• It’s not enough to hit pause on human rights violations
    It’s not enough to hit pause on human rights violations Did you know the Biden administration has asked Israel to pause “actions in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem that could create tensions” ahead of the president’s visit to the region this week? That means they’ll play “nice” while the diplomats meet, but once the president is gone, it’s back to business as usual: occupation, evictions, bulldozers, and violence. Take Masafer Yatta — just weeks before President Biden’s first official visit to the Middle East, Israel began the largest forced eviction in the West Bank in DECADES. At least 1,000 Palestinians living in the villages of Masafer Yatta are facing eviction as the Israeli government continues its strategy of illegal encroachment in the West Bank. It’s not enough for the Israeli government to simply pause their human rights violations, and we can help put a stop to them once and for all. Usually, this kind of aggression by Israel’s government would be overlooked by the United States. But with President Biden touching down in the region today, and members of Congress already speaking out, we have a unique opportunity to push for more and to STOP the evictions and demolitions before it’s too late.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Tell Unilever: Let Ben & Jerry’s Respect Palestinian Lives
    Ben & Jerry’s is in court protecting their decision to stop selling ice cream in occupied Palestinian territories, after a betrayal by their parent company, Unilever. To appease the Israeli government, Alan Jope, CEO at Unilever, authorized a backroom deal to sell the franchise to an Israeli company – essentially overriding Ben & Jerry’s decision. Sign the petition: tell Unilever to stop its betrayal of Ben & Jerry’s and Palestinian human rights. Ben & Jerry’s made the human rights-affirming decision in 2020 to stop doing business in occupied Palestine, following a decade of grassroots organizing and campaigning by Palestinians and allies across the globe. In 2021, Ben & Jerry’s finally went public with their decision — after a particularly brutal Israeli military assault on Gaza which killed over 200 people — and during a huge surge of international support for Palestinian freedom. Now, a year after Ben & Jerry’s public announcement, their parent company, Unilever, has made a backroom deal to sell ice cream operations to the Israeli licensee rather than honor Ben & Jerry’s decision to respect Palestinian lives.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Granate Kim
  • It’s time to repeal the 2002 AUMF!
    20 years ago — George W. Bush lied to Congress and received authorization to invade Iraq. It is now 2022 and Congress has left that law on the books and open to misuse. The good news is, right now, we’re as close as we’ve ever been to repealing the Authorization for the Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002. And with your help — we can pressure Congress into repealing the authorization for good. It is dangerous to give presidents the authority to wage war unilaterally. During the final year of the Trump presidency, Donald Trump used the ‘02 AUMF to assassinate General Qasem Soleimani of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps with a targeted drone strike in Iraq. That assassination brought the U.S. dangerously close to an all out war with Iran. It makes no sense to keep this legal authority to wage war against a government that hasn’t existed for 19 years on the books.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture
  • Increase Mental Health Benefits for Medicare Recipients
     With 2.9% of every company's earnings contributing to the SSA, I am urging the decision-makers to consider the welfare of such a diverse community of citizens who are so in need of a hope to hold on to. By making one small step for man, we can rest assured that addressing this issue head-on is the most important leap for mankind during this prevailing crisis. By increasing policies to aid the crisis itself, I believe that taking action will create a domino effect in which others will want to be apart of. It is not too late to make a difference, sign this petition to propel this initiative forward and enact change in our country today. 
    419 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Kaysha Florvil Picture
  • Free Cuong: Demand that ICE Release Cuong's Detainer!
    Cuong Phan is a 46 year old incarcerated Vietnamese immigrant who came to this country in 1984, when he was 8 years old. Cuong was sentenced to serve 15 years to life for gang-related shooting in September of 1994, even though he wasn’t the shooter. He was just an 18 year old boy when he was arrested. Cuong has since taken full responsibility for his actions, serving 28 years in State Prison. In this time, he’s completed multiple programs (Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Criminals and Gangs Anonymous, Lifer's Activity Group, Anti-Recidivism Coalition, Meditation Buddhist Pathways, Going Out By Going In, Partnership for Re-Entry Program); built his skills in the trades (Vocational Machine Shop, Computer Services and Repair, Vocational Mill and Cabinet, Braille Transcriber); and continued his education to earn 6 college degrees. Cuong is now the Supervisor for the braille program at Ironwood State Prison, which helps produce books for blind and disabled students across the nation. The company he works for has also offered him a job when he’s free. Cuong was recently granted parole, pending Governor Newsom’s approval. His release will be in July of this year. However, ICE has issued a detainer on Cuong. This means that ICE requested the State Prison to notify them before releasing Cuong. On his release day, instead of being freed, Cuong will be detained by ICE, and potentially deported to a country he’s never known. Cuong should be reunited with his family and community, who are ready to support him and his freedom. Will you sign the petition TODAY to stop Cuong from being transferred to ICE?
    1,978 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Vanndearlyn Vong Picture
  • President Biden: Don't Shake Hands With Saudi Arabia's Oil Dictator
    It is total hypocrisy for the U.S. to oppose Russia's oil dictator Vladimir Putin while supporting Saudi Arabia's oil dictator Mohammed bin Salman. But according to news reports, President Biden is about to travel to Saudi Arabia to restore U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia's brutal oil dictator, Mohammed bin Salman. Biden may travel to Saudi Arabia later this month in order to shake the Saudi dictator's hand. Saudi Arabia's state-owned oil company, Saudi Aramco, is the world's largest corporate climate polluter. Meanwhile, the Saudi dictatorship has used billions of dollars in U.S. weapons to starve and kill thousands of people in Yemen. Tell President Biden not to shake hands with Saudi Arabia's dictator. SOURCES: 1. "Biden to Travel to Saudi Arabia, Ending Its ‘Pariah’ Status," The New York Times, June 2, 2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/02/us/politics/biden-saudi-arabia-trip.html. 2. "What do we know about the top 20 global polluters?" The Guardian, October 9, 2019, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/oct/09/what-we-know-top-20-global-polluters 3. "Yemen: US-made weapon used in air strike that killed scores in escalation of Saudi-led coalition attacks," Amnesty International, January 26, 2022, https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2022/01/yemen-us-made-weapon-used-in-air-strike-that-killed-scores-in-escalation-of-saudi-led-coalition-attacks/
    5,360 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Veterans to Manchin: We Need Clean Energy Now
    When we were called to serve and protect our nation, we showed up. Congress: the American people are now calling on you for action. It's time to deliver real clean energy security that takes the power back from hostile dictators and greedy corporations.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Perry O'Brien Picture
    INDICTING THESE INDIVIDUALS IS ONLY FAIR! COMMIT THE CRIME, DO THE TIME! By NOT acting, & indicting them, YOU ARE ENABLING THEM, TOO! By your inaction, you are normalizing terroristic behavior from our elected public officials. Congress has ways to deal with traitors amongst their ranks. THERE ARE LAWS TO DEAL WITH THEM! USE THEM!!!!!! CENSURE THEM! WRITE RESOLUTIONS TO EXPEL THEM! DEMOCRATS, CALL FOR THEM ALL TO BE EXPELLED! DO YOUR JOB TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC FROM FUTURE DOMESTIC ENEMIES. You took the oath, to protect us from enemies, foreign & domestic. HONOR YOUR OATH! If you DON'T indict them, they are emboldened to continue lying to the public, inciting continued violence from their supporters, & not only obstructing a Democratic agenda, but still in office, pressing for their abysmal agenda, which persecutes women, children & families across the nation. Furthermore, since they're not charged with insurrection, they can run for re-election, no problem! And continue terrorizing the country! WE CALL ON CONGRESS & WHITE HOUSE & DOJ TO DO YER JOB!!! CENSURE, CHARGE, REMOVE THESE TRAITORS FROM OFFICE, & BAR THEM FROM FUTURE ELECTIONS. I personally urge all of you to DESIGNATE THE GOP AS TERRORIST ORGANIZATION! Although this sounds fair to me, probably most Americans would not agree with this measure - yet.
    439 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Trista di Genova-CHANG
  • Save Ukraine
    Absent peace in Ukraine, our countries face escalating confrontation, with grievous additional harm to its population and great risk to the world. Peace requires courageous mold breaking cooperation and reciprocity between Russia and the US in accord with the interests of the government and people of Ukraine. Nuclear plants, humanitarian corridors and safe zones must be secured immediately by UN peace keepers. Following a cease fire, President Putin must withdraw with dispatch all Russian forces from Ukraine. President Biden can create an atmosphere for peace by declaring that the US does not support Ukraine’s membership in NATO and stationing of weapons with offensive potential. Following the precedent of the global solution to the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Biden should end the US embargo and other regime change actions in Cuba just as President Putin abandons such pressure and aspirations for Ukraine. Russia should end its claim to the Donbas and the US should return the land of the Guantanamo base and prison to Cuba. Secretary of State Blinken’s worthy sentiments apply as much to the US with Cuba and Venezuela as they do to Russia with Ukraine and Georgia: "the principle that one country can’t dictate to another the choices that its citizens would make about their future; the principle that we’re past the time of spheres of influence where one country subjugates its neighbors to its will. *********************************** The Mariupole Theater pictured above is reported to have sheltered at least 500 civilians and been visibly marked "children". It was attacked on the 54th anniversary of the My Lai Massacre. Local authorities say over 300 people died in the theater; 504 were killed in My Lai. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/03/25/ukraine-russia-war-mariupol-theater-death-toll/ *********************************** Additional background on the Ukraine-Cuba link is here https://cubapeopletopeople.blogspot.com/2022/02/cuba-and-ukraine-personal-reflections.html
    155 of 200 Signatures
    Created by John McAuliff
  • Tell Congress and President Biden: Ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers!
    Most people think sending money to a friend or family member in need is a personal matter, but ICE disagrees. We just found out that ICE has been collecting personal financial data on millions of people who use money transfer services like Western Union.1 ICE can use this data to try to target immigrants who send money back to their families, and potentially deport them. The federal government should never be in the business of spying on people who are just trying to financially help their friends and family. Sign the petition: Tell Congress and President Biden to ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers! For millions of people in California, Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas, who recently used a money order service, like Western Union, their personal information and the personal information of the person they sent money to likely ended up in a database without them even knowing – a database that is shared with ICE and other law enforcement agencies. Since 2019, ICE used administrative subpoenas to money order and cash transfer companies like Western Union to collect sender and recipient names and addresses. This essentially criminalizes people for not having bank accounts, and specifically targets immigrant communities of all kinds for the commonplace practice of sending remittances back to family members. Once Senator Wyden started asking questions about the program, ICE shut it down.2 That’s because ICE has gotten so out of control that they don’t stop to question whether their actions are legal or not – they’re just out to hunt down, detain, and deport as many immigrants as they can. This has to stop. ICE has consistently proved that they will abuse any amount of power given to them. That’s why Congress and President Biden need to act now to specifically and permanently ban ICE from spying on people’s private financial data. Sign the petition: Tell Congress and President Biden to ban ICE surveillance of money orders and cash transfers! Sources: 1. Buzzfeed, “ICE Conducted Sweeping Surveillance Of Money Transfers Sent To And From The US, A Senator Says,” March 8, 2022. 2. Ibid.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • President Biden: End U.S. Support for Oil Dictators
    From Russia to Saudi Arabia, oil dictators are helping to turn our planet into a giant war zone and climate disaster. But even as the Biden administration works to stop Putin's invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. also arms and protects every single oil monarchy across the Middle East. Saudi Arabia's monarchy has been America's top weapons customer. Meanwhile, the dictatorships of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have led a brutal war of starvation and bombardment in Yemen. To make matters worse, the Saudi and UAE rulers are literally refusing to take President Biden's phone call. Meanwhile, global gas prices could drive a worldwide recession while these dictators and Western oil companies make a hefty profit. It is time for the U.S. to stop investing in oil dictators who are helping to drive a global climate crisis. President Biden must stop supporting the brutal oil monarchies of Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and every other U.S.-backed autocrat across the Middle East. Source: 1. "Saudi, UAE leaders declined calls with Biden amid Ukraine conflict: report," The Hill, March 8, 2022.
    5,860 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Sunjeev Bery Picture
  • Sign now: President Biden must open the door to Ukranian refugees
    The UN estimates as many as 5 million are ultimately at risk of being displaced by Russia’s invasion. Countries across the globe are already opening their doors to Ukrainian refugees — but in the United States an arbitrary refugee “cap” will shut the door in the face of too many. But there’s a simple solution: President Biden can increase the cap. He has the power to do it — in fact just last year we saw him raise the limit he set for FY2022 from 62,500 to 125,000. Why? Because people like us pushed him to. We have an opportunity to push the Biden administration to realign our broken immigration system with our professed values. Will you help? Add your name to tell President Biden: Raise the FY2023 refugee admissions cap to no less than 200,000!
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Win Without War Picture