• President Obama: Change Two Stipulations In Obamacare
    My son has been informed that when Obamacare is implemented his hours will be cut from forty to twenty-nine beause the business where he is employed will only allow forty-nine full time emplyees. Hence, he will not earn enough to support his family or buy individual affordable medical insurance. In order to enable more people their rightful access to medical insurance, there needs to be more people working full-time.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emily Duby
  • Fair Copay for Chiropractic, Physical Therapy, and Occupational Therapy
    New Mexico has the highest accidental drug overdose rates in the country. Often people become addicted because of musculoskeletal pain that could have been treated successfully with physical medicine. Copay amounts for doctors of chiropractic (DC), physical therapy(PT), and occupational therapy(OT) are too high. This discourages patients from seeking conservative treatment first and causes them to resort to utilizing opioid drugs and surgery more often. The “Health Practitioner Cost-Sharing Rates” bill helps patients by reducing the copayment amount for a visit to a DC, PT, and OT to that of a primary care physician.
    822 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Michael Pridham
  • Affordable Care Act
    Implementing the Affordable Care Act.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ewang Epie
  • Implement Healthcare Law
    My wife has been unable to work enough during her lifetime due to a medical problem, that the doctors I have had to pay ignore as a disability. I recently retired and can not afford to purchase healthcare insurance for her. Governor Scott will not implement Federal Law which is the only hope for getting her coverage.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Coby L. McKenzie
  • Gov. Scott, Floridians want Obamacare
    Governor Rick Scott, is attempting to deny Florida Citizens the right to receive Obamacare.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beulah
  • repeal the $500 million Amgen giveaway
    Amgen Gets a Gift From Congress. Senate aides inserted a giveaway into the “ fiscal cliff” bill that will benefit the drug maker, but will cost Medicare $500 million. nytimes
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica
  • EXPAND MEDICAID with our Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act
    There were people who died waiting to get on Medicaid in Indiana years ago. PP & ACA would pay 100% for approx.3 yrs; 90% thereafter. IN already pays for those 300,000+ friends, family members, & neighbors who would qualify. Private insurance monopolies just raise premiums partially caused bythe mandated ER care initiated by REAGAN. I would have died without Medicaid that helps cover Medicare premiums. The people that will be saved are our friends & neighbors. Those that will benefit are ALL of US of A. Call Gov. Pence and IN Assembly so they can affirm this Medicaid expansion before, if I'm not mistaken, the session ends in April. When they affirm that, they will help us all affirm our humanity as Hoosiers & truly patriotic and compassionate Americans. Finally: it will also be fiscally responsible. It's a win/win. Help do this wonderful thing. I thank you--and your neighbors needing healthcare will thank you, too.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by el emer
  • Increase State funding of public mental health programs
    Rick Perry and the Texas State Legislature don't seem to understand the chaos they caused in 2012 when they relieved Metrocare Services, the State of Texas public mental health program, of $156 million. I've seen services reduced, I've seen longer lines for patients in need of treatment and a reduction of quality care. Texas is now 51st in terms of public committment to public mental healthcare issues. Yes, Mississippi, the poorest state in the union, has better public mental health services than does Texas, and even Puerto Rico has better services than Texas, the third richest state in the union.
    185 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Hilgers
  • Senior Dental Care
    There are too many seniors in Texas walking around embarassing teeth or no teeth and lack of good dental care. They suffer from gum disease, digestive problems because they lack the ability to pay for it. When your teeth are bad, your health system goes down the tube.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by ETHA GRAY
  • Maryland Medical Malpractice Obstacles
    Given the fact there are so many obstacles to discourage former patients from submitting a medical malpractice case in Maryland, I have had a great deal of trouble with my case this year. Why does the Maryland House, Senate and Governor make patients' situations as difficult as they do? Medical Doctors obviously do NOT want to sign a Certificate of Merit against another M.D. Given the fact you must have a signed Certificate of Merit to enter a case into the Maryland Health Care Dispute Resolution Office, many doctors guilty of malpractice are never found responsible for their distructive actions. A psychiatrist, Dr. Sanjeev Singhal, decided I was bipolar, even though I am not bipolar. After being labled as bipolar, no practioner would listen to my MS symptoms. My former Neurologist, Dr. Prafull Dave, would not write me an Rx to MRI my brain, that I requested, while I still had RRMS. My former Orthopeadic M.D. , Dr. Mark Chilton, even wrote in my medical records that the pain I was experiencing was because I was bipolar. Given the fact I knew something must be wrong with me, I kept trying to have a health care professional to properly diagnose my condition. After my Multiple Sclerosis was not diagnosed or treated for more than 3 years, my MS developed from Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis to Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and I am now permanently and totally disabled.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick J. Arieno
  • Govenor Jindal stop cutting Medical and Mental Health Funding
    The massive cuts to Health Care, and Mental Healthcare Funding in the State of Louisiana. My daughter is a mental health patient, and her healthcare is cut. She has loss the local facilitied in the New Orleans Region to assist with her care.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronalda Frank
  • health care
    health care that everyone should have. Also, medicare for state employees who are retired needs a lot of work. Who came up with Generation X should be ashamed. That affects me since io have paid for this for many years.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by doretha bradley