Oklahoma Health Advocacy and MedicaidOklahoma needs to assure the health of all our citizens and utilize the programs available through the Afordable Care Act.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Vesta Edwards
Expand Medicaid for TennesseansMedicaid expansion should be done in order to provide affordable healthcare coverage for those Tennesseans who will remain uninsured if Tennessee opts not to expand the program. The federal government will pay 90% of the cost and Tennessee will pay 10%. This saves the state money in healthcare cost.486 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Leatrice Burgess-Lester
Expansion of Medicaid Needed by TexasAs a physician anesthesiologist, I know of many ill patients who are citizens, hardworking and yet can not afford health care.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Catalina E Garcia, MD
Healthcare for South CarolinaThis petition is about making sure millions of people living in poverty-stricken South Carolina have actual access to affordable healthcare. Relying on emergency rooms and the like isn't nor has ever worked and it is a drain on the economy and the taxpayers involved in making that economy work. Well, No more - we need healthcare reform in South Carolina and sane people to realize that healthcare is an absolute right, not a business to be bartered around with! After seein Meidcaid get rejected in my state and realizing all the people who could've been helped, South Carolina is on the verge of being on the wrong side of history, yet again. Let's not make this mistake. We need to make this a serious issue, and that begins here.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S-3 Burton
Health CareI am writing because I would like Oklahoma to accept the expansion of Medicaid because I have friends who desparately need healthcare and don't qualify for the insurance even though they are low income enough they need it I myself qualify because I'm disabled but I have friend who has been sick for 3 months and is having a hard time getting healthcare to find out what is wrong and I'm trying to help him but him and his wife are scared to do the tests but don't have a choice to find out what is wrong and help him get well. I don't want my friend to die so I'm trying to help them get to doctors appointments and I just went to the pharmacy for him and they wouldn't fill his prescriptions and he needs them to get the testing done. Please help me and others like me who need healthcare and please let the Medicaid expansion go through thank you very much.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charity Crosby
Medical Treatment for Battered WomenIn Tennesse, a battered woman must name her batter before reccieving medical care. I am an artist and anthropolgist that learned about the plight of battered women doing a course on battered women at the University of Tennesse at Chattanooga. I have followed this terrible action on women since that time. Bills introduced in the past have failed in the State House in TN. The government must realized that abused women personality change as they are abused, and they tend to fault themselves plus more women are killed by their abuser. Yes, an attempt was made by a person to abuse me, but I was strong enough to escape because I realized the consquences. Silverrene Roundtree2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Silverrene Roundtree
Tell the Missouri Legislature: Accept Federal Medicaid FundsUnder the Affordable Care Act, states are eligible to receive new funding to expand their Medicaid programs. Missouri lawmakers have so far refused to accept the funds to expand Medicaid in Missouri, but the fight's not over. Tell Missouri state legislators to accept federal Medicaid dollars and protect the nearly 400,000 Missourians that would benefit.6,402 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Christian Norton
Medical Treatment for Battered WomenIn Tennesse, a battered woman must name her batter before reccieving medical care. I am an artist and anthropolgist that learned about the plight of battered women doing a course on battered women at the University of Tennesse at Chattanooga. I have followed this terrible action on women since that time. Bills introduced in the past have failed in the State House in TN. The government must realized that abused women personality change as they are abused, and they tend to fault themselves plus more women are killed by their abuser. Yes, an attempt was made by a person to abuse me, but I was strong enough to escape because I realized the consquences. Silverrene Roundtree4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Silverrene Roundtree
Missouri State Legislators: Your Fellow Missourians Need Your Help!The lives of the men, women, and children of Missouri are at stake. The deadline for action is drawing near. Our legislators must approve Medicaid expansion now.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Richard Green
Single Payer Health Care NowPass Senator Tom Duane and Assemblyman Richard Gottfried's Single Payer Healthcare bill.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Charlie Hoyt
Allow Physician Assisted SuicideI am part of the growing population of older citizens, many of whom have life-threatening illnesses. My friends and I are concerned that there is no legal way to assure ourselves of a painless and peaceful way to choose our own time of death.301 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Arlene Stark
gov haley sc needs obama careas an army veteran this dosent affect me.but as i visit many hospital i see so many poor people who needs medical help.and the quality of care is very poor.by refuseing obama care you are denying so many people better health care.and of course this does not affect the well to do when you refuse obama car.what you are doing is not fair to the poor sc residents1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by conrad