• Have fact checkers at the presidential and VP debates
    Have fact checkers at the presidential and vice-presidential debates and all news programs interviewing the candidates. We don't need pathological liars in government. Or perhaps I should say we don't need any more pathological liars in government.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by gloria urban
  • rick scott/florida turned down electronic oxycontin government mandated doctor regulations.
    In Florida Rick Scott turned down even the oxycontin manufacturer donation of 1 million dollars intended to be used to electronicly monitor the doctors who legally dispense oxycontin and methadone to kids who are not even sick except that they have turned into addicts, pushers, or dealers because of this very system of pill mills. As an aside, he allocated $800,000.00 to law enforcement to crack down intermediaries, pushers, dealers, and the addicts themselves. Addicts travel miles over state lines to exploit this situation, which ends up creating more addicts, overdoses, and disease and death, hurting the general welfare of communities and millions of Americas in our country. Incidentally, he bequethed his $62 million interest in Solantic, a state wide chain of medical clinics across Florida, to his wife.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J. Stone
  • Mandatory fact check before campaign ads can run.
    We need to make it a requirement that before a campaign ad can run on the airwaves, it must pass a fact and truth telling requirement by an independent fact checker. When campaigns are won by those who can afford to buy the airwaves, we need to ensure the public hears the truth about each candidate.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beki Parmentier
  • Debate 2 question suggestion
    Talk about the secret armies exposed on Scoville's books and Duncan's books.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Wiley
  • Have James Carville moderate the presidential debates
    For the love of all that is right and just in this world, Jim Lehrer cannot moderate another debate. We need a moderator with guts. Someone who can hold his own. We need James Carville
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Wyl Villacres
  • Abolish the Electoral College for 2016 Presidential Election
    Regardless of which political party you support, I know you want your vote to matter. With the current system for electing the President, the truth is that not every vote matters. Delegates and states are deciding who becomes President. Once a candidate receives the magic number of electoral college votes, the will of the people in the other states becomes meaningless. That is not democracy! It is possible to quickly count the votes of the entire American electorate, and starting with the 2016 Presidential election, that is how we should elect the President. Please sign my petition and make every vote count.
    419 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Debbie Mamana
  • Romney recruiting Chinese campaign contributions
    It has recently been announced that immediately following the first debate, Mitt Romney plans to go to Hong Kong to hold a fund raiser for people in another part of the world to make their wishes known in the Presidential election. This should be, if not illegal, at the very least highly questionable if not immoral, unethical, and un-American. It is probably not the first time funds have been raised in another country, but it should be the last.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Score
  • One person/one vote
    Kill the electoral collage for voting presidential elections.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry Keyes
  • Streamlining US Federal Election Laws
    Codification of federal election laws, Safe paper ballots that can be both scanned and counted, Moving voting day to weekends to use federal buildings,schools,city halls,post offices rather then churches. Free federal government issued ID's for everyone.Bar coded ballots with a pin number mailed to poor or rural areas with no place for ballot access. Centralization of ballot counting sent to an NPA committie to be recorded, kept and located in the nations capitol. What has been happening in the last few Federal Elections effects all US citizens.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C Grenier
  • Early voting
    Demand for early voting on weekends.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clinton Wilder
  • Harry Reid: Senate Simple Majority - say no to fillibuster
    We saw last term now the Republicans stifled every good idea with the fillibuster. That can change if Harry Reid announces that all issues will be decided on by a simple majority. He didn't do it 4 years ago and see what happened. Let's remind him again, and again.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jean Bennett
  • Statemanship Before Politics
    Congressional tactics, such as the frivolous and frequent use of "super majority", preventing both passage of legislation and the approval of administrative appointees solely for political reasons is an afront to our democracy. I am concerned that 2012 election will not result in mandate for either party. The potential for continued congressional grid-lock will exist and nations business will continue to be the "empty chair". The voice of nation needs to be heard calling for re-emergence of statemanship over politics as core value of Congress. "Signed oaths" dictating loyalty and voting behavior potentially outside the interest of one's constituents is both dishonorable and immoral. We're calling for Congress to re-think and revise their ethics to discourage such behavior. We are also calling for the admendment of congressional voting rules (i.e. super majority) to prevent needless quid-lock of nations business solely for political purposes.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Clinkscale