• Calling for a moratorium on ALL new transmission line projects in Illinois
    Block RICL, originated in northern Illinois, but now stretches across the midwest in a networks of friends, neighbors and families. We are joining our talents and resources to oppose Clean Line Energy Partners, LLC projects- including Rock Island Clean Line, Grain Belt Express, and Plains and Eastern, in addition to other unnecessary transmission line projects that are being proposed in the midwest - at the cost of billions of dollars to the taxpayer and consumer. Visit www.BlockRICL.com for more information
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Megan Faber
  • Stop Fracking in Illinois!
    The "Bradley Bill," SB 1715, was passed out of Executive Committee (11-0) to the legislature on Tuesday, May 21st. It will be "fast tracked" for a vote by the full body, and if passed, will be signed by Governor Quinn. We all know there is potential for an accident which could taint our last and best supply of water in this region, the Mahomet Aquifer. An alternative bill, HB 3086, contains a two-year moratorium on fracking and calls for further study. With all the unknowns, why isn't that a better choice?
    300 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Warren D. Welch
    We are outraged and betrayed by your recent Monsanto support. It is APPALLING to see your 2007 campaigning videos promising GMO LABELING, and then see you sign the 'Monsanto Protection Act'. WE DEMANDING GMO LABELING NOW.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Wilkerson
  • Governor Quinn: Stop the Mississippi Sand Frac Sand Mine Near Starved Rock!
    Mississippi Sand LLC hopes to make LaSalle County into a kind of frac sand mecca. And I, like so many citizens of my area, am terrified of what is in store for us! Mississippi Sand has laid claim to our world-renowned Starved Rock State Park, where they hope to blast apart the St. Peter sandstone, and mine for up to 40 years. Mississippi Sand is currently in operation with Archer Daniels Midland Co. and American River Transporation, who will be responsible for barge fleeting the silica. The Sierra Club, Prairie Rivers Network, and Openlands are presently embroiled in a lawsuit to challenge Mississippi Sand's mining permit. We must support them and stop MS from opening up the proposed pit!
    17,849 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Ashley Williams
  • Ban Fracking in California
    Fracking is a harmful practice with long-term problems. Drilling for more oil and natural gas does not change our dependence on fossil fuels. Mankind is changing the climate and now is a time to stop the damage by saying no to fracking.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Jurkovic
  • Aprobación de Ley de Basura Electrónica en Argentina
    La chatarra electrónica o basura tecnológica es todo el conjunto de residuos considerados peligrosos, provenientes de computadoras, teléfonos celulares, televisores y electrodomésticos en general que han sido consumidos o descartados.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicolás Alonso
  • Stop oceanic testing of military sonar weapons.
    Stop all military sonar testing, it is killing our oceans mammals.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julia Neely-Spain
  • Hawaii County: Let Farmers & Ranchers choose their tools!
    Act 79 is at its second hearing before the Hawaii County Council threaten agriculture on Hawaii Island and their right to choose. One rancher requested the bill be killed, saying it threatens the “well-being” of farmers and ranchers. “Frankly, I’m sick and tired of having to defend my life’s work,” he said. He is not alone....Let farmers and ranchers choose! If farmers & ranchers are going to survive, we need access to the most modern techniques and technologies. This Act would cut off our ability to use modified crops that are resistant to disease, if needed. It would mean foregoing potential help, like the Genetic modification that saved the papaya industry in Hawai‘i; without the Rainbow papaya, we would no longer have a papaya industry at all. This feeling is increasingly being discussed at dinner tables in the farming community. They are asking themselves, “Is it worth it" to continue farming? What will happen when our farmers get out of the business? They grow the food you eat....
    263 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Academia & Agriculture
  • GMO foods
    Ban gmo foods. There is enough proof from clinical studies that Gmo foods cause serious illness and death in animals. Pres Obama said he would sure to have gmo foods labeled. Instead he passes " The Monsanto Protection Act " no questions asked. People all over the world are against this. Studies have been done In France, Italy , India , etc. They do not want these imports pushed on them. Monsanto has deep pockets, obviously since so many on our government have their hands in it.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teresa DiBianca
  • Atmospheric Modification (Chem Trails)
    We demand to be informed of the contents of chemical dispersants being use in "chem trails" for atmospheric modification. We all (including government officials) have ourselves and our families health being affected. Human beings must not be used as experimental test subjects without our consent.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Ronald Eastwood
  • Ban Fracking in California
    California is too beautiful to destroy with dangerous fracking. It is important that we preserve and protect this state.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine Darrah
    The Pennsylvania State Democratic Party's current position on fracking is tax and regulate. A resolution was offered at their last meeting calling for a moratorium on fracking that never made it to the floor for a vote. They'll have a chance to consider the resolution at their June meeting. We want to make sure it gets to the floor for a vote and passes!
    464 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun