• 5 year-old girl: Help Find Justice For Bubbles.
    On January 10, 2013 the news reported a 5 year-old girl living in Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania for wanting to invite her friend to play with a bubble gun. She was labeled as a 'terrorist threat' and suspended at first for 10 days but the then nailed down to 2 and terrorized for wanting to shoot a bubble gun. The little girl was overheard by a parent and was not on school grounds when it happened. Here are links to the article: http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/21/us/pennsylvania-girl-suspended/index.html http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/World/2013/01/21/20513981.html?cid=rssnews
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary
  • Governor Martinez to Change NM Education?
    My daughter attends Middle School in Las Cruces with the help of an IEP. We are continually told there is not enough educational staff to give her all she needs to achieve real success. Will Governor Martinez support this years NM Congress in taking effectual steps to move New Mexico out of the 40's among the 50 states in our country?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Milton
  • Our children are worth more than concrete & asphalt!
    Pre-school education gives disadvantaged children the leg up they need to succeed in school & in life. Many enter kindergarten unprepared because the Governor has given higher priority to business & roads than to education. Our children's education should be MI's highest priority. Repairing roads will cost $1.1B, whereas pre-school for 4 y/o's can be provided for $130M, just $30 per taxpayer. We are ALL paying more in taxes. Let us demonstrate that our children come first, for their sake & the sake of all of us. Taxpayers should be allowed to direct our tax dollars to the full funding of pre-school for 4 y/o's.
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Awood
  • Mark Zuckerberg: Unfriend Chris Christie
    Mark Zuckerberg has decided to throw a fundraiser for Governor Chris Christie's reelection campaign. Zuckerberg made waves when he donated $100 million to Newark public schools in 2010. But just this year Chris Christie is trying to take $50 million away from Newark public schools -- half of Zuckerberg's donation. And that's on top of the $3.6 billion he's cut from New Jersey schools -- urban and suburban -- since he took office. Tell Mark Zuckerberg that he can't pretend to be friends with New Jersey students while buddying up to Chris Christie. He needs to cancel his fundraiser today.
    2,335 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Bill Holland, New Jersey Working Families Alliance
  • Mr. Hegarty: Give Us Our TAP Back
    I used to be able to go to my math classroom before class and ask my teacher for help on problems I didn't understand. Now, I will be forced to sit in first/second period, wasting time, while the teacher works with those few who need help. The new TAP Intervention schedule is a complete failure, and the only solution is to revert to the original configuration.
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Eric Mulhern
  • FreeKids2Pray
    Our kids have been blocked from praying in school for decades yet the argument of separation of church and state should no longer be tolerated if we consider our president is sworn in on a bible.himself. It is just as wrong not to allow children the option to pray as it is to force those who don't wish to pray to do so. Stand wit us as we reverse this injustice and again FreeKids2Pray.....
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James
  • Better life style
    Gun control is very important, I feel insecure for kids in schools, we need prayer back in schools. We need work to improve the economy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean-Claude
    The quality of education at Bowling Green State University is at risk because the university administration has abruptly and arbitrarily decided to terminate the contracts of 100 full-time faculty. On January 18, 2013 the president of Bowling Green State University, Mary Ellen Mazey, announced that the administration would be eliminating 100 hard-working and dedicated non-tenure track faculty at the end of spring semester 2013. The decision was not based on the quality of the instructors’ teaching, and no plan was offered to redress the inevitable imbalance of faculty-to-student ratio. In his remarks to the Faculty Senate January 15th, BGSU Provost Rodney Rogers spoke approvingly of allowing class sizes to balloon from a normal enrollment of 30 students to 50 or more students. In September 2012, President Mary Ellen Mazey announced her intent to increase BGSU’s enrollment by 6,000 students by the year 2020. In spite of these plans for growth in enrollment, BGSU’s top administrators aim to significantly reduce the number of faculty. Clearly, the administration’s short-sighted and mismanaged plan portends a troubling future for BGSU students: bigger classes, fewer faculty, and lower educational quality. The BGSU administration has cited the need to save money in the face of impending cuts to state funding. In Ohio’s new formula for public universities, BGSU’s share of state money will fall, and the administration claims that it must take steps to keep costs low. Yet its plan to save money in the short term hurts BGSU in the long term—course completion and graduation will not improve with fewer faculty and increasing the number of students in classes. The value of a BGSU degree should not be compromised by careless plans that put short-term monetary savings ahead of long-term quality education. Plain and simple: Decreasing students’ interactions with faculty diminishes students’ educational experience. By signing this petition you are sending a clear and direct message to Dr. Mary Ellen Mazey, Dr. Rodney Rogers, and Mr. William J. Primrose III that you REJECT their plan. Supporters of BGSU call on the administration to disavow its intent to cut the number of faculty and increase class sizes. Please sign the petition to protect the future of quality education at Bowling Green State University.
    5,481 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by BGSU-FA
  • Stop St. Augustine School from closing
    We have the money for St. Augustine School but now we don't have the money for 27 School's that going to close one after another. I'm effected in many ways as my children want to go to three (3) different schools now and lose their friends. Including 170 parents that have to go thru same situation my marriages are falling apart. Please someone help us now, they are making final decisions the regional board (two schools already have been closed).
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nrec LLeshaj
  • WIA Funding must be fixed!
    WIA is a government tuition assistance program for unemployed workers who want to retrain themselves for in-demand jobs, such as computer networking. The problem is that many participating schools have dramatically raised their tuition costs (my school went up over 208%!) in order to 'milk the program' (?). The WIA contract REQUIRES participants to complete their studies or face penalties, so many students are forced to take out loans they may not be able to repay in order to complete their funding or - in over a quarter of the cases - they drop out and never finish the program, having wasted two years of their lives in a futile effort to improve themselves.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Bohannon
  • Reinstate Wendy Davis to Senate Education Committee
    Educational cuts to TX schools have been significant in the last few years. Support those people who have been leaders in increasing funding for education.
    130 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gloria Morris
  • Re-Transfer Mr. Rosales
    We the student have been attending the Medical Assistant Course here at UEI, and we are about to lose and recive another instructor for the remainding of our time here. With the time spent in the class not only did we learn and extreme amount of Medical Assistant material, we the students have grown and built a bond with Mr. Rosales. The students education should be your top priority and the re-locating Mr. Rosales to another class should be stopped.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicole