• Abolish the Electoral College
    Electoral votes determine who our president will be, not the popular vote. The 538 Electoral voters are hand picked by the polital parties.This Red state - Blue state winner takes all approach is archaic and a dangerous concentration of power. Since 1944 every Gallup poll indicates the majority of Americans are in favor of an amendment to allow for direct election of the president. The 17th amendment gave us direct election of senators. It's time to take back the power of the vote and abolish the electoral college! To better understand how the electoral collage works: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2004/story?id=199823&page=1
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cynthius Scanlon
  • Social Security Retirement for Congress and Senate
    Effective immediately, retirement funds for all members of Congress and the Senate--past, present, and deceased--should be moved into the Social Security retirement system. They should live with the same retirement benefits as other American citizens.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice J Williams
  • Conflict of Interest
    Conflict of interest in politics should be eliminated. Makes for truer democracy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Vierra
  • Separation of Cash and State
    Elected officials need to be able to run and debate other politicians running for public office on the merits of their specific policies they are promoting without taking money contributions to fund their campaigns. The old way of politicians going to the wealthy, the wealthy sponoring a politician and big business financing political campaigns only corrupts and influences our elected decision makers to pass laws and regulations to benifit those that fund their campaigns.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jr levine
  • Term Limits
    We need to put term limits on all Senators, Congressman, Alderman, Judges and even Supreme Court Judges. Many of these individuals are just sitting there biding their time to retire on obscene pensions while they enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ann M. Gutierrez
  • Republicans RENOUNCE your allegiance to GROVER NORQUIST
    Most, if not all, Republicans HAVE PLEDGED ALLEGIANCE to GROVER NORQUIST (and his insistence on their ALWAYS voting against ANY new taxes). Such a pledge MAY under some circumstances supersede the allegiance to THE flag of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. An occasion may happen, for example, in time of war or another SPECIAL NATIONAL NEED that new taxes are not only important, but even necessary. The Republicans' NORQUIST pledge may interfere with national security.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vince Williams
  • Term Limits
    Only 2 terms per House and Senate. They tend to business of their employers (We the People) Not start re election campaign the minute they get to DC.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne
  • Approval Voting - Getting past the "Lesser of Two Evils"
    Even after we get money and corporations out of politics, we will still be stuck with choosing between the "lesser of two evils" unless we adopt an extraordinarily simple change to go from our current "Plurality Voting" method to one called "Approval Voting". The Problem For example as a Progressive in 2000 you might prefer Ralph Nader over Al Gore. But you know that voting for Nader could cause Gore to lose so you must vote for Gore (whether you see him as the "lesser of two evils" or simply less desirable) to stop Bush winning or vote your true preference and risk Bush getting elected. The Solution Approval Voting allows you to vote Yes or No for every candidate on the ticket. So vote Yes for BOTH Nader AND Gore, while voting No for Bush. You do not have to compromise your values and you do not in any way aid Bush in winning. The Purpose of this Petition The purpose of this petition is to get as many organizations as possible to educate their members about Approval Voting and to demand it. Ultimately we want support from organizations across the spectrum; non-partisan, civic, professional, issue-oriented, Green Party, Libertarians, non-profits, NGOs, corporations and ultimately even the Democratic and Republican parties. Let's start with MoveOn.org spearheading the effort because many members here are opposed to preemptive war, murder by Drone, bailouts for financial criminals etc., regardless of which political Party is abetting the crime. For more information see: http://www.electology.org/approval-voting
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dane Cobble
  • End Bad Laws
    For over 235+ years all of the early organized political parties have consistently manipulated our laws at one time or another in our history for the express reason of eroding the "Natural" rights and freedoms of the American People. From the very first draft of our Constitution and Bill of Rights there was many revisions which focused on ones personal agenda based of their personal belief system which was and is strictly prohibited in that very Constitution. Along the way our Justice System allowed many of these rights and freedoms to be consumed by endless delays and conjecture that in the end no due process was allowed. This is now the 21 Century and our laws need to be revised for this cultures mindset and not that of the 17 hundreds for the simple fact that they don't apply anymore. It is time for the American people to hold all our elected officials accountable both past and present for their actions and to bring to justice all of these changes manipulated by those who voted for these bad laws.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard
  • Constitution Amendment to overturn Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United
    Constitution Amendment to overturn Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joe
    This year, we need to send a message that we are tired of the gridlock and total blockage of ideas from our representatives in Washington, and at the state level. Please do not vote for your current local, and federal representative's...name recognizition will not do this time...Send them all home and replace with new, serious people who will do the work....
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by connie murphy
  • United Citizens Anti Foreign Political Corruption Act
    Stop foreigners from buying our elections. Only allow U.S. Citizens to contribute to political campaigns. Protect American values.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin