Law Maker's Time to Own UpI am tired of hearing about the monetary and other benefits that are allotted to our law maker's and policy maker's - all of congress, governors, legislator's - every politician while the rest of us go without. I have no pension, I have no health insuraNCE. I have worked since I was 11 years old, starting out babysitting - and sometimes working three jobs to survive. These people got us into this economic mess - its time they sacrificed something. Just like every other American who has worked an honest job and then retires with barely a scrap of what they paid into Social Security - they should be getting the same.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Kelley
Fair interest on savings accountsThis may concern seniors the most but it should concern everyone. Banks make 6-8% on loans; we get .01% on our savings. The government encourages us to save to supplement Social Security but an average $8 a month isn't enough to buy dog food. I am most definitely personally affected by this absurd rate. I was a well paid executive before I retired. My pension "disappeared" and all I have left is some savings, These rates have forced me to live below the poverty level.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mae B. Haynes
Congress should give up their payCongress aproval rating is 9 and thats not based on a 10, that's 9% out of 100%. The average yearly pay in Congress is $174,000. The Median wealth of all members in Congress is $911,510. The average salary in the US is $47,000 and they will tax us more. You see the reason they won't raise taxes on the wealthy (just pay what we pay) Is because they will be affected. Essentially if they did not receive pay or lobbyist monies they in turn will less likely to tthink of themselves. A seat in Congress should not be your only job. Especially for someone who goes to work half the time and doesn't produce anything.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brian Tibolla
Congresional Seats, limited TermWe are all affected by so called career Cogres people1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Louis T Piccoli
Dumb Laws of Utah 2013There are many laws in my state, and I have picked out some, that dont make any sense. I am sure many of you will agree with me.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Spasoje Kulasevic
Voting Rights ReformVoting rights should be amended to the constitution and should be controlled by uniform national laws not state laws.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Zoghanno Holmes
Equal benefits and less payMaking legislators have state benefits equal to all state workers.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kerri Gavin
Impeach congressmen who signed Norquist Pledge.Congressmen have signed a sworn oath that contradicts their oath of office.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy Miller
Southerners against SecessionI am concerned about the number of people signing the petition to secede from the U.S. I think this is a distraction from what our government should be focused on. Let's show our support for the President by starting a petition not to secede.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Hampton
Entitlement cuts for Congressmen and Senators.Republicans need to compromise! We elected President Obama because he has everyone's best interest at heart, now let him lead us to a more humane and prosperous existence.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Lou Morabito
Reform apportionment for all elected officesThe American people have been disenfranchised by both parties. In the past election Democrats received more than a million more votes for house seats than Republicans, but Republicans hold a majority in the House. The House is the People's House but the people's will is not expressed in the House of Representatives. This and voter suppression are killing our democracy. All allocations for federal, state and local offices has to be done by a nonpartisan committee using computer models of approximately equal geographic area and equal population density!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerry Lakatos
Cancel Christmas for Dems & Reps. CongresspeopleUntil the fiscal sitution is solved by the Reps & Dems, all Christmas breaks should be cancelled!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SEPeters