• Congressional Pay
    We, the people, need to act like the bosses we are. We should control when and how much our elected officials get paid.
    105 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Arlie Daniel
  • America: Fix Congress!
    No matter the political affiliations, the American people are sick of the inequitable political system that exists today. The fix is simple: Control the Lobby industry, which robs the American people of a responsive government. End the filibuster, a tactic that is useless to the American people. Finally, allow simple majority rule in congress and let's get to work on the issues at hand!
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ron Rios
  • Congressional Reform Act of 2011
    Restructuring congressional entitlements
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Curt Evans
  • Congressional Reform act
    Congress needs to wake up, and see what is happening to the middle class.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray
  • Fishing & hunting licenses should be valid for 365 days
    Fishing licenses sold in Oregon should be valid for one year from the date of purchase. As it stands, if an Oregon resident was to purchase an annual fishing license on say December 2nd, this "annual" license would expire on Janurary 1st.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Lowe
  • End unregulated corporate giving in politics
    We have too much money in politics already but at least you can usually tell where it came from. I believe the Supreme Court decision is ludicrous. I believe it has NO history outside of the Courts. They legislated and that's wrong.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Schimelpfenig
  • For a Constitutional Amendment to Federally fund all House, Senate and Presidential elections
    Removing the influence of outside monies on the electoral process thereby returning the focus of elected offiials to the voters who elect them. Personal fortunes would not be allowed by a candidate. The election cycle would be shortened to six months. Candidates would qualify for federal election funds through a petition process carried out by volunteers.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James DeVito
  • A Constitutional Amendment to Limit Political Contributions and Ban Professional Lobbying
    Section 1. No citizen shall contribute more than $1,000.00 directly or indirectly to influence an election per election cycle. Contributions by non-citizens are prohibited. Section 2. Only citizens may attempt to influence legislative or executive action. Nor shall any person be permitted to act in such manner for compensation.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Schuhmann
  • 2012 Child Support Reform Act.
    In Brief, This petition is about reforming the Child Support Guidlines,There are way to many Non Custodian Parents that are suffering due to the unfair treatments of the Court System,and the Continous Abusive use of the Court System By the Custodial Parent, for personal Gain.
    1,198 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jason Allison
  • Campaign finance reform
    Right now corporations and wealthy individuals can provide enough funding to cause a candidate of their choice to be elected to public office. Politicians are essentially bribed by wealthy constituents or corporations so they don't work for the people who elected them when they get into office. They work for the special interests of the people or corporations who funded their campaigns. There should also be oversight and limits placed on lobbyists in Washington DC regarding their ability to spend money on politicians.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by beth valdez
  • A Cut in all Politicians’ Pay, Social Security and Healthcare
    All politicians’ salaries, Social Security benefits and healthcare costs shall not exceed the current middle-class medium of their respective states
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by J America
  • Justice for crimes against the people
    The so called "PATRIOT ACT" goes against everything this country stands for and the founding fathers visions, the Bill of Rights and we believe it to be an act of treason. The Declairation of Independence used some strong language. Strong language is needed now. Sacrificing our Liberty for a small measure of safety, we deserve neither. The PATRIOT ACT should be repealed and it's authors held accountable for this ball and chain.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rev. Karl E. Nordquist