Governor Brown: People of Faith call on you to stop frackingGovernor Brown himself is a person of faith and well understands that the world is in peril because of pending climate catastrophe stemming from the burning of fossil fuels. Brown has even taken action to stop climate change, however, his permissive policies in regards to fracking undo his positive steps, not to mention threaten communities across California. Ultimately, Jerry Brown, to be a true climate leader, needs to do more than take half-steps around climate change and therefore needs to stop permitting all toxic forms of unconventional fossil fuel extraction techniques like fracking in California and move us to a 100% renewable energy economy. Climate leaders don't frack, and understand the imperative to protect present and future generations.155 of 200 SignaturesCreated by David Braun
Stop censorship of climate science in new school textbooks!Two major publishers have drafted new social studies textbooks for K-12 students in Texas that are filled with misinformation about climate change. Since Texas is the nation’s second largest buyer of textbooks, books produced for the state are often sold nationwide. The Texas State Board of Education is reviewing these books now, and will decide at its November meeting whether to approve them. Among other egregious errors, the draft textbooks from publishers McGraw Hill and Pearson assert there is an active dispute among scientists about the primary cause of climate change. The climate change-denying Heartland Institute is given equal footing with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which integrates the work of thousands of credentialed, peer-reviewed scientists. The publishers are responding to pressure from climate deniers on the Texas State Board of Education, who are determined to stop students from learning the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change -- that it is happening now and caused by human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels. Unless McGraw-Hill and Pearson correct the many factual errors about climate change before its books are presented to the Board next month, students across the country will be denied accurate information about the biggest global challenge their generation will face. It’s crucial that we send a strong message right away that censoring climate science in order to sell books is unethical and an unacceptable disservice to students, and must be corrected.70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Friedrich
Vote YES on 2: Stop Litter in MAThe Bottle Bill places a refundable nickel deposit on beer and soda bottles, and those containers get recycled 80% of the time. Other drinks like bottled water, juice, and sports drinks don't have the deposit and only get recycled 23% of the time. These containers are the ones that end up as litter in our parks, beaches, and ballfields, and we shouldn't tolerate it. Vote YES on 2 to keep Massachusetts beautiful.691 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Andrew Fish
Support Berkeley's proposed tax on Big Soda. Yes on D!The soda industry has spent 1.675 million dollars (over $21/voter) to date in an attempt to kill this community-driven initiative. Berkeley vs. Big Soda is a David vs. Goliath story about a grassroots children's health movement struggling against a massive corporate-backed campaign of disinformation whose only goal is protecting profits. Not only do we want a win at the polls on Nov. 4th, but we want to inspire other communities to take on this giant - show it can be done. Berkeley is an early adopter of social change. It was one of the first cities to voluntarily desegregate its public schools, offer domestic partner benefits, institute curb cuts in sidewalks, and ban styrofoam containers. What happens in Berkeley doesn't stay in Berkeley. Please visit BerkeleyvsBigSoda.com for more information.78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara Soka
Require fossil fuel emission labels to reduce CO2 pollutionLabeling how much CO2 we produce will raise personal awareness and increase personal efforts to reduce fuel use. This is a nearly free way to help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, and address global warming. A typical 16 gal. gas fill-up would note that "303 lbs of CO2 will be emitted to the atmosphere."20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Don Cooper
Tiny Butterfly vs. Big DeveloperThe wetlands adjacent to South Pond serve as one of the last remaining habitats of the critically imperiled Dukes’ Skipper butterfly. These wetlands are threatened by a plan that would plop 73 McMansions, built by billionaire developer William Pulte, onto a newly deforested plateau adjacent to the wetlands. The effluent from their massive, chemically treated lawns, would discharge into the wetlands only feet from where the Skipper has been sighted. In order to gain access to the planned development, the developer has applied to the Michigan Dept. of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) for a permit to build a road through the wetlands. The City of Ann Arbor’s Natural Areas Preservation (NAP) remains opposed to this road because in part because “The proposed road would be built very close to areas where rare plant and animal species have been documented, including Euphyes dukesi (Duke’s skipper), which is state-threatened and legally protected, and Carex trichocarpa (Hairy-fruited sedge), which is a species of special concern Michigan. It is likely that construction activities so close to the wetland will have negative impacts on these species and their of its impact on these sensitive wetlands.” The developer has applied for the wetlands permit even though a reasonable and prudent alternative, which has no direct impact to the wetlands, exists. This alternative, which provides better access to the development, has been vetted by the City of Ann Arbor Planning Staff and has been recommended for approval. We call on the MDEQ to refuse to grant this permit simply because a reasonable and prudent to this wetlands destruction exists. We also call on the developer to abandon this destructive plan and donate the wetlands and surrounding land to the Ann Arbor Parks Dept. as the developer had originally proposed. See southpondnature.org for more information and beautiful pictures of the area. Please help a tiny butterfly fend off a big developer and sign our petition. Thanks!1,320 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by James Bardwell
Save Kansas Endangered Species and Redbelly SnakeDelisting the redbelly has significance far beyond a single species… More important is the precedence of the corrupt process itself. Here we have Department Secretary Robin Jennison agreeing with biologists that the redbelly is seriously threatened but proposing delisting to appease legislators threatening to entirely repeal Kansas’ endangered species law if Commissioners do not do it for them. In reality, bowing to threats by politicians inevitably leads to “administrative repeal species by species” of our endangered species law as more truly threatened/endangered plants and animals are delisted when they become inconvenient to developers. So, we fight to ensure a healthy natural environment and species diversity for future generations of Kansans.327 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Craig Wolfe
STOP FRACKING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAOfficial documentation now exists and is readily available describing the contamination of central-California drinking water and farm irrigation aquifers from the illegal dumping of 3 billion gallons of fracking wastewater into these aquifers by FRACKING OPERATORS IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.140 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Linda Rosch
Mayor Mahoney: Stop 150' Cell Tower in Palos Park, IlDear Mayor Mahoney, Please, stop the proposed zoning changes that would allow installation of the 150’ Cell Tower at 12101 Southwest Highway, Palos Park, Il, 60464 DEFINITE DIMINISHED PROPERTY VALUES, possible disruption to adjacent underground water reservoir and 150' MEGA-CELL TOWER that BLIGHTS THE BEAUTY of the area make this unacceptable. This is regardless of the perceived health issues. We find that NO ONE WOULD EVEN CONSIDER BUYING A HOME NEAR A 150' MEGA-CELL TOWER. Would you? 7:30 PM December 8, 2014 Monday Meeting: Village Council to discuss this issue at Village of Palos Park, Kaptur Center 8999 West 123rd Street, Palos Park, Illinois 60464 Main: 708-671-3700 Please Call All our Commissioners to STOP THIS and PLEASE, Come to Meeting, if you can. Mayor: 708-671-3701 [email protected] Lori Sommers, Community Development Director 708-671-3731 • [email protected]93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joe Jeka
Residential Neighborhood affected by paint fumesI own a home in West Haverstraw (N.Y 10993) There is a warehouse 5 feet from my backyard that runs a business of painting cabinets/furniture with lacquer paint that fills the air with paint fumes. The Fumes come through windows of my home sometimes, we can even taste it. I have contacted the EPA,DEC,building inspector, Mayor of West Haverstraw Rockland County Heath Department (who said," its not in the budget any longer to come and inspect anything" local media and social media. I have 4 children we cannot live like this its unhealthy and horrible to smell. The building was zone 50+ years ago,We dont know who approved this 3 years ago allowing a industrial business to run so close to a residential property, this cant be right. Please help us by sharing,supporting and acknowledging this page.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christina Roldan
Gov. McAuliffe: Stop the Atlantic Coast PipelineIn September, Gov. McAuliffe announced his approval of a plan to allow Dominion Resources to build a new natural gas pipeline originating in the West Virginia gas fields, through Virginia, and into North Carolina. Dominion's proposed pipeline is the wrong energy choice for Virginia. It will negatively impact the agricultural, cultural, and natural resources in the region, especially water. It will impact valued public lands, among the most significant and unique in the East, that are relied on by millions for public drinking water as well as for outdoor recreation. Finally, through gas transport and combustion, it will expand greenhouse emissions from methane, eighty times more potent than carbon as a heat-trapping gas, and continue to fuel climate change. I hope you will join us in calling on the Governor to reconsider his endorsement of this destructive project.3,634 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Nancy Sorrells, Augusta County Alliance Co-chair
Energy Development & Transmission -Local zoning control at riskWe the below signed individuals are opposed to the amendment to Section 23-29-07 of the North Dakota Century Code control eliminating Subsections 2 and 3. As citizens of North Dakota we feel final say should stay at the County level. When permitting an oilfield waste landfill many issues need to be taken into consideration, such as setbacks from homes and businesses, the effect on values of adjacent lands and proposed development of adjacent lands, not just contamination! State officials attempting to take away the rights of local individuals is unacceptable.102 of 200 SignaturesCreated by T. Heinle