciplinary actions and immediately address the teachers' concerns.3,001 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Jess Kutch
Save the Jobs of JCCDC Head Start Early Head Start Providers!Providers are losing their jobs after reaching out for assistance from Washington in regards to their contracts and pay earlier last year. The Head Start Early Head Start Program has threaten to go center base which would eliminate jobs for over 30 small business owners. My mother who is a provider has lost her job and its has been hard, however we will do everything possible to stop this injustice from happening to others. Those who have lost their jobs wrongfully we ask that they be reinstated with pay.105 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Pam Hill
Protect liberal arts classes at UNC*This petition refers to all UNC system schools!* Governor Pat McCrory has only been in office for two weeks, and already he wants to dismantle some of the most highly-regarded education programs in the nation. In an interview January 29, he took aim at UNC-Chapel Hill, North Carolina's flagship university and one of the best in the country. Specifically, he said, "I think some of the educational elite have taken over our education where we are offering courses that have no chance of getting people jobs," referring to liberal arts courses. If someone wants to take a course such as "gender studies," he said, "go to a private school and take it." I was an English major, one of the so-called "educational elite" majors to which McCrory is referring. I became a teacher and helped kids in North Carolina go to college themselves. Our so-called "subsidized" Gender Studies program McCrory wants to nix has staffed students in rape crisis centers, research centers, NGO work, businesses, and law offices, among other places. Liberal arts courses don't *train* students, they *educate* them, preparing them to think critically, adapt to new situations, communicate effectively, and innovate--all skills the next generation needs in this ever-changing economy. McCrory himself has a liberal arts degree, which apparently enabled him to become Governor! We need to stand up this hypocrisy now and protect the valuable institution we have at UNC, before we become an assembly line rather than a school. Source of the quotes: http://projects.newsobserver.com/under_the_dome/mccrory_wants_to_revamp_higher_ed_funding_takes_aim_at_uncchapel_hill#storylink=cpy13,187 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Jen Job
1240: 97% of money received must go to the classrooms.Our State passes the Charter Schools Initiative by a narrow margin. This petition calls on the governor and legislators to require that administrative costs be not for profit and do not exceed 3 % of all cash received. 97% of the funding received should go to Teachers, Instructional Assistants, Counselors, Custodians, supplies, building maintenance & utilities costs support our students education.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alan Goodin
Restore the $5.4 Billion Cut to EducationIn the last session of the Texas legislature, the legislature cut $5.4 million dollars in education funding. This is resulting in the quality of education that our children should have.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charles Akin
Stop Vendetta Against Public EdPetition to end privatization of Public Education in Pennsylvania.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Crum
Kindergarten Enrollment Age RequirementsMissouri is holding our children back by keeping our children from enrolling in kindergarten if they are not 5 before July of the up coming school year! My child is advanced and ready for kindergarten after 2 years of preschool, but since she was not born until 2 months after the school year starts, they will not let her enroll. She has to play for another year in preschool instead of moving to kindergarten to learn, I cant afford private school! Other states extend the date to December 31st, lets get our children educated!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amanda
Make education a priorityI am an associate professor at Clayton State University who has not received a raise from the state since 2008.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Corrado
Stop Charter Schools in MississippiThis petition is to speak out and let our state officials know that we do not want Charter schools here in our state, but we want them to come up with more ways to help fund our public schools which are here now and serving our communities. I have two children in a district which has been taken over by the state. Although my children are honor roll students and could be accepted into one of these charter schools if one where to be opened in this area, that would not help the rest of our students who wouldn't be able to attend these schools. So where would that leave us as a whole community? Divided with no over all solution to a bigger problem.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carlos Harris
Investing In California's FutureWe look at education as a 'cost' rather than what it is; an investment in the future for our children.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roger Beck
Keep Wednesday Planning TimeNewport News Public schools is considering eliminating weekly collaborative planning time for Elementary schools. This time is vital to ensure that the many new and veteran teachers have time to work collaboratively to create lessons that challenge and engage all students.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julianne Miles