• Davids Law
    support patients with Cystic fibrosis in public schools and help them get help as they need to have a normal day as others
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Wagner
  • Include Student Loans in Bankruptcy
    Many of us took out hefty loans and made many privately owned schools rich. Now we can't find jobs and still have to pay student loans. Almost every graduate student leaves school with loans over $200K. Our lives are shattered by the weight of these loans.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Seyed Hosseini
  • Education and Infrastructure will rebuild our economy.
    Tennesseans, we know that investing in our children and education, including arts education and access, and infrastructure, including public transportation, are key to rebuilding Tennessee's as well as the United States' economy. Let's start right at home and make tomorrow brighter for everyone--not just a few of us.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Ledbetter
  • US House, Congress & our Governer of TN
    Our Childrend Education should be Top Piority. Why would you guys want to always make cuts on fundings that will effect the Education system. Teachers are alraedy using there own money to help fund the education for our childrend and you guys want to take more away. STOP the Madness and TAKE THE MONEY FROM THOSE WHO CAN AFFORD IT. The RICH!!!
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Nation
  • Every Student Deserves A chance!!
    This Petition stresses the importance of equal financial support to all students in Illinois. We don't want to devide the alloted finances of any particular district between Charter and Public Schools. Support the public schools, like they've never been supported before, and provide an equal learning plain for all and we will grow, develope , and advance.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Prince
  • The Schools All Our Students Deserve
    As parents, students, and teachers, we see, feel, and think the right to an equal education has been denied. Education policies place test performance over learning. Education is a human and civil right. As a nation we cannot deny the next generations their rights and every opportunity to learn and grow. We, the people, must preserve, transform, and strengthen public education so that every child, regardless of their socioeconomic status and race, has an equal chance to succeed. Please review The Schools All Our Students Deserve http://tinyurl.com/axxs5mc
    372 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Save Our Schools/Chicago Teachers Union
  • Mississippi Must Hold For-Profit Colleges Accountable
    Over the last decade, enrollment at for-profit colleges has grown exponentially, with up to 10% of post-secondary students enrolled in a for-profit school. While some of these schools provide quality education to their students, many leave graduates with a high amount of debt and no job prospects. Last year, taxpayers spent $32 billion dollars on for-profit universities, but it’s an investment that doesn’t always pay off. According to the findings of a two-year investigation by U.S. Senator Tom Harkin’s commission on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions (HELP) into the practices of for-profit colleges, the majority of students who enroll in these schools leave without a degree – most within four months. Said Harkin “In this report, you will find overwhelming documentation of exorbitant tuition, aggressive recruiting practices, abysmal student outcomes, taxpayer dollars spent on marketing and pocketed as profit, and regulatory evasion and manipulation. These practices are not the exception — they are the norm. They are systemic throughout the industry, with very few individual exceptions.” Mississippi is host to dozens of for-profit schools, and even boasts a Commission on Proprietary Schools and College Registration, housed within the Mississippi Community College Board. The commission works hard to ensure that for-profit colleges are playing by the rules, but the rules aren’t good enough. This winter, we are asking that you join with us to fix three major gaps in the regulation of for-profit colleges. FIRST, THE LEGISLATURE MUST DEFINE THE TERM "IN THE FIELD." While state law requires that proprietary schools report the number of students who are employed “in the field”, that term is not defined in the regulations. That means that there is no standard for the types of jobs for-profit graduates are being placed in. Further, it leaves the employment percentages posted on school websites open to manipulation. We’re calling on the Mississippi Legislature to create a common sense definition for “in the field”, so consumers have employment information they can rely on. SECONDLY, THE LEGISLATURE MUST INCREASE THE STANDARDS FOR TEACHERS EMPLOYED BY FOR-PROFIT SCHOOLS. Currently, teachers need only possess a high school diploma or GED and three years of relevant experience to teach in a for-profit school. Teaching at the college level should require at least a two-year Associates Degree, and, once again “relevant experience” must be defined. FINALLY, THE REGULATIONS MUST REQUIRE THAT FOR-PROFIT SCHOOLS HAVE OPEN AND ACCESSIBLE COMPLAINT PROCEDURES. While every school has a complaint procedure, the process is often too cumbersome, dissuading students from pursuing their grievances. The Mississippi Legislature must create a streamlined process for complaints that does not discourage students from advocating on their own behalf. If you have a story of your own, please put it in the comments. We’ll deliver the petition (and the attached stories) to the legislature this session.
    791 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Whitney Barkley
  • Time for a New Secretary of Education
    President Obama: •RESTORE HOPE •END “Race to the Top” •END testing's tyranny •REMOVE Duncan
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Kelly
  • Make "No Child Left Behind" work - go Montessori
    This is a petition to ask our legislators to seriously consider allowing Montessori style education to become the norm, rather than a "charter" phenomenon. I have personally seen the benefits of the Montessori system work - the "classroom" is centered around the needs and learning styles of the children, rather than children having to adapt their learning styles to the "test-driven" education system we currently have in place.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pawan Sharma
  • Thanksgiving 2013 - A Campaign of Reparation to Native Americans
    Many people in the United States no longer want to celebrate Thanksgiving because they believe that we have lied about our history with Native Americans and exaggerated what they might have done to us while denying what we did to them. I would like to see the celebration of Thanksgiving be an opportunity to make fundamental change in that history.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Hamm
  • Investigate the Department of Education
    The department of Education is a subcontracting with scam organizations like "Great Lakes" to collect on standard student loans obtained from major Universities. Great Lakes cheats people regularly with the absurdly high interest rates and refusal or finding reasons to not refinance or consolidate the loans. Great Lakes is a subcontractor of the Government entity but there is no oversite to their practices and cheating student or parents who obtained loans in good faith that these loans would follow traditional student loan terms. Great lakes subcontractor has made these loans like the illegal "payday loans" making it a horrible thing to have one. My daughter is a nurse and she deserved to finish the 4 year technical programs with honors. Student loans exist are so we can have our best and brightest students work into society and not to be a source of fodder for the corrupt subcontractors who service these loans and see this as a windfall for greedy CEOs who run them. They get away with bad practices and there is NO Government over site of these bad contractors. The department of Education has a responsibility to function to encourage educating our best and brightest not to make ties with those parasite contractors who see this as a windfall and the victims have no recourse.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kathleen Sommer
  • East Rockaway, NY: petition to suspend assessment tests 2012/13
    Due to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation that our community and district have sustained, we feel that NY State Assessment tests should be waived for the 2012/2013 school year. Two of our three schools have sustained tremendous damage, and all of our 7-12 graders are currently displaced and attending buildings in other districts. Our K-6 grade buildings are currently combined, housing 45-50 plus students per classroom. In addition, half of our students have lost their homes and their belongings and are currently living with relatives and friends as they try to recover from the effects of this storm. Due to the current set of extenuating circumstances and the weeks of valuable instructional time that was lost, we feel that administering state assessment test this year would not provide NY with an accurate assessment of either our teachers or students and that test preparation would further take away from the instructional time this district has already lost.
    273 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Christine Del Valle