Confirmation of knowledgeTo prevent laws and bills becoming overloaded with legislation that the member is not aware of it shall be required that each member of congress confirm that he has read and understood to the best of his ability the matter being voted on by personally signing each page of the act before voting.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lantz Powell
12 year term limit for Supreme Court JusticesHaving a radical in any Government position is objectionable, but having one who's position is protected for life, or as long as THEY choose, is damaging to the country. If there is not going to be a process for removal of activists judges, at least there should be a 12 year term limit with the option of a review (reconfirmation) for additional periods of four years. America should not be stuck with an activist judge who shows up at political rallies and is invited to dinners by parties in upcoming cases. There needs to be remedies and consequences, and at the lease term limits and review.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Eric Newlon
Supreme Court Justice Scalia Must ResignJustices of the United States Supreme Court are supposed to do their best to be Non-Political. As the senior member of the Court, Justice Antonin Scalia should know that. However, in Arizona v. United States (2012), Scalia's dissent heavily criticized the Executive Branch, specifically singling out the Office of the President, in an obviously political statement. We are demanding that he resign.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by b brian tupaz
Defang The NRAThe National Rifle Association is the most powerful political group in America. In actuality the NRA is functioning as the fourth estate of America's government; and it thereby has demonstrated that it has the political power to shape any legislation or regulation that it chooses completely independent of the wishes of the majority of American voters.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Beckett
Unified Peoples Treaty10% of American military expenditures goes to The U.N. to bring world peace. It's called The Unified Peoples Treaty. People can sign and send to their Congress person.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by One Oshen
Quit spending my money16 trillion in debt and over 300 billion in interest every year1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ryan
Repair or Delete the Electoral CollegeAs we watched Al Gore win the popular vote in 2000 and "lose" the election in the Electoral College because of winner-take-all counting in most states, I thought, how is this possible and how can we change it? I learned that each state has the right to determine how their electoral votes are assigned, and that several already have proportional voting. Let's make this a practice here in Massachusetts.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jeff Kittay
Congress Replenish Social Security Fund before increasing ageCurrently the fund is underfunded, because it's been misused by Congress. Replenish the fund with interest before increasing the age, to the level it should be. If this means Congressmen giving up their pensions then that's only fair, since they depleted and possibly bankrupted the fund in the first place. Too many times do they get by, by manipulating programs at their current status instead of making them right and using them for what they were originally intended.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lincoln J. Ward Jr
Let people vote on any and all elected officials wages and benefits.Let us voting citizens vote for any and all Elected officials wages and benefits.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jay Nagy
Term Limits for members of CongressMy petition is about TERM LIMITS. We have them for the President but NOT for members of Congress. So many representatives and senators are elected and then think they are entitled to a lifetime job. I believe they should be limited to 3 terms for Senator and 4 terms for Representative.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Eberhardt
Stop Campaign Spending!Candidates should each get equal $$$ for running a campaign.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Evan Rogovi
Term limits for US legislatorsWe must have term limits for all US legislators. A line item veto would also be great and in-power the executive branch of government to eliminate the bartering of votes for "pork Barrel" state and local federal funds which would enable the president the power to balance the budget.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joseph Leistman